After Tuscon, I thought we were supposed to be nicer


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
So much for a "new civility", I guess some on the left did not get the message. This article is from about a liberal theatre group in wisconsin that "kills" conservatives on stage during their act.

I first came across this "murder" conservatives in movies because we don't like their ideas in a movie in the early nineties called "Last Supper". in the movie a bunch of liberals have conservatives over to their communal home for dinner, and if they don't like what they hear, they poisoned the conservatives to death. Cameron Diaz has an early screen role here, as does Ron Perleman (as Rush Limbaugh). This movie is one that helped me to become a conservative. The message seemed to be, as a liberal, you need to be strong enough to do some bad things, other wise the bad conservatives will win. If you don't believe me, check out this movie. Add in The Death Of A President and a bunch of others, and the nuttiness of some on the left becomes very clear.
in the movie a bunch of liberals have conservatives over to their communal home for dinner, and if they don't like what they hear, they poisoned the conservatives to death. Cameron Diaz has an early screen role here, as does Ron Perleman (as Rush Limbaugh). This movie is one that helped me to become a conservative.

Too bad you never watched the movie then. If you had, you would have seen the part at the end where their actions catch up to them, right after they come to the understanding that what they've been doing is wrong.

Let me guess, read a summary from one of Breitbart's clones?
Too bad you never watched the movie then. If you had, you would have seen the part at the end where their actions catch up to them, right after they come to the understanding that what they've been doing is wrong.

Let me guess, read a summary from one of Breitbart's clones?

That was a good movie, I need to watch it again. Last time I saw it was pre-9/11 and I identified more closely with the "liberals" than their conservative guests. With their ideals, if not their methods anyway.

To be fair to the OP, a movie like "Last Supper" would never have been made if there wasn't at least a hint of truth in the initial premise. If everybody went in thinking "WTF?! Liberals murdering people with opinions they disagree with?", the movie would have failed outright. I think a lot of people probably got a vicarious thrill from the idea. I know I did, back in my "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot"-reading days.
If everybody went in thinking "WTF?! Liberals murdering people with opinions they disagree with?", the movie would have failed outright. I think a lot of people probably got a vicarious thrill from the idea. I know I did, back in my "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot"-reading days.

Ironically, I saw it in my "still sometimes listening to Rush Limbaugh" days.

I guess anyone can always identify with only the beginning of the movie, or just enjoy watching idiots get killed. I don't think they watched the whole movie though. They keep killing less and less "evil" people, and need less and less justification. The guy that wants to keep killing becomes dangerous and scary, as the others want to stop. Finally, they realize they've done wrong and are going to change right before they all get murdered when the Rush Limbaugh stand-in figures out what they've been up to. I don't see how anyone can see all that and conclude it was a big pro-liberal, kill-the-conservatives flick. If anything, it was a cautionary tale on the dangers of ideology justifying immorality when you are convinced you are right and pure. Hardly the movie Bill made it out to be.
Actually empty hands, you are incorrect. After the one member of the group wants to give the poison to the girl who thinks that only sex inside marriage is legitamate, this is where you see the group starting to loose their focus. They start to bicker and have doubts about killing these people they simply disagree with. Just when they are on the verge of stopping the killing, a couple of them are at the small local air port when they run into the Rush Limbaugh character. They invite him back to dinner because his plane is grounded due to bad weather. Back at the house, he charms them, they start to bicker about wether or not to kill him. While they are arguing in the kitchen, he overhears their conversation, and looks outside at the vegatable garden. this is where they have been keeping the dead bodies. They bury them in the garden and put a tomato plant over them. Rush (Ron Perleman) sees the seven or eight lumps and a light goes on in his brain. The group at this point has decided that they can't poison him, they have to stop. At this point it turns out that Rush poisoned them, in self-defence, first.

The problem with your view, empty hands is that you say the moral is about not taking your beliefs to extremes, it is here that you are mistaken. There is an argument among the group about how dangerous a guy like limbaugh really is and what a threat he is. At the end of the movie, when they have fallen apart and are then killed by Limbaugh, as the movie fades out, the Limbaugh character is heard on his radio show announcing his run for the Presidency, the very thing they were afraid of.

The real moral of this story is that if you allow yourself to become weak and merciful, or to have doubts about what you are doing, the bad conservative may win in the end. If readers don't believe this, rent the movie.

I watched this movie on cable one night way back when, when I was still a democrat. I also thought that your premise would be the way the movie ended, but when it turns out that the Rush Character was everything they believed he was , that was when I realized, the guy who made this movie thinks they really needed to kill Rush.

On the local radio station, wls 890 am, I heard a now former host Eileen Byrne, interviewing a fairly prominent print journalist, I forget who he was exactly, but I knew who he was then. He told Eileen that he though it would have been better for the country if Rush had never recovered his hearing, and I heard Eilleen startled by the response.

Also, remember that wonderful movie about the assasination of President Bush. These movies are out there, and this play is out there,some lefties have really broken moral compasses.
The moral of this story is, that conservatives can make a comment about "shooting down" a bill, or "targetting" a specific district and liberals go beserk and claim that they are fearing for their lives. On the other hand, liberals can create whole thearter presentations about killing conservatives and it gets a pass as "black comedy"......Oh the hypocracy.
Thanks Yorkshirelad, that is exactly my, I have to say poorly made, point. Over and over again I have seen, in my 24 years transition from democrat to conservative the left and their fantasy life expressed in the media. I remember Juliane Malveaux when she said she hoped that clarenc thomas's wife made him bacon and eggs for breakfast, because black men tended to die earlier from heart disease, or when Alec Baldwin on David Letterman or Jay Leno, called for people to join him in dragging out Dennis Hastert and his wife and children and stoning them to death. Recently Ed sHultz, a left wing radio guy prayed for Dick Cheney to die of a heart attack and Richard Dreyfus complimented him on the prayer.

This is a clip about Ed Shultz:

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