mook jong man
Senior Master
Have you ever trained with those people who like to do a quick combo of punches using the same arm.
Usually its a punch to the head and a fraction of a second later its straight downstairs for a punch to the gut or it could be the other way around.
The punches we will be defending against in the drill are your run of the mill slightly circular punch to the head and an uppercut punch to the stomach with the opponent using the one arm.
This drill develops hand speed , sensitivity and reflex.
Speed in getting your arm up to cover the high line and back down to cover the low line or vice versa .
Sensitivity and reflex are developed by feeling and reacting to when the partner changes from high to low.
In this drill we will only use the one arm , the other will be held back in guarding hand.
Get your partner to punch just on one side high up to the head and then low straight down to the gut.
As the punch comes up to your head intercept with a high Bong Sau , as he goes to move down stairs stick to his arm as you rotate and drop your Tan Sau down low to maintain wrist contact , you wiil probably have to drop it down till your arm is parallel with the floor depending on the angle of the punch.
Start off at a nice easy high then low rhythm then once you have the basic movement down and you are staying in contact and sticking nicely to his arm have your partner at random do a few fast ones.
Once you can cope with that then get him to start altering the angles a bit by going from slightly circular to a more tighter attacking style at random.
Make sure you keep forward force on and focused to centreline.
Maintain angle in your arm.
Stay relaxed and stick to his arm as you rotate from Bong and drop the Tan and then back up again with the Bong sau.
Usually its a punch to the head and a fraction of a second later its straight downstairs for a punch to the gut or it could be the other way around.
The punches we will be defending against in the drill are your run of the mill slightly circular punch to the head and an uppercut punch to the stomach with the opponent using the one arm.
This drill develops hand speed , sensitivity and reflex.
Speed in getting your arm up to cover the high line and back down to cover the low line or vice versa .
Sensitivity and reflex are developed by feeling and reacting to when the partner changes from high to low.
In this drill we will only use the one arm , the other will be held back in guarding hand.
Get your partner to punch just on one side high up to the head and then low straight down to the gut.
As the punch comes up to your head intercept with a high Bong Sau , as he goes to move down stairs stick to his arm as you rotate and drop your Tan Sau down low to maintain wrist contact , you wiil probably have to drop it down till your arm is parallel with the floor depending on the angle of the punch.
Start off at a nice easy high then low rhythm then once you have the basic movement down and you are staying in contact and sticking nicely to his arm have your partner at random do a few fast ones.
Once you can cope with that then get him to start altering the angles a bit by going from slightly circular to a more tighter attacking style at random.
Make sure you keep forward force on and focused to centreline.
Maintain angle in your arm.
Stay relaxed and stick to his arm as you rotate from Bong and drop the Tan and then back up again with the Bong sau.