Am I the only person who Sarah and Raewyn nag

Sarah said:
Yes his Instructor is under Bobby, when Derek gets back on line Im sure he'll full you in.

Point him the the FMA section for some reading.

Derek I wish I was there last night to witness you crack Steve in the face with that weapon you call an elbow!!

Good shot buddie!!

about time someone dealt to him ......LOL
Sarah said:
Derek I wish I was there last night to witness you crack Steve in the face with that weapon you call an elbow!!

Good shot buddie!!

about time someone dealt to him ......LOL
Derek and his'll be the death of us all. Lance's broken toe, Sarah in the our instructor in the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah and ya wonder why Mark calls him Danger Mouse!!

If he dosent get you with his elbow, he'll get you with his stick.......
hehehehe, dont forget Sharn, he got her a good one in sparring!!

Derek Buddy you are never gonna hear the end of this!!

(call me a nag will you... )
Sarah said:
(call me a nag will you... )
damn....this poor fellow has to deal with you two in person.....he has bigger cojonés than Steve Irwin...and for a guy that picks up coral snakes and sticks his thumb up places where it shouldn't be....that's pretty friggin' big.
ha if he wasn't picked on he'd think nobody likes him....keep nagging....i like raisins and sarah's personality i think they'd be much trouble, i mean fun to hang out with in person and chad you know if you had a chance you would too
Chronuss said:
don't listen to the short one....corner a cat...get scratched.

now you know you've never scratched me, me you yes, bite me now that's another story...however scratch and i'll wack you on the nose with a magazine like a dog bad cat bad :whip:
FUZZYJ692000 said:
now you know you've never scratched me, me you yes, bite me now that's another story...however scratch and i'll wack you on the nose with a magazine like a dog bad cat bad :whip:
and you'll just get your nose stolen again. :redcaptur
Sarah said:
not if its a sweet little kitty cat!!

Oh really!
I'm thinking that the 2 of you in person are different than your keyboard warrior selves! :uhyeah: Not in a bad way though and I'm guessing Chad loves every minute being nagged.

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