FMAT: Training with improvised weapons...

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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Training with improvised weapons...
By geezer - 09-29-2010 12:42 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Down in the Lameco sub-forum, Guro Dave Gould started a great thread on sparring with improvised weapons. I think that this is an important way to train regardless of the style of FMA you practice. I often find myself scanning my environment for potential weapons that I could appropriate in a moment of need. When I'm jogging in the local mountain-park, there are always pointy rocks at hand, not to mention my water bottle, keys and the towel I carry in my waistband. In my truck, I always keep my "Club" brand steering wheel lock handy in the front seat...both so I can use it as intended to lock my car, and also as a hefty club that separates allowing for a sort of espada y daga type defense. I don't carry a "Maglight".... perhaps I should get one? But I do usually carry a briefcase... there's a lot you can do with that. Anyway, after reading that thread started by Guro Dave, I'm inclined to integrate a lot more of this kind of training into my group's practice sessions. Any thoughts?


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