go kan ryu



some thing worries me!

lately my students have come to me telling me about a "style" called go kan ryu.
this organisation gets members by knocking on doors and getting people to join by telling them all other clubs in the association are not legitimate etc.
this worries me as the national govening body for all martial arts in the uk is the EKGB (english karate govening body) or one of there sub associations, have never heard of this association(?)

and another thing, since when did you learn unsu for your 3rd/4th grading? as this is what these guys are teaching.
can anyone shed any light or opinions on this type of organisation,
thank you:asian:
Originally posted by lucifersdad
some thing worries me!

lately my students have come to me telling me about a "style" called go kan ryu.
this organisation gets members by knocking on doors and getting people to join by telling them all other clubs in the association are not legitimate etc.
this worries me as the national govening body for all martial arts in the uk is the EKGB (english karate govening body) or one of there sub associations, have never heard of this association(?)

and another thing, since when did you learn unsu for your 3rd/4th grading? as this is what these guys are teaching.
can anyone shed any light or opinions on this type of organisation,
thank you:asian:
Well I don't know about Gokanryu, but as far as the Unsu goes, in my opinion, it is better to learn this kata when you're younger and more agile. Nidan or perhaps Sandan. Any later you're either too tall or too heavy to land the arial 360 crescent and a rear thrust kick. That is why you rarely see this kick performed completely. Usually the rear thrust is omited since the practitioner can't get enough height off the ground and lands prematurely.

Gokan means “rape” in Japanese.
I met one of their 3 dan students from Australia and they were really bad.
They do versions of shotokan kata of the likes I have never seen before. (That’s my PC way of saying they pulled it out of their backside)
Regarding 'Go Kan Ryu'.

It was started in Australia by a guy called Sullivan. He trained up to 'Shodan-ho' [they give you the belt but you're not really a shodan ?????] with Goju-kai and then he moved on to Kei Shin Kan karate [very similar to Shotokan].

Kei Shin Kan karate was formed by the late Takazawa Masanoa who was a student of Toyama Kanken. Toyama had studied with Higaonna Kanryo sensei a little, but was mostly associated with Kentsu Yabu sensei and through him to Anko Itosu sensei.

Getting back to Sullivan. The guy is a rip off merchent of the first order and the karate he teaches is worse than rubbish. He has made himself wealthy on the stupidity and greed of idiots who think you can 'buy' karate. The tactics of knocking on doors and signing people up is their hallmark. After six weeks they try to get you to open up a club of your own and continue with the scam.

He meant Go Kan Ryu to be a mix of Go = from Goju- ryu and Kan = from Shotokan, but he got the kanji wrong and [as pointed out by Ryu Shin Kan] used a kanji for 'rape' by mistake. Though, when one sees the way he fleeces money from people, maybe rape isn't too far from what he's doing.

Next time one of them knocks on your door, kick em in the bollocks!

Originally posted by Mike Clarke
Regarding 'Go Kan Ryu'.
Next time one of them knocks on your door, kick em in the bollocks!


:rofl: thats a good one!

Being in Australia I actually had one of these guys knock on my door. My brother (a Wing CHun practitioner) answered it and after 'discussion' politely told the guy he was not interested.

One of my friends is a Goju Ryu black belt and he only has nasty things to say about these guys. If I remember correctly he said Go Kan Ryu ripped of the Goju Ryu patch (fist) and turned it the other way. My friend's instructor also thinks very little of them.

I do know that they compete heavily in point competition. Personally I think they emphase the tag aspect too much... I don't know much about Karate but a game of tag isn't martial arts to me.

Hope I didn't offend anyone, I'm just the messenger :D
thanks for the info guys,
since i stared the thread ive spoken to my sensei about them, and alegadly (sp?) they tried sueing the english karate govening body becouse the E.K.G.B. said in a statement " the gokanryu black belt uniform consists of a stetson and spurs".
interprite that how you will, but any way they lost the case:D

on the note of unsu, yes a agree it is a kata for the more able martial artist but to teach it to yellow belts? i think you'll agree no begginer can understand the intracasies of a kata such as unsu, can they?
Also, from what I have heard, Naihanchi is their black belt kata.
It is Australia's version of the McDojo.


I spent ten years living in Perth/Fremantle and know the Goju community in W.A. quite well as I also train in that style.
Sullivan did indeed rip-off the Goju-kai fist [He did some training with Tino Sabrano (?) before 'founding' his own style.
I've had their regional instructor in my dojo and it was pittyfull.
Unadultrated crap!!!!!!!
I stand by my advice to all who meet them, Kick em in the bollocks!

Can't say what Mr. John Sullivan is these days? I guess it depends on what he wants to be? I know what I see him as, but due to the nature of this forum and the fact there are some children who might be reading this, I'll keep those thoughts to myself.

Your giving the Mc dojo's a bad name mate:p

Originally posted by gravity

I do know that they compete heavily in point competition.

points competitions?
there are lots of these types of clubs around this area and i do take my students to points competitions, for many reasons i wont go into, and ive never seen them at 1!
maybe what you guys call points is differant to what we do(?) but anyway, im learning more and more about these guys, i heard 2day about a guy that got his 2nd dan after 3 months! it has taken me 10 years!! and this guy is still veiwed as the same level of competance as me, does anyone else find this sought of grade recognition offensive?
and before everyone has a go at me, i know grade isnt everything, but still!
Has ANYONE seen Sullivan in action? That's the question you should be asking.
I've seen at least a dozen of his so called students [all yudansha] and none would get past their first test in any good karate dojo.
A teacher is reflected in their students and vice-versa, so enough said on that point I think.


"The bollocks boy, I said go for the bollocks."
[Foghorn Legorn, master of the Golden Rooster style]
Originally posted by Mike Clarke

"The bollocks boy, I said go for the bollocks."
[Foghorn Legorn, master of the Golden Rooster style]

You know, I say that boy, that Sullivan boy is about as sharp as a bowling ball.....


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Originally posted by lucifersdad
maybe what you guys call points is differant to what we do(?) everything, but still!

I think their students do pretty well at these competitions, http://nationalallstyles.com.au/
I'm not too sure about the rules, don't follow the sports side much (just a preference).
Also you might want to check out http://www.sportzblitz.net/blitz-martial-arts/top-stories/topstories_robsullivan2.asp Its an article about the Head of the style. I must admit I didn't actually read the article(not really interested) ;)

Have a good one
thanks guys keep it coming this stuff is cracking me up!!!!

Grandmaster M. Takazawa is still alive and well, although getting very old. He lives in Nagano and still teaches.

This week a fellow training student of his during the Toyama days (Eizo Onishi of Koei-Kan) will be here for a training visit. The students of both still train together when time permits.

Sullivan did what most are doing now... they take a few lessons, dojo jump for a little training here then a little at another dojo, inflate their stories, then they start their own "system" and become instant Grandmaster at age 24! Many in the US and Europe are doing just that. The unsuspecting student doesn't know the difference and believe what they are learning is effective and real.

Look at the persons lineage and time in grade. Most 9th/10th degrees are way over 60. Like fine wine, karate must age within to be truely good.

Rod Murray
If 10,000 and they still learned wrong...it's still wrong. Numbers don't make it right. Many people are gullible and will believe much. Let the buyer beware!