Food Fight!


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN

From a much longer story in the Alb. Journal (paid registration required):

Food Fight Takes Violent Turn at S.F. School; as Many as 200 Kids Involved

By Russell Max Simon
Journal Northern Bureau
SANTA FE— Students swarmed out of Capital High School wearing clothes and shoes stained with blood and Frito pie at the end of the school day Wednesday after 21/2 hours of lockdown.
The messy clothes were one result of what students called a riot— and which police said involved as many as 200 students. The conflict began when members of rival gangs started throwing Frito pie at each other in the cafeteria, according to several students who witnessed the event.
City, state and county police were called to the scene, and one school security guard was treated for a mild concussion at St. Vincent Regional Medical Center after being hit in the head with a hard object— possibly a rock or a bottle.
A student, Nick Mendoza, 16, was treated at the hospital after a police officer used a shock-producing TASER to subdue him.


"They started throwing Frito pies, and then it escalated to throwing rocks and bottles and stuff," Maestas added.


There will be a parent-teacher conference today at 5:30 p.m. at Santa Fe High to discuss campus safety at the school.
From a food fight to an all out riot. Does anyone else think that just maybe kids these days are under just a bit too much stress?
Gives a whole new meaning to the words food fight! Maybe it's what's on the menu Frito pie what is that? I hope my kids never have to experience the menu or the violence of that kind of food fight in school! It's nutz!:tantrum:


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dubljay said:
From a food fight to an all out riot. Does anyone else think that just maybe kids these days are under just a bit too much stress?
I think they are under-paid-attention-to. We have so many electronic babysitters now - as if television wasn't enough, we had to get cable. As if that weren't enough, we had to get computers, then computer games, then video games, then the internet. There's virtually no excuse for a parent to interact with their child anymore unless IT'S CREATED!! Get that? We have to CREATE the opportunity to spend with our kids. HOW SAD IS THAT????

Where are our priorities as a culture?

Gangs formed because they had no one else - "gang is family." Gang structure is very much familial inasmuch as vengeance, belonging, territory are concerned. Basically, minus the violence, some people argue that gangs got it right - you HAVE to go out with the gang or you're offed. You HAVE to abide by the rules of the gang or you're offed. You get the picture.

As long as there is need, there will be violence, crime and gangs ... always.
shesulsa said:
I think they are under-paid-attention-to. We have so many electronic babysitters now - as if television wasn't enough, we had to get cable. As if that weren't enough, we had to get computers, then computer games, then video games, then the internet. There's virtually no excuse for a parent to interact with their child anymore unless IT'S CREATED!! Get that? We have to CREATE the opportunity to spend with our kids. HOW SAD IS THAT????

Where are our priorities as a culture?

Gangs formed because they had no one else - "gang is family." Gang structure is very much familial inasmuch as vengeance, belonging, territory are concerned. Basically, minus the violence, some people argue that gangs got it right - you HAVE to go out with the gang or you're offed. You HAVE to abide by the rules of the gang or you're offed. You get the picture.

As long as there is need, there will be violence, crime and gangs ... always.
Very true Shesulsa. When I look at how I was raised I am very greatful compared to what seems to be the norm now. I think that this lack of attention by the parents, almost neglect, leaves these kids with a need to find somewhere to belong. I have seen many families where attention is generally only given when the child acts out in a negative way. So the child learns that the only way for their parents to respond to them is to do something wrong.

I know that it isn't like that for every family, and that the parents aren't entirely to blame. Society itself is to blame too. 30 years ago how would have a student been reprimanded for defiying a teacher? Today the consequences would be much less harsh. In lessening the consequences of actions it is a sublte way of saying that it's acceptable, or atleast more so now than it used to be.
The closest I've been to a food fight was at work in the employee break room. A friend of mine wouldn't leave me alone about something, so I told her I'd throw a chicken strip at her. She didn't stop, and she threw food at me and missed. I threw the chicken strip at her, and it hit her on the side of the face. That was the end of the "fight".
There's virtually no excuse for a parent to interact with their child anymore unless IT'S CREATED!! Get that? We have to CREATE the opportunity to spend with our kids. HOW SAD IS THAT????

Not that I'm an expert at parenting or anything but why can't a parent just say he or she wants to hang out with their kid? Why does there have to be an excuse at all?
I enjoy hanging out with mine. Even if I'm just reading a book while my two kids play a video game, I enjoy being around them, making the odd humorous comment, etc.
dubljay said:
From a food fight to an all out riot. Does anyone else think that just maybe kids these days are under just a bit too much stress?

Ya know, in the mid to late 70's, when my sister's were in High school, they had some food fights that turned into race riots...

I don't think stress has anything to do with it, then it was race, now it's gangs... same problem??, different flavor..??

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