"Free Willy" star dies (the whale, not the kid)



Keiko Died of Pnemonia

This is really sad for me. I followed Keiko's progress pretty much since 1998... Orcas are definitely my favorite sea-creatures. I would have donated, if I had an income of my own at the time. *sniff*
It sounds like Keiko had a shorter-than-average lifestyle, too. Of course, it's hard to say if it was just bad luck with the pneumonia or what.
Keiko lived a nice life, if you exclude the crap in Mexico...he was 27, where the normal life span is 35 (?). That's pretty good. I think the pnemonia just snuck up on him a bit too quick for anyone to really handle it. Animals do have that amazing ability to hide problems till they're life-threatening.
Keiko was truly, one amazing whale. One thing that bothered me was that here is an astounding animal that has bonded with humans, yet, these free willy group wants to undo that bond between man and animal.

Now before you PETA people gets on my case about how wild animal must remain wild. Keiko was still wild in a sense. It was the Bond between human and orca that was special.

Its pretty much like, hey you are a TKD dude, you can't hang with us Kenpo guys mentality.

Well, Rest in Peace Keiko !
How many humans could have been housed, fed , clothed and educated with the 20 million dollars it cost to relocate the Orca?
It sounds like Keiko had a shorter-than-average lifestyle, too. Of course, it's hard to say if it was just bad luck with the pneumonia or what.
Yep, all those late night Hollywood parties, the drugs, fast Orca chicks did him in before his time.;) I know about the pneumonia though, I've been fighting it for the last 2 1/2 weeks. Antibiotics are taking longer than usual to kick it out of my system and working outside at night really isn't helping now that I've gone back to work. Ah, well, sad about Keiko anyway.

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