FMA MCDOJO now i have seen it all

Originally posted by Olisi

Is this match stick, knife or blade?

Damn! There just trying to beat each other......Not KILL each other! :eek:
no sparring equiptment great, but who do you think you are i dont fight foe free, well iam telling you this time you will, this type of mentallity means you probably have had no fights at all...

Actually, I got to discuss this topic at some length with Professor Presas before he died.

He accepted challenges regularly in the Philippines.

When he got to America his policy was that he would only accept challenges from someone willing to put up $10,000.

His reasoning was that teaching Arnis was his livelihood, so there had to be something in it for him.

This policy kept the young clowns trying to make a reputation at his expense from shooting their mouths off.

I wonder how much Morromorro has in his checkbook.
Is this match stick, knife or blade?

garrote, rattan same weight for both,

this challenge will happen its only the time that is to be finalised..

GM Navarro and GM Epping Atillo are in discussion about having a full contact no armour stick fight tournament in labangon cebu all clubs are invited when this happens................
They want this tournament because they are sick of all the clubs (particularly in cebu) (well mainly in cebu) saying there the best and when you challenge them they back out or say they dont want to fight or they want money......

you see heres comes the sad part my goal in this forum has been for this since day one....

guess what renegade youll be facing me in the first round of this tournament......
I wonder how much Morromorro has in his checkbook
its not a matter of how much money, your the guy who asked for the challenge remeber, you will get your invite and if you decline you lose face and be always know as a coward.....


So what you're saying is that you need the saftey of a tournament to back up your words?
Actually Terry, I believe I remember you challenging a few individuals here previously, so you would be the one dropping the challenges.

Personally, having seen Tim move, and been on the recieving end of his stick on more than a few occations...I hope he beats the living crap outta you. You really need to learn some respect, boy.
Originally posted by thekuntawman
okay to change the subject back to the original subject,

why do you think its important to have such high degrees in the philippine martial arts? do you agree that the road to expertise should be more important? or not?

my opinion is there should be a separate level for expert fighters, teachers and master teachers and thats it. the difference between a 5 th level master and a 6th are so unclear, i dont think they have a real purpose any more.

I agree with Kuntawman in terms of ranking skill, lots of ranking seems kind of pointless.

However, I can see the point of rankings from an organizational stand point or as a reward of contribution to the art. Now this is dependant on the size of the organization. Modern Arnis is pretty big so I can see why there is a lot of rank levels.

aka Black Grass
Originally posted by moromoro

you see heres comes the sad part my goal in this forum has been for this since day one....



Hold up, the reason you joined this site was to challenge any decent American FMA'er to prove that they suck? :confused:

What was with all the pointless posts then....... :shrug:
If you guys still pursue this please keep me informed at [email protected].

All the while I thought this was a challenge in the grudge match tradition - not a tournament!

Anyway, if you go offline please keep me informed on date, time and place. I don't want to miss watching this.
Simply put, Tims life -is- Modern Arnis. His relationship with GM Presas was very close. To my knowledge, Terry holds no rank in Modern Arnis, has never trained in it, nor even been to America and met with or banged sticks with any US practitioners. I find it very interesting that a mid 20's kid is going to such lengths to provolk a fight with someone he has never seen move, who is has been actively training in Filipino martial arts for as long as he has been alive, under the personal guidence of the founder of the art (Who is a hero in the PI I believe).

My wonder is why if Tim was good enough for GM Presas to publically endorse on multiple occations, why some 20ish nobody is so concerned. Tim travels around the world spreading Modern Arnis in the same way GM Presas did...He's been all over North America, England, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and more. I should know...I have to keep updating his seminar list. Where have you promoted it Terry? Oh, I forgot, you want to make a name for yourself. Join the UFC or something.

Personally, given the fact that there's at least 40 people on this board alone who would love a chance to whack Terry 'upside' his head with a big heavy stick, I don't know if Tim should even lower himself to fighting this nobody. Hell, I'd go whack him if I thought he was worth traveling more than a mile for, and I'm only an orange belt. :)

Terry, I don't know what time frame or event you are thinking of. Tim indicated he will be in the PI the last two weeks of July 2004 and will face you then. Never said anything about whatever tourny you are involved in. So, I'd start planning on getting your wannabe *** there then.

This is -my- opinion, and in no way, shape or form reflects the official position of MartialTalk or its staff.

Sorry guys, had to say my mind. I'll take the lashes like everyone else. :asian:

-Bob Hubbard-
1. What i have seen in Martial talk is almost a complete disrespect for the FMA and its varied history and teachers, people on this forum bite at you when you say go to the philippines and practice there....

2. for all you Modern Arnis practitioners i can guarantee that the level of modern arnis in the philippines is a whole lot better than in the U.S. NOW WHATS YOUR OPINION ON THIS!!!!!
originally posted by moromoro

Hi Guys,
The above was in "the question" thread started by The Kuntawman and how I missed reading it til today is beyond me and now the thread is closed. A couple of comments from moi.

1. Where exactly and what exactly has been stated as a cmplete disrespect for the FMA and its varied history and teachers? Exact quotes and sources, please. There have been many personal battles and the disrespect there has been rampant, but where's this widespread disrespect you are takling about?

2. I have only seen one person from Modern Arnis from the Philippines and that is Rodel Dagooc. Whether he is a whole lot better or not is up to the eye of the observer.

There is a difference between FMA straight from the Philippines and FMA which has been nurtured here in the states. No problem there. You are attacking one culture (that of the US) for not being like another culture (Filipino). This battle raged many years ago with karate in the US. As Americans proved themselves both in the tournament arena and in the schools, that battle died and is no longer waged. The same will happen with FMA. Historical precedent is there.

Dan Anderson
Originally posted by Dan Anderson
originally posted by moromoro

Hi Guys,
The above was in "the question" thread started by The Kuntawman and how I missed reading it til today is beyond me and now the thread is closed. A couple of comments from moi.

1. Where exactly and what exactly has been stated as a cmplete disrespect for the FMA and its varied history and teachers? Exact quotes and sources, please. There have been many personal battles and the disrespect there has been rampant, but where's this widespread disrespect you are takling about?

2. I have only seen one person from Modern Arnis from the Philippines and that is Rodel Dagooc. Whether he is a whole lot better or not is up to the eye of the observer.

There is a difference between FMA straight from the Philippines and FMA which has been nurtured here in the states. No problem there. You are attacking one culture (that of the US) for not being like another culture (Filipino). This battle raged many years ago with karate in the US. As Americans proved themselves both in the tournament arena and in the schools, that battle died and is no longer waged. The same will happen with FMA. Historical precedent is there.

Dan Anderson


Item Number 1, Terry, thinks what he sees on other sites and in magizines that is not 100% inline with his beliefs are the disrespect. So, since I cannot get a consistant history from any two different Filipino's I would have to assume that ..., (* Well I will not say it since that would be negative, and untrue, and unfounded. *)

Item Number 2, Terry has met a couple of good instructors and he wants the world to know it, and to learn from them. In the beginning I could respect that idea, of promoting some new or lessor known names. Yet, he took up the stance that all thsoe that had gone before are worthless. If you train out side of the PI your training is valueless. Personally I disagree with this, or I would not train.

Now this is what I have gathered from his posts and his e-mails. If I am wrong, fine. It would not be the first time. Yet, I can admit when I have made a mistake or the possibility of one and still walk with honor. Terry, in my opinion, believes that he cannot show any weakness, if he does, then he loses face and respect. A difference of cultures and views. Yet, most of us worthless and valueless FMA practitioners training here in the USA can deal with different opinions, even if we choose to agree to just disagree.

I would honestly like to hear what thekuntawman has to saw about this subject. Is training in the USA worth while? Does it have value? Or can you only get the proper FMA training in the PI?

Yes, Dan, with the Japanese and Korean Arts, the subject has been discussed and dealt with in the recent history of the second half of the 20th century. What was found out that it was not the location or the art studied, but the dedication of the person.


Been gone on vacation for 10 days and I find this rampant thread when I get back. I hate jumping in here as it really isn't any of my business, but I find this kid offensive and an instigator. Apparently he is just looking for attention and is getting it.

It doesn't matter if Datu Tim is a 6th or 7th degree, he is a Datu, which is outside the belt rankings and is considered rank of the best.

Does this kid share his art? Travel extensively around the world teaching at seminars, camps, does he have his own organization of students? Has he studied the art for 20 years? What gives him the right to challenge not just Datu Tim but any of us. I bet his instructors, if they knew what he was up to would be embarrassed and get rid of him, I know Datu Worden would immediately. Datu Tim you have no need to prove anything to this kid, he is so junior he is not worthy of your time. In fact you will only give him bragging rights to say he has challenged a American Datu. He is totally anti-American and an apparent racist.

This kid is what we call out here in the Northwest a piss-ant and is not worthy of responding to his disrespectful remarks.

He has baited with this thread and has hooked the attention he is looking for. I would just consider him a perverted piss-ant and ignore him, even delete him off this thread and ban him from this forum as he never has contributed anything constructive only destructive controversy. He has nothing to offer.

Perspective from a Grandfather,
So is a full contact tournament without equipment over in the PI what this has been all about from the beginning? Is moromoro acting alone or is he being prompted by someone else in the PI? That is a pretty sad state of affairs. Instead of sharing information and learning from each other we have come to this. Actually those in the PI were the ones who missed out on learning from one of the best to ever pick up a stick. Location doesn't matter, it's who was doing the teaching, and for us here in the USA, it was Professor Remy Presas, for the last 20 years or better. He was the best of the best and he chose to do it here.
I think the tournament idea and having Tim pay for the privilege to fight Terry is very hypocritical.

Question 1: Who was concerned about commericialism in the first place?

Question 2, will there be any money generated from the tournament? Isn't that commercialism.

Question 3: Who is concerned about fighting for money?

This sounds like a McTourney to me! Bag it!!
Ya know...I was thinking....didn't the 'young bucks' have to goto the 'masters' to challenge em? I think thats how it used to be done...

I know we got an indian reservation just 20 min away from us here that would be happy to let some folks use an acre....

Why should Tim spend his coin to travel around the world to meet every wannabe stick jockey? Hey Terry, why dont you come n get it?

Matter of fact Terry...why don't you stay and enjoy Dr. Barbers Modern Arnis Symposium... do it THIS July.

I even went and looked up flight information for you:

11:25 AM Depart Melbourne (MEL)
Arrive Buffalo (BUF) 10:39 AM +1 day Thu 10-Jul
37hr 14mn United Airlines 816 / 98 / 2273
Connect in Los Angeles (LAX), Philadelphia (PHL)
Total stops: 3


2:55 PM Depart Buffalo (BUF)
Arrive Melbourne (MEL) 9:40 AM +2 days Sun 13-Jul
28hr 45mn United Airlines 2324 / 99 / 815
Connect in Philadelphia (PHL), Los Angeles (LAX)
Total stops: 3

A McTourny....can we "SuperSize" the ego here? :rofl:

I agree with Pappy...he's not worthy to face someone at Tims level...or ours. :)

-Bob Hubbard-

This is -my- opinion, and in no way, shape or form reflects the official position of MartialTalk or its staff.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Matter of fact Terry...why don't you stay and enjoy Dr. Barbers Modern Arnis Symposium... do it THIS July.

Terry at the Sympo? That would be interesting. Terry, you've been quiet the last day or so. What's up? Plus, you haven't answered my private email. Did you receive it? If not, please send me your email address so I can go through HotMail and get it to you.

Dan Anderson
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Why should Tim spend his coin to travel around the world to meet every wannabe stick jockey? Hey Terry, why dont you come n get it?

I got a better idea! Why dont you all come to London, England so I can see it! :D

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