[FAQ] Whats the story with the "White Belt" in my profile?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
There has been a small amount of confusion in regards to why our members profiles show their rank as a "white" belt, when for many it has been several years since they last wore one. :)

Our user profiles "rank" system is based on the number of posts you make/respond to. The more you participate, the higher your rank. We encourage you to list your martial arts experience in your profile, and if you like, also in your signature (accessed through the User CP button at the top of the screen.

For clarity, here are the Martialtalk.com ranks and their required post counts:

We hope this clears up any confusion. :)
Current Rankings: (as of 12/1/2002)

Martial Talk White Belt (Minimum Posts: 0)

Martial Talk Yellow Belt (Minimum Posts: 20)

Martial Talk Orange Belt (Minimum Posts: 60)

Martial Talk Green Belt (Minimum Posts: 100)

Martial Talk Blue Belt (Minimum Posts: 200)

Martial Talk Purple Belt (Minimum Posts: 300)

Martial Talk Brown Belt (Minimum Posts: 400)

Martial Talk Black Belt (Minimum Posts: 500)

Martial Talk 2nd Black Belt (Minimum Posts: 700)

Martial Talk 3rd Black Belt (Minimum Posts: 900)

Martial Talk Master Black Belt (Minimum Posts: 1000)

Martial Talk Master of Arts (Minimum Posts: 1500)

Martial Talk Senior Master (Minimum Posts: 2000)

Martial Talk Grandmaster (Minimum Posts: 5000)

Once you hit Black Belt, you get a jazzed up title display. :asian:

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