The indian club was a staple of the early 20th century gyms around the world...even saw them as a child in the old Vic Tannys Gym (in Brooklyn - before it 'evolved' into Jack lalanne gyms then int Ballys gyms) - nothing new - yet re-born with new materials...a 20 lb club is now smaller than the old ones.
BUT -on a larger note- I am sensing a 'disturbance in the force' from 'tichok'...and to him I say:
"Thats two".
Your revue of ALL your posts is beginning to reveal an 'agenda' that even a child could see.
There are far better ways to seek publicity for a cause ... think about it.
PLEASE, dont play this forum as a bunch of 'unknowing' dolts.
AND - your accent is less congruent than a full 'russian' one is.
Your profile, and web signature; reveals more than you are stating. BUT -it does reveal an agenda - dont make us 'out' you, publically.
"Thats two". And the joke? Is very american...dont let it be on you!
The indian club was a staple of the early 20th century gyms around the world...even saw them as a child in the old Vic Tannys Gym (in Brooklyn - before it 'evolved' into Jack lalanne gyms then int Ballys gyms) - nothing new - yet re-born with new materials...a 20 lb club is now smaller than the old ones.
BUT -on a larger note- I am sensing a 'disturbance in the force' from 'tichok'...and to him I say:
"Thats two".
Your revue of ALL your posts is beginning to reveal an 'agenda' that even a child could see.
There are far better ways to seek publicity for a cause ... think about it.
PLEASE, dont play this forum as a bunch of 'unknowing' dolts.
AND - your accent is less congruent than a full 'russian' one is.
Your profile, and web signature; reveals more than you are stating. BUT -it does reveal an agenda - dont make us 'out' you, publically.
"Thats two". And the joke? Is very american...dont let it be on you!