Goin' Pro...


2nd Black Belt
Apr 11, 2002
Reaction score
Missoula, Montana
Yup, I'm not a professional Martial Artist. It is my sole source of income and an full time job. And a dream of mine since I started training. Lotsa work go into this job, and I've not yet scratched the surfcace. Anyone else out there looking to up their status? And any pro's have any advice?
My goal is to Have my own Studio someday.
I curently Hold Black belts In Arnis & Ju Jitsu
Im 2 Time N.Y. State Kumite Ju Jitsu Champ
3 Time Opean,2001 National Champ For The USJJF
2001 JJIF North American Champ

I've also 1 A Titel Belt at Joslyin
Canadian Grappling Chapionships

I Hold a 14-3 Record in Kumite Ju Jitsu
Im 4-1 in Grappling Competition & 1 -0 In MMA Through
The United States Combat Zone Assosiation.

I Cross Train in Wrestling & Try to keep an opean

Im' currently Training out Of Den's Dungeon
Wrestling,Submissons & Striking.

I Want to Pass on My Knowledge & Support
My Family Through Martial Arts.

But For Now I will keep Working in The Glass Feild
Untill I can open My own Shop.

How did this come about? Last we talked you were doing the Job Corp thing, fill us in. Best advice I can give you about being a paid instructor is keep your cool and have a lot of patience.
I miss you late night in the chat room! Anyway, yes that was my goal, and if I remembered you had your reservations. I've meet some "Jobbies" and have not been impressed. I took to answering the phones at the studio because no one else was, and one day Mstr. T asked me "Why go to Job Corps if you already have a job? We'll talk." The next day I put on my best suit and we talked. Currently I'm in the position of Program director, pretty much a school lieutenent, in a position of power but as an underbelt, bowing to those above me. It's a good learning enviroment where I have a nice base salary, and can make some good commision. Some really good commission. If I work hard, I get more. Pretty simple. I enjoy it immensly.
What do you mean by pro? If everything goes well I will be a pro fighter in Thailand some time within the next year or 2... maybe less, who knows. Somehow I don't think you meant pro fighter though..

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
best of luck james...hard work and dedication pays off!!! congrats:D
So how is it going NOW?
Are yoiu satisfied training people for liveing?
I know you went overseas and trained and ought. Are there any plans in the near future to do so again?
I'm moving to Thailand Dec. 1st (in 6 weeks). If I don't get involved in movies right away I will be fighting professionally. I'm counting the days.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Best of luck to the both of you
Keep us infomed as to your accomplishments and headachs in your respective areas

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