Big competition coming up: will be watchable online


Blue Belt
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Located about the system to watch the competition (will be interesting)

I have a competition coming up on saturday 22nd Nov and I am very exited and equally nervous! This is going to be the world championship for Nam Pai Chuan Shaolin Kung Fu, that is all the existing groups are invited to compete (not that many to be honest but enough to scare me) in empty hand forms, weapons forms, san da rules sparring for blackbelts and full contact slightly toned down sparring for brown and under.

I will be doing the 17 and under full contact sparring (am 17) and empty hand sparring. Worryingly just yesturday my left knee which I broke badly this week last year has started to restrict my movement during a session of jumping push kicks, but I'm sure it will have gone by Saturday.

Wish me luck!

PS. Any dietry advice for the days before the competition?
Lots of protein in the days leading up to the competition. Don't overeat the day of the fight and stick with proteins and carbs that are easy to digest but are still going to give you the energy you need.

Best of luck on your fight. What time does it start?
roughly 9:45 GMT for the demonstration and about midday for the sparring.

Thanks for the reply. Any particular foods? I've been advised to have porridge by my Sifu.
Porridge would probably be alright. Maybe an egg or two and some fruit. I'd just stay away from anything greasy like sausage and bacon or anything really starchy like potatoes. Eat until you're comfortable but not full feeling. Plan on bringing something to snack on as well, since it could be a long day and you'll want to keep your energy up.
Awesome! I'm going to check it out. I hope you do well and stay safe. Don't overeat before the event. Have a balanced meal the night before the event and eat light on the morning of such as oatmeal and eggs, stay away from dairy products and throw in a multi vitamin for good measure. Good Luck.
Thanks for the advice people. Frostbite, I'm taking jaffa cakes! What a brilliant oppertunity to eat those chocolatey circles of mysterious orange goo. Nothing takes away the sting of defeat or improves the glow of glory like a jaffa cake:]

Luckily that little knee problem seems to have gone, I'm very happy about that because it would have been terrible to spar with only one kicking leg.
Glad to see the knee is doing well. I'd definitely take it easy between now and then. Stretching and some light cardio but you don't want to wear yourself out or strain your knee again.

As far as the jaffa cakes...I suppose that'd be alright but something like trail mix or granola might be better. You don't want your blood sugar too spikey.

I wish I was able to tune in but I'm sure I'll be sleeping, since you're 8 hours ahead. Be sure to give us an update on your performance. :)
Take good care of your knee. It only gets worse as you get older. I'd personally recommend a brace when you fight, but then again I'm paranoid when it comes to knees.
Sorry people, I was wrong! It is available now on
by windows media player.

I'm sure they'll manage to sort out the videos properly soon (at the moment the links are muddled and there's no footage of mat 3).

Well the news is; I WON! oh yes! I got gold in the under 17s sparring category, beating two black belts and a very kicky greenbelt! Couldnt be happier with the result despite losing in forms to some nine year old...

Yes I think I will get a brace for it since you mention it, you can never avoid enough injuries.
That's great news Whitebelt! Congratulations. :)

Sorry about the 9 year old but if it makes you feel any better, you could probably kick their butt. ;)
Yeah probably, I love the faith you have in me; " You could probably kick the butt of a nine year old".