Bone Marrow Transplant - Can You Help?



One of our fellow Martial Artists is in dire need of your help.
His son was diagnosed with Acute pre-B cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia

He is in need of a stem-cell or bone marrow transplant, unfortunately his family members are not a perfect match and he needs your help to locate someone that could be.

If you are People with one parent being Caucasian and the other Filipino and/or full blooded Filipino, please consider going to your nearest donation center and being checked to see if you are a match for this young boy.

Please go to the attached link for further information.
kempogirl, I personally cannot, but I know a gentleman in Arlington TX. who might be able to help e-mail him the link, maybe he will be able to help out hope so. All of our prays will include this his son and family. God Bless America and this family
That doesn't include me either, but there are a few students at my school who are part and full Filipino so I'll direct them here.

My thoughts and prayers are with this family.

I'm going to be bumping this every couple days to keep it current.
Hey all,

Just a suggestion, get on the bone marrows lists anyway. All you have to give is a blood test and your results will be archived and shared across the country. Its good karma and you might be able to save a life.

As an aside, patients with mixed heriteges often have a much harder time finding matches. If you are one of those mutts (like me!) it is all the more reason to get on the bone marrow lists.


Blindside said:
Hey all,

Just a suggestion, get on the bone marrows lists anyway. All you have to give is a blood test and your results will be archived and shared across the country. Its good karma and you might be able to save a life.

As an aside, patients with mixed heriteges often have a much harder time finding matches. If you are one of those mutts (like me!) it is all the more reason to get on the bone marrow lists.



Lamont speaks the truth! It's a simple blood test at the Red Cross and you're on the list to help. Been on the list for over 12 years now. I don't expect to get the call, but who knows? I know a guy who got the call in November!
Blindside said:
Hey all,

Just a suggestion, get on the bone marrows lists anyway. All you have to give is a blood test and your results will be archived and shared across the country. Its good karma and you might be able to save a life.

As an aside, patients with mixed heriteges often have a much harder time finding matches. If you are one of those mutts (like me!) it is all the more reason to get on the bone marrow lists.




Good points. If you can get registered then do so. If not for some medical reason :( , then Thank You for caring. :)

I just have to differ with you on one thing. You do not look like a "Mutt" to me. You looked pretty authentic American when I saw you. :) :asian:
I'm sorry I can't help. But I already am on the list. My whole family is.
May I suggest that you ask Bob to put a banner up for this.
I hesitate to tell you that a "bump" is not the correct way to keep the thread alivethat new information is needed at intervals.
I think Bob would be more that willing to put a banner up if you ask him by email or pm.
I hope the young lad is feeling doing better. It is hard to see anyone suffer it hurts deep inside to see a child suffer

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