Deep Thoughts


Black Belt
Dec 31, 2004
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* A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where train stops. On my desk, I have a work station...

* If quitters never win, and winners never quit, what fool came up with "Quit while you're ahead?"

* I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older. Then it dawned on me, they're cramming for their finals.

* I thought about how mothers feed their babies with little tiny spoons and forks, so I wonder what Chinese mothers use...toothpicks?

* Why do they put pictures of criminals up in the Post Office? What are we supposed to do...write to these men? Why don't they just put their pictures on the postage stamps so the mailmen could look for them while they delivered the mail?

* How much deeper would oceans be if sponges didn't live there?

* If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the OTHERS here for?

* Go ahead and take risks....just be sure that everything will turn out OK.

* If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

* Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be if it didn't zigzag?

* Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

* How come you don't ever hear about gruntled employees? And who has been dissing them anyhow?

* Light travels faster than sound. Maybe that's why some people appear bright until you hear them talk....

* Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?

* If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?
We should keep adding to this....

*Why do we drive in a parkway, and park in a driveway?

*The person who said "If at first you don't succeed, try again" probably didn't have bungee jumping in mind.

*Why do people say "Can I ask a question?" as if they're giving you a choice?
kid said:
* I thought about how mothers feed their babies with little tiny spoons and forks, so I wonder what Chinese mothers use...toothpicks?
Just yesterday when I passed a road sign with the crossed knife and fork to indicate a restaurant ahead, I wondered if in China they have a sign with crossed chop-sticks?
deadhand31 said:
We should keep adding to this....

*Why do we drive in a parkway, and park in a driveway?

*The person who said "If at first you don't succeed, try again" probably didn't have bungee jumping in mind.

*Why do people say "Can I ask a question?" as if they're giving you a choice?
Heres one,

" I suppose you want the cake and you'll eat it too."

Of course what good is having a cake if you can't eat it?

OR The peple that say

I can't wait until starwars episode III comes out. What are you going to do steal it? Make it up yourself? Com'on weirdo tell me? We already know what happens, chill out.
kid said:
" I suppose you want the cake and you'll eat it too."

Of course what good is having a cake if you can't eat it?

Exactly. I've never quite understood the wisdom of that saying (must be because english is only my second language) :)
Exactly. I've never quite understood the wisdom of that saying

The meaning of 'have' in this case really means to 'to continue to have'. The idea is you get the benefit of eating the cake (the good taste, etc...) but also the benefit of not eating the cake (you still have it...for when you want it later)
FearlessFreep said:
Exactly. I've never quite understood the wisdom of that saying

The meaning of 'have' in this case really means to 'to continue to have'. The idea is you get the benefit of eating the cake (the good taste, etc...) but also the benefit of not eating the cake (you still have it...for when you want it later)
just get another cake.
Remember the Eskimo (or should I say Inuit) who hated the cold weather, so he lit a fire in his fishing boat. Of course, it burnt through the bottom and so the boat sank. Which just goes to show, You can't have your kayak and heat it.
Croxley said:
Remember the Eskimo (or should I say Inuit) who hated the cold weather, so he lit a fire in his fishing boat. Of course, it burnt through the bottom and so the boat sank. Which just goes to show, You can't have your kayak and heat it.

LOL thats great! I just got a b-day card from my younger brother. It says, "Fro you on your birthdaythis is a cake(pictre of delicous looking cake), This is Edith(picture of delicious looking female), You'll have to choose one or the other because....(open card),You can't have your cake and Edith too!


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