Achorus of "Yes, sir" echoes through the First Baptist Church in Osceola, Wis., every Thursday evening at exactly 6:15. That is when the Rev. Dr. Kent Haralson calls the Master's Warriors to order. Congregating before their sensei, the members start the weekly Seigi Bushido Ryu training with an opening prayer. Throughout the two-hour session, in addition to sparring, punching and falling, the class will also have Bible study and closing prayers. This is karate with a Christian kick.
Ok, I've seen Christian flavored martial arts before, claiming it's original intent was Christian God-centered seems a little bit of a stretch, how do they get that when they are doing Karate?
Referring to Old Testament passages and listing Adam, Abraham and Jacob among the first martial artists, Conway argues that martial arts or "military arts" originated in Mesopotamia during biblical times and can be traced throughout history along the trade routes right into Okinawa, Japan. For Christian martial artists, this rationale bolsters their belief that their craft complements their Christian roots. After all, martial arts, as chronicled by Conway and his colleagues, have Christian roots themselves.
This part is new to me, I don't think I have ever seen it claimed that Karate was founded by Adam...?