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Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Gee I am surrounded by several thousand military personnel all day that study some of the most ridiculous arts ever to come down the PikeÂ…Â….and they donÂ’t complain either.
Ignorance is bliss I guessÂ…Â…

I canÂ’t recall ever commenting on his technical skills (which I could careless about ) on this board or any otherÂ…Â…Â…I do recall commenting on Mya Ryu JituÂ’s use of the Japanese Language which he has no skill in, I do recall commenting on Mya Ryu JituÂ’s claims to rank and his refusing to answer where and from whom he got such rank, I do recall commenting on Mya Ryu JituÂ’s claim that he studied a style he claimed was alive and well in Okainwa but doesnÂ’t exist.
Mya Ryu Jitu has shown nothing but deception when questioned about where he got his rank and from whom.
If I were to claim an 8th dan in Kyokushin you can bet your sweet bippy there would be people asking me from whom and from which Kyokushin group (there are several now) I got it from.
What makes Mya Ryu Jitu beyond reproach?
If he were to say he got ranked from Kinjo Takashi or Itokazu Seiko (present heads of Pangainoon) in Okinawa I would say great, but since Pangainoon has such a small following outside of Okinawa I am suspicious of anyone claiming EXTREMELY HIGH rank in that art.
This coupled with his less than candid answers make people suspicious of his credentials and therefore make some of his comments lack credibility.

LetÂ’s say I claimed to be a brain surgeon.
You ask me a question about itÂ….I give you page after page of everything but an answer to your question. You ask me where I went to school, again I give you page after page of everything but an answer to your question. DoesnÂ’t lend much confidence as to my knowledge about the subject does it?

Points taken but maybe like myself he feels he owes no-one proof and also would not like to put his instructors names on a web site filled with people he does not know.:asian:

Originally posted by DAC..florida
and also would not like to put his instructors names on a web site filled with people he does not know.:asian:


Which only draws more suspicion.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Which only draws more suspicion.

I disagree with you here, I feel that before giving the names of your sesai's you must first ask thier permission and if they wish not to be mentioned in cyber space than you should respect that. :asian:

Oh come on guys, leave it already! Neither of you are getting anywhere with this cept asking the same old damn questions! :shrug:

I think you are an angry man, and I truly feel sorry for you. And I mean that sincerly.

A couple of months ago you thought you were cock-of-the-walk and you let your mouth overload your butt. and what did it buy you? Another suspension. Without provication and without evidence you accused my falsely of something which I had no knowledge of. And it cost you. You even had to humble yourself and publically apologize to me.

And how did I respond to you. Did I kick you while you were down? Did I launch into some tirade against you? Did I dwell on the fact of how you've treated me since day one? No, I humbly accepted your apology, stated I was sorry to see you gone and even mentioned corrospondence via email. I even went so far as to state publically that I have learned from you i.e. the word Soke. Which you know I've learned was incorrect on my part. NOT arrogant...merely wrong in what I thought it meant. You KNOW I extended my hand to you.

When Moromora asked about Pangainoon I stated three kata but gave credit to you for a fourth because I remember you stating this months ago. You took this as a SLAP????? give me a break! I gave you credit for an alternative opinion. There was NOTHING derogatory intended...PERIOD. If you took it this way it is on you. I can't control the tone in which you read content. If I wanted to slam you...I've had opportunity and let it pass.

You wanna ride me about credentials, go ahead. It means something to me and my peers regardless of what it means to you. I've offered nothing but kindness when you were down and out. Go ahead and slander me about something you have no firsthand knowledge of if you must. I've explained more about myself here than most any other poster, if its not enough then so be it. I have no secrets but I also don't have to report everything to you or anyone here in cyberspace.

My wall candy is not who I am. My wall candy is at the bottom of my closet. I rarely wear my belt but when I do it is with hard earned pride. Along with the technical skill I also have teaching skill AND practical application in real life situations. To ME that is the real test.

I'm done with this topic.


Mya Ryu Jitsu has been around for over a decade. It is a small fish in a big ocean but it is something I have put myself into. It is not Japanese nor am I. Ryu and Jitsu are of course to give honor to my foundational training. Mya is Arabic for water, either calm tranquil water or pounding crashing water. It reflects my training and beliefs.

Have a nice day gentlemen. I'm off to other subjects.

Originally posted by Mya Ryu Jitsu
Mya Ryu Jitsu has been around for over a decade. It is a small fish in a big ocean but it is something I have put myself into. It is not Japanese nor am I. Ryu and Jitsu are of course to give honor to my foundational training. Mya is Arabic for water, either calm tranquil water or pounding crashing water. It reflects my training and beliefs.

So essentially the name is just gibberish?
Mr. MyaRyuJitsu.

Hope I was not a party to the problem. My humor or attempt at it was only meant to bring peace. I feel you have conducted yourself with knowledge and humility. You have stated when your were wrong and when you were right you did not berate in your verbage. Mr. Ryushikan is a very strong willed person and not affraid to speak his mind (reading his posts). I commend him for being of strong principles. I may be way off base here, but I'd be willing to bet that if you gentlemen met and exchanged training styles, you would find you both have a lot in common and more than likely be impressed with each other. Dare I say, become friends. I strive to find the good in people. I wish you both good fortune in your travels within the Martial Arts World.
So essentially the name is just gibberish?


No, I have stated it's meaning.

So essentially your just trying to cause strife with idiotic comments?

Originally posted by Mya Ryu Jitsu

No, I have stated it's meaning.

So essentially your just trying to cause strife with idiotic comments?


What happened to "Other Topics" :rolleyes:

Come on, dont start a big ole' thing on this again.....PULEASE :D

No, I have never promoted myself :rolleyes: I have gone the route that others before me have taken in formulating a new system. I have sought out peer review of high ranking individuals in various systems. In my case these individuals were Grandmaster James Ray, Grandmaster Yuri Kostrov, Grandmaster Bernde Hoele, Grandmaster Daniel Hayen, Grandmaster Seyed Moghadasi and Grandmaster Mohammed Tienarro. Over a lengthy period they gave me additions, subtractions, opinions and guidance and finally their blessing. They ranked me amoung them. It has been a humbling honor.


Thank you for your comments. I know you weren't trying to start anything. As for RyuShiKan, I offered him my hand when he was down. How he choses to respond is entirely up to him.


If you don't like it there are plenty of other threads :D

Don't make me give you a 'boot to the groin!' :rofl:

See ya in the chatroom.

Originally posted by Mya Ryu Jitsu

If you don't like it there are plenty of other threads :D

Don't make me give you a 'boot to the groiin! :rofl:

See ya in the chatroom.



I'm just like the next guy, I LOVE a good fight, But when I've seen it before I just get a little something called Deja Vu :p

See ya in the chatroom.

Joseph :lol:
I just get a little something called Deja Vu

Didn't you already say that :boing2:

On the house :drinkbeer [non-alcoholic] ;)
Originally posted by moromoro
hmmm i wonder why he doesnt want to maybe its a secret order of karate or it could be written on their makimono

An email sent to me by Mya Ryu Jitsu on 4/02/2003


If you have the opportunity, would you be able to email me some japanese characters? Specifically looking for the character for water i.e rushing/crashing/fast flowing, something of this nature. Also 'style' such as in ryu [I believe is the correct word. If you are able to help I would appreciate it. Thank you

David Schultz

Originally posted by Mya Ryu Jitsu

Mya Ryu Jitsu has been around for over a decade. It is a small fish in a big ocean but it is something I have put myself into. It is not Japanese nor am I. Ryu and Jitsu are of course to give honor to my foundational training. Mya is Arabic for water, either calm tranquil water or pounding crashing water. It reflects my training and beliefs.

Ryu could mean any number of things.....jitsu means day or in some cases actually.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
I disagree with you here, I feel that before giving the names of your sesai's you must first ask thier permission and if they wish not to be mentioned in cyber space than you should respect that. :asian:

What's the big secret?

Originally posted by Mya Ryu Jitsu

No, I have never promoted myself :rolleyes: I have gone the route that others before me have taken in formulating a new system. I have sought out peer review of high ranking individuals in various systems. In my case these individuals were Grandmaster James Ray, Grandmaster Yuri Kostrov, Grandmaster Bernde Hoele, Grandmaster Daniel Hayen, Grandmaster Seyed Moghadasi and Grandmaster Mohammed Tienarro. Over a lengthy period they gave me additions, subtractions, opinions and guidance and finally their blessing. They ranked me amoung them. It has been a humbling honor.

Maybe I should get a bunch of my MA friends together and we can all recognize each other as “Grandmasters”:rolleyes:

Regarding Mya Ryu JirsuÂ’s claim to an 8th danÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…the burden of truth has always been on him to prove it.
Believe as you wish :rolleyes:

And you never replied....

O'well we found some on our own :)

P.S. for Disco, I think you have your answer now. :cool:
Originally posted by Mya Ryu Jitsu
Believe as you wish :rolleyes:

And you never replied....

Help you make your art sound more legitÂ…Â…Â…I think not.
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