Cockroach Attack



A man was sitting at home one evening, when the doorbell
rang. When he answered the door, a 6-foot tall cockroach
was standing there. The cockroach immediately punched him
between the eyes and scampered off.

The next evening, the man was sitting at home when the
doorbell rang again. When he answered the door, the
cockroach was there again. This time, it punched him,
kicked him, and karate chopped him before running away.

The third evening, the man was sitting at home when the
doorbell rang. When he answered the door, the cockroach
was there yet again. It leapt at him and stabbed him
several times before running off. The gravely injured man
managed to crawl to the telephone and summoned an
ambulance. He was rushed to intensive care, where they
saved his life.

The next morning, the doctor was doing his rounds. He
asked the man what happened, so the man explained about
the 6-foot cockroach's attacks, culminating in the near
fatal stabbing.

The doctor thought for a moment and said, "Yes, there's a
nasty bug going around."
Everytime I hit this forum, and the AK guys pounce all over me!:(

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