Gotta love this! For the Teenage know it alls!

I Love It! I Need It! I Have To Have It!!!
I'd like to air drop them all over Cleveland..
Seen that on a t-shirt once, a while back.
It's true... I mean ask yourself (and be honest...) when (we) were teenagers... didn't we know everything? Couldn't we, rule the world?

damn right we could've.
Yeah, I thought I could rule the world back then. Course that was in the '80s and I fully expected to be ruling a post nuclear B grade movie holocaust world. Motorcycles, spiky football pads and mohawks, baby!:biggun:
Yeah, I thought I could rule the world back then. Course that was in the '80s and I fully expected to be ruling a post nuclear B grade movie holocaust world. Motorcycles, spiky football pads and mohawks, baby!:biggun:

Well, you could always move, challenge Jon Corzine, and take over in 2010.

Gotta love that!
Brings back fond memories of my kids teenage years, when I could embarass them by being seen in public.
Well, you could always move, challenge Jon Corzine, and take over in 2010.

:EG: Now, there's an idea...a scary as hell idea but an idea none the less. I'll need one of those really futuristic breathing apparatus for the stench though.

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