Any other Capoeiristas on Martial Talk?

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
I think that at this time I may be the only capoeirista on Martial Talk. I just wanted to ask if there are any others out there with some experience with capoeira?

I took a few class in my younger days. I liked it, but the instructor was only visiting for a few months. It opened my eyes to what the art was really about. Much different than what you see on TV and the movies.
Sorry Crane, but I think its gonna be a tough call trying to find Capoeira players. About as rare as Silat players for some reason.
Well, it is gaining in popularity quite a bit, but still fairly obscure. I kinda like it that way, to tell the truth.

I'm not necessarily looking to connect with anyone, as I can always reconnect with my old school here in San Francisco. Lots of capoeira players here. I was just curious to know if any of them have found their way onto Martial Talk.

I guess for now, in this particular subject, I get to be the Highest Authority.
HKphooey said:

I took a few class in my younger days. I liked it, but the instructor was only visiting for a few months. It opened my eyes to what the art was really about. Much different than what you see on TV and the movies.

Right on. Who was the instructor, and where was this?
bushidomartialarts said:
now that i think about it, i remember a friend in sanfran talking about a really great capoeira club in the area.....

Yes, San Francisco area is really the Capoeira Capital in the US. Not the only place with teachers, but probably has the most, and the most variety. I trained for several years with a school here, before drifting into the Chinese arts.
Flying Crane said:
Right on. Who was the instructor, and where was this?

It was a cultural exchange at my high school The Mestre was a relative of one of the students. I cannot rememeber his name (though I am sure I would not be able to spell it anyway :).

I think it was a good fit with my long legs and arms (37 inch arms am legs). I liked the way the music/tradition was incorporated in to the training.

Is that your primary art now?
