Any other Atheist here?

Theism doesn't require alien worship. It is just an unproven belief system.

I am open to proof, message me when you have some so I can look at it. One of the myths about atheism is that you are not open to proof.
I for one am unclear as to what I am. I believe in spirituality but unsure if I believe in God as it has been explained to me.

Count me amongst the confused and wondering.

Thanks for the open and honest answer:ultracool How dose your beliefs impact your martial arts?
Theism denotes belief in a personal God, intelligence or mind which in some way determines the ordering of events in the universe, or at least did so at some point in time. Science posits constraints that hold among measurable dynamical variable in the universe, e.g. conservation of energy or the exclusion principle prohibiting on two or more particle sharing the same quantum numbers, or... and you're saying these two points of view are the same?
Yes the mere beilief that answers lie in future scientific discovery is a faith... A personal god? Your concept of God does not limit theism.
Thanks for the open and honest answer:ultracool How dose your beliefs impact your martial arts?

No, I grappled and that tends not to have many metaphysical aspects in it. :D
Define "god" (or "God", if you prefer). For those who believe in science as the guiding force in the universe, science may well be their religion, thus it becomes, for some people, a theistic belief. For others it does not. For all, religion, in all its forms, it is a personal choice, and, often, an individual belief system, and individually defined. This is one of the issues that makes this such a difficult issue to discuss; everyone is working from a slightly different understanding of the terms used.

As to your original question - it doesn't. Yes, there is a moral component to my practice of TKD, but it concerns solely the moral aspects of using the skills I learn and teach. Religion does not enter into it - which is good, as, being Jewish, none of my current students, and few of my past students, share my belief system.
To me being a open atheist in society can be rough. You get accused of having no values. Of worshiping science. Of trying to be a know-it-all who wants to ruin Christmas for everyone. Even liberal religious people will put you down. Thats one of the reasons their are so many militant atheist today. You almost have to be unless you want to stay in the atheist closet.
When we streatch the belief to fill in the unproven blanks even though its obvious its still a faith.

I don't know but I have "faith" in the theory of gravity.
BTW I was being sarcastic.:uhyeah:
I also forgot to mention their is a difference from faith and reasonable expectations based on evidence.
Not the assumptions themselves, but the faith in where the answers lie is a theism.

In order for this to be true, you need to somehow link REALITY, as determined by what can be measured, AND anything that someone may believe.

The truth is that our observations zero down on certain ideas and that they LOGICALLY take precidence in our minds.

Assumptions in science are not truth...they are merely our best guess...and we can NEVER do any better then that.

"Ve believe in nussing, Lebowski!"
So anyways to get back on topic how has your way of thinking affected or not your martial arts?
I will be getting offline for a while but will be back on later tomorrow. I will also happily do a "ask the atheist" thread if anyone wishes or has anymore misconceptions about atheism.
This is wrong because any assumption in science can be proven wrong. This is differs from theistic belief in a very fundamental way.

There was a fairly recent thread on MT Imagining the 10th Dimension. Where the linked to website tries to help people understand up to the 10th dimension. said:
In String theory, physicists tell us that Superstrings vibrating in the tenth dimension are what create the subatomic particles which make up our universe, and all of the other possible universes as well.

Can the existence of 'all the other possible universes' really be proven wrong?
What works. What doesn't. No ********. I hope that answers your question.