Attention Male USAT athletes :Dont bother

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It is a kick that Steven Cook has thrown before and one that has become a signature kick.

Many athletes practice this kick. It is being referred to as the Cook Kick on our Team.

I should have put the "dumb" in quotes. I was using tex words to describe it. Yes, I have seen this kick utilize by others as well and it is effective (case in point Steven's KO).
Many of Steven's fights with Rufus Hamon had questionable Kyungo's which interrupted the flow of the matches.

Rufus Hamon is really the only one I could give it to to possibly beat Steven. Though in 09, they had a pretty rough fight. Steven really wasn't looking good, and the fight came down to 0 : -1, with Hamon losing a point from penalties. There have probably been a couple of fights that could have swung Hamon's way, but he simply does not have the skill to make it happen.

Mark's fight with Sokolov in the world team trials was marred with kyungo's for kicking low when Mark was jumping to avoid being hit.
Are you saying there is something wrong with jumping to avoid being hit? If so, do you have the same criticism for all the times Jason Han did it as well?

Sokolov won the US Open beating Juan Sanchez from Puerto Pico. He also beat the World Silver Medalist from Canada.
Juan Sanchez, the same guy who lost in his very first fight at the 2009 world championships to Mark Lopez. Though the win over Maxime Potvin was good. Im not going to ask why you didn't give a shoutout to Brian Gallagher, but Im guessing its because as good as Brian Gallagher is, he hasn't performed well internationally.

He got more Kyungo's in 2 minutes fighting Mark than he got in 6 fights at the US Open.
Two? I'm looking at a screenshot of the final scoreboard of one of their fights right now. He has 2 Kyungo's. Now you are just making stuff up.

By the way Mark was publicized by the USAT as going to fight @ the 2010 US Open. It opens the question why didn't he fight. I would say fear of losing in a very strong lightweight field.
Yes, Mark was publicized. I'm not sure why he didn't fight. Fear of losing, this is just baseless speculation. Fear of losing didn't stop him from fighting in the Dutch Open in 2006 right after he "won" world championships in 2005. So I'm not sure why he would feel that way now.

Many of Mark's fights with Jason Han were very questionable.
I have seen some of these fights with Jason Han. I really don't see what you are talking about here, Mark was pretty dominant the whole way.
It is a kick that Steven Cook has thrown before and one that has become a signature kick.

oh dear, a signature kick. Dude, he threw it at barely waist level. That kick is supposed to be thrown at a range were a head typically is. There is no way Cook could have predicted that Steven would lean half way over like that. This is just ridiculous.

Many athletes practice this kick. It is being referred to as the Cook Kick on our Team.
Mark Lopez does this kick. Jason Han does this kick. I'm pretty sure this kick has been a part of their regular training for years before anyone ever heard of Cook. The point is, throughout the fight Cook never could get the kick anywhere higher than near Steven' shoulder. Most of the time it was closer to his waist. It was a desperate kick that eventually found an unlikely target. If that's not a fluke, I don't know what is.

Speaking of Lopez and Cook. Steven had a chance to avenge that loss at the US Open. Aaron Cook fought at the US Open so did Sebastion Michaud but Steven was on the side with his brother selling some product!

Why didn't Steven fight I would submit he did not fight like Mark fear of losing!
Dude, you have no idea how desperate the Lopez's are for money right now. Their school was going under, and they eventually threw out their old coach, Paris Amani, in hopes they could salvage his share of the earnings. From what I am hearing now, they have lost most of their student base and could be closing up shop any time now. Steven is all about products and endorsements. He has to make sure he doesn't lose that nice car of his. He hasn't fought at US Open in years, he is there to make money. Trust me, fear has nothing to do with his not fighting. His pocket book was. Fighting in the US Open doesnt pay the bills. Sitting in a booth with his face plastered all over a product does.

The big problem I have with Mark is that the USAT publicized that he would fight and did not.
I have this same problem, though Mark never even registered, nor do I think he ever planned on fighting. I place the fault on an overzealous USAT trying to hype up their event.
I should have put the "dumb" in quotes. I was using tex words to describe it. Yes, I have seen this kick utilize by others as well and it is effective (case in point Steven's KO).

I have seen Mark use this kick well. Cook's was not well. It was dumb. It was at waist level. He had no way of knowing Steven was going to be bent over looking at the ground like that.
oh dear, a signature kick. Dude, he threw it at barely waist level. That kick is supposed to be thrown at a range were a head typically is. There is no way Cook could have predicted that Steven would lean half way over like that. This is just ridiculous.

How do you know? If you watch the video Cook tapped Steven from the left side jarring him forward and slightly downward to the right with his hands down and head wide open. Who is to say that Cook didn't think he get the head kick? As I said before, you don't know what he was thinking...You may be right, it may have just been a hail mary play that worked. All I'm saying is neither you nor I know for sure, unless of course you talked to Cook directly on this issue.
English is a tough language, but should we always resort to loud blather and distortion of the facts to make a point. Good pictures or tape rarely lie:

The so called "a very ducking motion in a completely weird angle," appears to be Steve Lopez simply lowering his unprotectd head to avoid Aaron Cook's first kick -- a left outside inside crescent or axe kick, which was the first in a double sequence. Lopez's fate is sealed when that lowered head (jaw) meets Cook's roudhouse -- the second kick of the double sequence. None of the kicks were "at barely waist level," as the poster asserts. Lopez, I think, is around 6'3".

And yes, in English, Cook's double-kick sequence can accurately be described as a "great act of skill," and "some kind of brilliant maneuver."

Doing a regular double-sequence with roundhouse kicks is comparatively easy. Kicking to the head with a downward outside inside crescent/axe kick, and then almost simultenously firing a high roundhouse kick with the other leg is a difficult thing to do, even at the elite level.

Nobody is impressed that you know the names of kicks. Stop trying to be so wordy.

Man, Lopez is bent over in half. But that's his fault. Its a fluke knockout resulting by an error Lopez made. Cook threw a sloppy and desperate kick that accidentally found a target. I really don't know how anyone can watch the knockout and conclude otherwise.
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Rufus Hamon is really the only one I could give it to to possibly beat Steven. Though in 09, they had a pretty rough fight. Steven really wasn't looking good, and the fight came down to 0 : -1, with Hamon losing a point from penalties. There have probably been a couple of fights that could have swung Hamon's way, but he simply does not have the skill to make it happen.

Are you saying there is something wrong with jumping to avoid being hit? If so, do you have the same criticism for all the times Jason Han did it as well?

Juan Sanchez, the same guy who lost in his very first fight at the 2009 world championships to Mark Lopez. Though the win over Maxime Potvin was good. Im not going to ask why you didn't give a shoutout to Brian Gallagher, but Im guessing its because as good as Brian Gallagher is, he hasn't performed well internationally.

Two? I'm looking at a screenshot of the final scoreboard of one of their fights right now. He has 2 Kyungo's. Now you are just making stuff up.

Yes, Mark was publicized. I'm not sure why he didn't fight. Fear of losing, this is just baseless speculation. Fear of losing didn't stop him from fighting in the Dutch Open in 2006 right after he "won" world championships in 2005. So I'm not sure why he would feel that way now.

I have seen some of these fights with Jason Han. I really don't see what you are talking about here, Mark was pretty dominant the whole way.

Nothing wrong with Jumping to avoid...Sokolov should not have got the Kyungo's...I was referring to the second fight. I will pull the video and if I am wrong I will retract.

2006 was five years ago and I believe the last time he fought in an OPEN!!!

My thoughts on the reasons Mark did not fight in the US Open are totally speculation. If he had fought there would be no need to speculate. Steven did not fight?

The Juan Sanchez fight was a very controversial fight. Mark won in OT. I believe it was
the quarter finals(I could be wrong). But many thought Juan won. I hapen to think the Mark won a very close fight. My point is that mark and Steven don't fight regularly in the US and we have plenty of fighters that can beat them.

Brian Gallagher is a great fighter he had beat Demitry Kim(Olympian) in the Semi Finals(US Open). A great fight. I did not think that Sokolov would have a hard time with Brian he is really a Bantamweight. Sokolov is a bad match up for him.

Sokolov would be at the trials unfortunately He blew out his Knee before Nationals. He tried to fight but the knee was not healed.
You may be right, it may have just been a hail mary play that worked. All I'm saying is neither you nor I know for sure, unless of course you talked to Cook directly on this issue.

Lets line up all the claims that have been thrown around, and see what is more reasonable.

1. Cook pulled of a brilliant play and knocked out Lopez.
- Cook pulled of a hail marry play that miraculously worked

2. Steven Lopez was scared to fight at US Open
- Steven Lopez would rather be in a booth making money because his business is going under

3. Mark was going to fight, but go scarred when good people showed up
- The USAT hyped up a possible Mark appearance to draw a bigger crowd to their event

4. The USAT is involved in an international conspiracy to give the Lopez guys freebies and makes it easy for them because they are marketing machines
- The Lopez guys are simply better than the other competitors.

Now who is the one who sounds crazy here? You guys sound like kooky conspiracy theorists to me.
The Juan Sanchez fight was a very controversial fight. Mark won in OT. I believe it was
the quarter finals(I could be wrong). But many thought Juan won. I hapen to think the Mark won a very close fight.

Juan thought he won because they went into a clench, and a few seconds later the score went up for no reason at all. No punches or kicks were thrown. It was a technical error with the scoreboard.

But I'm sure had they allowed that result to stay, you guys would be jumping up and down giggling about how Mark was defeated in a brilliant move by the greatest fighter ever who you had never heard of a week before, and how now you guys practice this at your school and call it a "Sanchez kick"

My point is that mark and Steven don't fight regularly in the US and we have plenty of fighters that can beat them.

Who are these fighters, and why don't they beat them when it comes time to step in the ring at team trials?
I understand the need to make $...He was selling products all week...He could have fought...
would have been tricky but they both could have fought...and he should have been fighting at all the US Opens!!!!

A. Cook is fighting all the time...He has fought at Multiple International Opens this year.

He was the JR World Champion and a 2008 Olympian who lost to the same Italian that Steven lost to...A. Cook is the best welterweights in the world. I would say a good bet to win an Olympic Medal....

Steven had a chance to fight him in the US Open and he chose not to it speaks volumes.

Lets not get into why their school is failing!!! The reason why is a overpriced faulty product!!! if you can't turn 4 Olympic Medals 5 world Championships into a business then you have got problems.

Many former Olympic Medalist run very strong Martial Arts businesses. Why did the Lopez's fail.
Lets line up all the claims that have been thrown around, and see what is more reasonable.

1. Cook pulled of a brilliant play and knocked out Lopez.
- Cook pulled of a hail marry play that miraculously worked

Cook threw a shot what was aiming more towards the chest, but lucked out and got the head...not a brilliant play, but not a miracle either...skill was involved

tex said:
2. Steven Lopez was scared to fight at US Open
- Steven Lopez would rather be in a booth making money because his business is going under

If you want to take the business stand point, then it would have been better for Steven to fight. You are more apt to sell more when you are in the forefront of people's mind, especially martial art products. Instead he has been looked upon as being scared thus less business.

tex said:
3. Mark was going to fight, but go scarred when good people showed up
- The USAT hyped up a possible Mark appearance to draw a bigger crowd to their event

The announcement of Mark fighting was not a last minute thing. At anytime Mark could have told USAT not to make such an announcement or he could have simply told the masses, no that was a mistake, I'm not planning to fight at the event. I don't remember him denying his participation, only not participating.

tex said:
4. The USAT is involved in an international conspiracy to give the Lopez guys freebies and makes it easy for them because they are marketing machines
- The Lopez guys are simply better than the other competitors.
Perhaps it is a little of both. It seems like when decisions are close, USAT will side with the Lopez family. Plus, let's face it...The first family of TKD gave USAT a lot of publicity during the Olympics. So yes, people may think that USAT made sure that they got the upper hand. The Lopez family are good fighters, but not unstoppable, as Cook pointed out.
Cook threw a shot what was aiming more towards the chest, but lucked out and got the head...not a brilliant play, but not a miracle either...skill was involved

I think this is about as close to agreement we are going to get on this.

If you want to take the business stand point, then it would have been better for Steven to fight. You are more apt to sell more when you are in the forefront of people's mind, especially martial art products. Instead he has been looked upon as being scared thus less business.

Looked upon as being scared by who? Two people on the internet? Who are these masses of people who thought Lopez was scared to fight in the US Open? He's there to sign autographs and sell crap.

The announcement of Mark fighting was not a last minute thing. At anytime Mark could have told USAT not to make such an announcement or he could have simply told the masses, no that was a mistake, I'm not planning to fight at the event. I don't remember him denying his participation, only not participating.

Yes, I can see it now. Mark Lopez gets on his twitter and says, "OHHHHH NOOOOO thE USAT HAS MADE A TERRIBLE MISTAKE! THEY THINK I AM FIGHTING BUT I AM NOT! PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, BELIEVE ME WHEN I TELL YOU I AM NOT. I apologize for any mis-communication. I am so embarrassed.

I really don't think Mark cares if they say he is fighting or not, and don't see why he would go out of his way to correct them if his isn't.

Ok..perhaps scared may be a poor choice of about...reluctant, cautious, unsure, reserved. Whatever...point is, that if he was truly thinking about business he would have made a better business move and fought. This would motivate people to buy more stuff after a fresh win than it would living off of the past.

As for Mark, you can say he doesn't care about people saying he is going to fight when he isn't but look what is happening now. He doesn't show and rumors fly. Though he could have made a back alley deal with USAT and got some kickback from them for using his name to draw a bigger crowd.
They announced Mark's participation on multiple occasions. It would have been the right thing for him to retract those announcements.
All I will say is this no matter who wins, I will and have supported are selected athletes in the Olympics. We all do I know, I would also like to say that USAT is as much to blame about Mark as is Mark himself.
As I read the posts and I appreciate them entertaining and informative. The oposing sides will not agree but as a Senior I might add some points.

English? Its interesting how people communictate. Most times when a person states a position or asks a question it is retorical? Means they are not asking for a real answer they simply wish to reinforce thier own opinion. One of the great mathematicians
a code breaker in WWII who wrote a book about this that it is pointless to negotiate or try to convince people like this wasted effort. But I agree in a public forum sometimes you just can't let something lie being spoken as gospel which may eduate the young or unlearned?

Identity? I do think anyone wishing to state a strong political or factual based post should be willing to PM or thier profile show who they are.

Bad behavior? When someone wants to behave badly by negative comments do not reward them by giving them what they want which is to get a raise out of you. You would not even think of taking out your wallet and handing them cash so why give them your time which is more valuable. You cannot teach the unteachable.

Nobody? Truth is the same regardless of who it comes from 2 + 2 still = 4 but age and experience should count for something.
However the blond lady posted on this site with her You Tube notice about the end of the world has just kinda blown that theory. However the blond lady posted on this site with her You Tube notice about the end of the world has just kinda blown that theory.

Sparring? At the last Master's license seminar and test the KKW had a person teaching the latest sparring examples and one was a blinding counter turn spin kick but he completely keeps his back to the oponent stating that in that position it is imposible for the openent to score. I don't like that or the scoring while falling down. I think oponents need to face each other. On the street your not going to turn your back at least no for long. Now that is my opinion which some agree with and some not but I am somebody my family and my dog loves me.
I don't like that or the scoring while falling down.

I have mixed feeling about falling down. Though while everyone here seems to think its a brilliant maneuver that has become Cook's signature move, I would remind everyone that in the 90s and up until around 2001, falling down while kicking was the Steven Lopez leg block of its day. It was controversial, considered unfair, but it won world championships. I assure you that the same guys here applauding Cook for using it now would have been griping about the very thing 10 years ago.
5 years off from an open?

I forgot this was an interesting topic. Depending on the age 5 years away from a volume of fighting or age past 26 can be a life time and posible injuries that won't or have not healed properly? It would be prudent for any fighter to limit or be selective about saving themselves for the title bout if possible. But this is not Pros so its seems everyone should be on an equal basis to qualify yearly? I would like to know what the printed rules are ralted to that? If it is not in the bylaws it woudl only make sence that the organization will protect what they see is the best media draw and finincial earner.

Nationals do not make money they loose money as a rule? We hosted the 1990 nationals and my GM almost went bankrupt. Sad we paid for having the Ninja Turtles and they would do nothing just stand for pictures?

I remember the Korean Masters took the entire OTC team up on the stands after the end and asked how many took 1st place, no bodyraised thier hands , how many 2nd place, none, how many 3rd place, none the masters droped thier hands and walked away in discust? They trained at our DoJang prior to the tournament and I was impressed with thier drills and sounds I had never heard? but it did not translate to good scoring?
I also remeber it was the last time we had a breaking division the older guys were so out of shape they were injurying themselves before they even got to the boards it was sad.
Any chance USAT will have a link on thier website or someone else for live coverage of the Trials on the internet?

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