Give us the rundown of Prof. Conatser's Seminar!

Well you missed another Great weekend~!!

We had a wonderful weekend and *rubbing tired muscles* a fantastic workout~!
Thursday(2 hours) & Friday (4 hours) night, the MMA group enjoyed our private classes with Prof. Conatser, with Guru Rich Parson's adding his wisdom and talents to the group.
Rich and Kenpogirl came down from Michigan and Ontario, arriving around 6 P.M. Friday. After the class, we all headed to Wafflehouse then on to our house.. Much Kenpo talk then crashed bout 1 A.M. Saturday morning arrived too soon~! Up at 6ish A.M. and off to the College. The morning session was alot of fun, Professor Conatser can sure make you think~!! Between his anecdotes and sharing his memories of Mr. Parker.. the information he shares is phenomenal~!
The afternoon Advanced session flew by with our minds and bodies overwhelmed ~! Finally wrapped things up late afternoon and the caravan of cars grouped to head to Hagerstown,MD where Crab Legs were beckoning :D
Dinner was fun ~! Stickdummy had everyone rolling as he did his Penjak Silat Macarena moves *snorts* Everyone got along beautifully and it was wonderful to meet new friends~!
We all hung out til 8:30 P.M. then back to the house, where we went over more Kenpo til almost midnight ~!
Rich and Dot headed out this morning in pouring rain :( on a 9 hour return trip home.. Prof. Conatser and Seig are downstairs in a private session. We'll be leaving round 3:30 to take him to Baltimore Airport for his flight home.
The weekend was one of the best yet ~!

Thanks to Professor Conatser, Guru Parsons, Dot Kelly, Lamont Glass~!
You are the best! :D

Blindside (Lamont),Tess,Rich Parsons,Chad(Chronuss)


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A great success! Glad you had such a strong turn out! :asian:
OMFG! :lol:

I'm laughing hystarically.

Didn't you guys KNOW I was only kidding about Rich's special grion defense technique!

That reminds me, since Rich and I train quite often....I better make sure I have my cup on, because I'm sure he'll be looking for revenge. heh....Tess, you said I owe you one, but I think I'll be getting many boots upon Rich's return! :ultracool

It looks like yall had fun...I wish I was there. Maybe next time!
Wish I could have made it. Hopefully next time the timing will be right and possible.

Although a public announcement.

I will be having a little girl at the end of August so hopefully the two dates won't be too close together.
jfarnsworth said:
Wish I could have made it. Hopefully next time the timing will be right and possible.

Although a public announcement.

I will be having a little girl at the end of August so hopefully the two dates won't be too close together.

Congrats! Better start practicing that diaper changing technique. No extensions, no variations! :uhyeah:
RCastillo said:
Congrats! Better start practicing that diaper changing technique. No extensions, no variations! :uhyeah:

Well thank you. :asian: NO var. I've got that down in my sleep. When my 1st wife & I parted ways my girl was only 8mo. old at the time. So after work it was me and the 2 little ones. I had to grow up extremely fast to deal with diapers, vomit and the plethora of other things that would make me sick. :)

Anyhow sorry if I derailed this thread. It wasn't my intension. :asian:
Okay I've snuck on while Rich is away to give my input.

We arrived at Shepherdstown College at 6 pm. Wandered in and found where the class was, met up with StickDummy, who gave us a warm welcome. Mike and Tess soon followed with Mr. C and Edhead. Again Mike and Tess are extremely friendly and welcoming. It was nice to see Mr. C again, and meet up with Edhead.

Watched the kids class and they enjoyed the class and were very attentive. I participated in the adult class and it was a great workout with tons of information. It was interesting to see the slight differences in the techniques from Mr. Parkers original techniques to what we do in our school. We did kicking set and that always gets me huffing and puffing.

After a meal Mike and Tess welcomed us to their home oh and sadie too. After a good night sleep we headed back to the college and participated in two really great seminars. There we met up with Lamont ie Blindside, what a nice guy and a excellent MA'ist. I have participated in 3 of Mr. C's seminars now and this was truely the best. He kept everyone entertained and provided a lot of information. heh everyone really enjoyed working the techniques on each other, especially the flips to the floor. The Advanced class was great I really enjoyed going through finger set and Co-ordination set 2, as they are 2 sets that I have difficulties with. Again there were some differences in the techniques but the additional detail that Mr. C provided really helped to clarify some issues with me (ie how to use your hands for the different jabs for fingerset). I was pooped when we were done, bot physically and mentally.

We headed out for chinese it was a good feed and everyone had fun. Mr. C and Mr. Seigel and Rich and Lamont all had some inspirational things to say to boost peoples desire to train harder.

Thank you again to Mike and Tess and all their students for the hospitality, and Mr. C for the help and friendship. I had a great time.


P.S. Tess pls send whatever pic's you can. I still can't believe I forgot my camera. :wah:
Yea i actually missed the actual seminar but i think i was recooperating from thursday night with mr. c. it's always a pleasure to have him in town. i'm really bumbed about missing it cause everyone i've talked to said it was really great, darn parentals and car. oh well, i know it won't be the last we see of mr. c