Experts: $4 a gallon gas coming soon

Rich Parsons said:
It just got down to $2.03 today.

Although Diesel is still a lot higher, which gets passed onto the cost of parts and supplies shipped.
I told my wife a couple of months ago, when gas prices started dropping, that the oil companies were going to start lowering prices to, what would appear, reasonable levels. I also told her they'd tack the costs on the backend (heating prices, for example), basically on to ANYTHING that doesn't have a big sign by the road that says $4.56 A gallon. We're going to pay, we're just not going to be as mad about it.
I've switched half my home heating over to electric space heating, combined with weather proofing, and careful controling of which rooms are heated when.

I'll let ya'll know the results in a few weeks when the bills arrive. :)
sgtmac_46 said:
I told my wife a couple of months ago, when gas prices started dropping, that the oil companies were going to start lowering prices to, what would appear, reasonable levels. I also told her they'd tack the costs on the backend (heating prices, for example), basically on to ANYTHING that doesn't have a big sign by the road that says $4.56 A gallon. We're going to pay, we're just not going to be as mad about it.

This is true, if the people have their circuses and food then they will not complain. :)
Electric heating has traditionally been more expensive! Funny how things change.

Gas hear is still around $2.30.
I used a similar system this summer, isolating rooms to cool. My electric bill was around 75/month. That's with running several computers, printers and monitors 24/7 :)
Bob Hubbard said:
I've switched half my home heating over to electric space heating, combined with weather proofing, and careful controling of which rooms are heated when.

I'll let ya'll know the results in a few weeks when the bills arrive. :)

That's what I'm doing. Why pay to heat the kitchen overnight?

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