Datu Tim Hartman

Senior Master
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY USA
Okay boys and girls. We just hit 175 members. Time to Party.

:boing2: :hammer: :drinkbeer :cheers:
Originally posted by Renegade
We just hit 175 members.

How many times have I told you--if you stop hitting them, you might have more!

Congratulations! How the heck did someone get out in this weather to join!?!
I think Gou has hit on 175 members. :D

Okay...just the female members, Gou. :p

I'm sorry...but I don't wanna hear about Gou's Members......:rofl:

175...not bad, and over 4000 posts too.

Its a good thing when yer snowed in...not much to do but surf the web. :)
Jealousy is such a nasty emotion.

When you look as good as me...it's all about the skills.
175 members, superb.

Unforunately I have no idea what your talking about.

Am I missing out on something really cool? Someone please let me know.
Our member count here. As we're a relativly new forum (open Aug 01) we're keeping score on how we're growing.

Looks like we're gonna break 200 members by end of Jan 02. :)
It is really quite amazing that 175 people from all over place can get together online and share with eachother. Actually from what I have seen everyone has kept their temper and attituds in check.

Congratualtions to the moderators for keeping us on our toes, and to all the members have join. Let us all keep this forum as a place that we all enjoy.
Thanks. When we were setting up the forums (I also run a less populated Sci-Fi/Anime forum) I had alot of folks telling me it was gonna be a royal PITA with trolls, crackers, and nutballs. Happily, it hasn't been like that. Couple of minor hiccups, but 99% smooth. Like you said, its great.

We could use some more diversity, but thats coming. Takes time to get the word out. :)

I have been telling people about this great forum all the time. I can see atleast 10 names out there that I have directed this way.

Keep up the good work!
I think the more simplistic you get with this site the easier it gets to be on. Keep up the good work. It's much better than the first day and keeps getting better.
Yes, this place is stellar! You know, Rob, that this place is gonna put our Yahoo clubs outta business! This is just WAY slick! And I finally got my yellow belt- so where's the congratulatory parade??
First and foremost .. CONGRATS VINCE!

I love the bells and whistles of this page! The belt rankings
idea was just ingenious! It's the coolest in my opinion to
customize this board just for martial artists, it's great! Kudos
to whomever thought of it!
Yes indeed Kirk! Like I posted to Rob earlier, this thing is gonna put our Yahoo clubs outta business. Glad I don't make money from them!

This place is definitely the cat's ***. It's been nothing short of a party since I registered here.

Let's get it on!!!!!!

I love these smileys!!! :soapbox: :confused: :rofl: :asian:

How freekin cool can you get????????
There will always be a place for the yahoo groups, especially the Spirit of the Tiger and Dragon. Glad to see you guys are enjoying this forum.
While this is a great forum, there's something to be said about
the smaller ones. I've got a feeling of comraderie from a lot
of those on Rob's yahoo club, where if I ever meet you guys,
I'm buying the first round!
With 180+ members .. We can get some good posts on the humor
board! Let's GO!