FMAT: The empty hands of FMA

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The empty hands of FMA
By Pinuti - 06-09-2014 06:32 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Hello, I've only practiced eskrima in the USA, (because I'm a fil-am) for a short period of time with out progressing all the way to training purely with empty hands, I mostly do boxing which is somewhat based off the boxing used in the Philippines which is basically punches and elbow strikes aiming towards the limbs or oncoming punches or kicks (meeting fist to fist) to get close and grapple using something I like to call "backyard wrestling" which is also somewhat based of dumog just a lot of covering to defend against strikes and take downs, with some low line kicks to keeps opponent at a certain distance or to certain situations when really needed.

I was wondering (to get a better understanding of fma) what it mostly compose of and what are its strengths of weaknesses of fma. NOW, I know that we can't speak for all of fma considering there are hundreds of styles, so lets just have a friendly discussion for the sake of purifying my ignorance of the martial arts of the Philippines and talk about the more old and traditional way of fma and SOME of the more modern ones like Yaw-yan or sayoc kali.

However to be more specific so I won't confuse anyone, is that I want to talk about the empty hands of fma such as panantukan, sikaran, yaw yan, kino mutai and even dumog/buno. How well do these empty hands fare well against other unarmed martial arts such as say the typical karate or western boxing or hell lets go a little more exotic like muay thai or indonesian silat.


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