Family Traditions


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 24, 2002
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What are some of your family's holiday traditions? Not the typical "put up a tree" or "light the menorah" but the stuff that's unique to just your family...
We've lost all traditions since my mom moved out...bah says I...we don't even have a tree anymore...

But when the family was whole, my sister and I would be ushered to bed on Christmas Eve, and wake up between 5 and 6:30 am on X-mas Day, jump on the 'rent's bed, go downstairs, get the stockings, bring them back up, and open them there. After that's all said and done, my parents got to go back to sleep till about 8 or 9. Dad usually made either pancakes, waffles, or french toast.
My family gets together with my grandmother and my mom's brothers and sisters (and their spouses and kids).

The whole family's pretty musical, and irish coffee is served. Of course, we start out with the best of intentions, singing carols such as "Silent night" and all that, and then rapidly degenerate (directly proportional to the amount of irish whiskey and/or baileys consumed by the musicians) into "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" and then on to the Irish drinking songs which again start out mild with "whiskey in the jar" and get worse and worse til we finally end with "who threw the overalls into Mrs. Murphy's chowder" which is about the most silly, obnoxious irish tune there is, and when we resort to singing that one, we've generally completely run out of other options, so the evening pretty much breaks up after that.

For the non musicians, we simply remind them that the more they drink, the better we sound!
My childhood traditions are sadly missed.. as I am an orphan (parent's both long gone) Seig has his traditional Lox and Bagles for Christmas morning breakfast.. and previously when we were sharing a house with his dad for 4 yrs.. we did the breakfast thing, opened stockings, waited around til his Sister got there and Chad, sat around opening presents then lazed about the rest of the day. This year it's going to be a lonely one as Seig has to work Christmas eve and Christmas night so he'll be sleeping all day and most likely I'll be perched right here.
My wife's family all get together and have a Ginger Bread House contest. All of the families participate, it's a riot. During the weeks leading up to Christmas, everyone tries to spy on each other to find out what they are doing. Last year was the best, we were expecting so we created a Baby carriage. Check it out:
try again


  • $gb1.jpg
    32.2 KB · Views: 113
That is so cool looking!

...most of my friends get their christmas gifts AFTER christmas...when everyone is back on campus and it's a short walk to visit instead of a long drive...
Generally, we eat chorizos and eggs, drink coffee and later play full contact trivial pursuit (my family is very competitive).
Originally posted by Spud
full contact trivial pursuit (my family is very competitive).

*raises eyebrow* i don't wanna see a game of Uno in your house...or Jenga...whew!
Originally posted by Spud
Generally, we eat chorizos and eggs, drink coffee and later play full contact trivial pursuit (my family is very competitive).

You forgot the tortillas! What's wrong with you, man!:mad:
Some of our family traditions include decorating sugar cookies- we put a lot of detail into them with various colors of frosting and toothpicks help us make the fine lines, etc. We also do the stocking thing in by the fire and then open gifts- this all used to take place on Christmas morning when we were kids, now that we are older and like to sleep in, it is usually on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve, we have sparkling cider and goodies from Hickory Farms- like beef stick and cheeses, crackers with various dips, etc. Then, on Christmas afternoon, we fix a big meal that is very similar to our Thanksgiving meal. After the meal, we all play board games and laugh like crazy!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!
Originally posted by KenpoTess
My childhood traditions are sadly missed.. as I am an orphan (parent's both long gone) Seig has his traditional Lox and Bagles for Christmas morning breakfast.. and previously when we were sharing a house with his dad for 4 yrs.. we did the breakfast thing, opened stockings, waited around til his Sister got there and Chad, sat around opening presents then lazed about the rest of the day. This year it's going to be a lonely one as Seig has to work Christmas eve and Christmas night so he'll be sleeping all day and most likely I'll be perched right here.

...what's 'Lox'? :confused:

Originally posted by satans.barber
...what's 'Lox'? :confused:

Lox is the ambrosia of the chosen people! Lox, for you of the unwashed, is cold smoked nova salmon. There are several ways in which one partakes of this delicacy. One is on top of a bagel with cream cheese, some derivatives of this also include a sliced of tomato and bermuda onion. One can also scramble it in eggs, but that is best to do after it has started to dry.
Originally posted by Nightingale
very salty raw salmon.
Bah, you show great ignorance here, gentile. It is not raw, we of the chosen very rarely eat any kind of meat raw, oysters being the notable exception. It is cold smoked by a process that takes about 14 hours.
Originally posted by Seig
Lox is the ambrosia of the chosen people! Lox, for you of the unwashed, is cold smoked nova salmon. There are several ways in which one partakes of this delicacy. One is on top of a bagel with cream cheese, some derivatives of this also include a sliced of tomato and bermuda onion. One can also scramble it in eggs, but that is best to do after it has started to dry.

NASTY STUFF, and you're the chosen people? Nobody gave me an interview, so how'd you jump in line ahead of me???:mad:
Originally posted by Seig
Lox is the ambrosia of the chosen people! Lox, for you of the unwashed, is cold smoked nova salmon. There are several ways in which one partakes of this delicacy. One is on top of a bagel with cream cheese, some derivatives of this also include a sliced of tomato and bermuda onion. One can also scramble it in eggs, but that is best to do after it has started to dry.

OH! That's what that is! I've had the stuff w/ cream cheese on a bagel, but never put a name to it. Once the dining hall attempted it and failed quite horribly!
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
OH! That's what that is! I've had the stuff w/ cream cheese on a bagel, but never put a name to it. Once the dining hall attempted it and failed quite horribly!
Think about that, Shepherd dining hall and a meat that costs $24.00 per pound for the lower quality....
Originally posted by Seig
Think about that, Shepherd dining hall and a meat that costs $24.00 per pound for the lower quality....

Ya got a point there...*shudders at the thought of ever having to return to that hethen place*

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