Afghan girls exercise a freedom (news article)


MT Mentor
This was shown on MSNBC news:

Brief Summary: Martial arts class defies the old guard

A girls' singing group performs a song from the pre-Taliban era at a cultural performance in Kabul. The girls' club also features a controversial martial arts class that has been shut down several times by the police.

Read the full article for more detail!

- Ceicei
I think its fantastic to see these women going against the norm in their country. I hope that all goes well for them and that they continue to train.
I think it's great that after so many years of oppression that one of the first things they do to express their new freedom is a martial arts class. Hopefully the freedom found in the discipline (weird concept of mine) of martial arts will help them along the path toward more open freedoms that women in the rest of the world enjoy.