I was sort of looking over older threads that seemed interesting but as soon as conflict or debate happened it seemed liked it was stopped and then a large group of people were banned. Just sort of curious what that means if anything? I mean I personally think it is stupid to argue which art is better because they all offer something. The reality is that the artist is the real judge not solely the art. I mean you place a fit and dedicated young man training in an art against someone who is unfit and lazy and it doesnt really matter what arts they are training in. A healthy debate on the arts would be intersting in a way, just to contrast styles, but it would impossible to make a dogmatic judgement about which art is the best and all that jazz.
So in short, as I have already gone far enough on a tangent, is debating or discussing these arts, or the whole HwaRang Do split, against some code I was unaware about. This a forum meant for that kind of discussion isnt it. I mean its great to hear about how people's lives are and all that, but thats why we have phones. Isnt a forum meant for that kind of debate and discussion, where people can place thier articulated thoughts about an issue. I mean we can't actually train together so this would be a logical place for those kind of matters to be brought up and addressed. I dont think it is tearing other arts down, rather wouldnt it be about really trying to get to the heart of it all?
So in short, as I have already gone far enough on a tangent, is debating or discussing these arts, or the whole HwaRang Do split, against some code I was unaware about. This a forum meant for that kind of discussion isnt it. I mean its great to hear about how people's lives are and all that, but thats why we have phones. Isnt a forum meant for that kind of debate and discussion, where people can place thier articulated thoughts about an issue. I mean we can't actually train together so this would be a logical place for those kind of matters to be brought up and addressed. I dont think it is tearing other arts down, rather wouldnt it be about really trying to get to the heart of it all?