Your proudest moment as a MAist


Blue Belt
Dec 10, 2004
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Time for some lighthearted banter I think...

Please post your most potent page of the book of your life as a Martial Artist so that all the others yet to post may look upon your acheivements and go green with envy! Have a boast!
My proudest moment as a Martial Artist just happened yesterday (9/8/07). I saw my eldest son get his 1st Dan in TKD. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see him test, as I was testing at the same time. I outrank him by about 1.5 minutes. ;) He worked so hard, and he was pretty relaxed. Just before we were called to line up I was still going through the requirements and he was chatting with someone about Halo3 coming out. His much younger 'sponge' brain has a better retention rate for this, so he has been a huge help to me as we worked out outside of class on forms until they stuck in my head.

What a great day it was! I am sore and have some bruises today, but I slept real good last night.
Since i've started training in MA i've had a few proud days....

The first was when i started, in heinsight it was the hardest step.
The second was when i graded to yellow belt.
The third was just yesterday when i graded to blue belt... and yes, i am very sore today but am on top of the world!!
Since i've started training in MA i've had a few proud days....

The first was when i started, in heinsight it was the hardest step.
The second was when i graded to yellow belt.
The third was just yesterday when i graded to blue belt... and yes, i am very sore today but am on top of the world!!

That's great! Congratulations!
Starting TKD (gotta agree with TheOriginalName on this one)
Breaking my first board
Surprising one of the Black Belts when I told him I wanted to spar
When I actually managed to land a light tap on Sensei during a sparring session...
Everyday that I still can train. At this point in my life those are great day and will continue to be.
When my head instructor came up to me and said "I'd be more than willing to take you to Okinawa to train" It's well known that my head instructor travels to Okinawa every couple years to train and very rarely ever takes anyone with him, so I was quite elated for quite a while.
That would have to be last Friday, when my Sifu asked me to go on a short road trip and help him teach.
I have to say my proudest moments have been watching my daughter receive her next rank. The soreness and muscle pain that I am feeling (we train and test together) all goes away when she is called up for her promotion.
When I recieved the honor of becoming an assistant instructor. In my school you can teach classes for a long time, but never actually become an instructor, I had to work hard to earn that recognition...
Passing my first yellow belt test (of what turned out to be three, in different arts). That was Hapkido, many moons ago. ;)
Firstly, may i say congrads to both crushing and son and original name on their recent gradings! :asian:

I also had a bit of a "peak experience" in my ba gua practice last night, when my teacher approached me for a chat after class and mentioned that i should start to think about instructing for the school! I'm still in shock... i've only been training for 5 and a half years. Not that i'll be ready to teach any time soon (i still have heaps to learn), but i'm immensly gratified that he believes i have that kind of potential.
Proudest moment? Hard to say. Last year I was doing some longsword sparring with padded weapons so we could go full speed. I had landed a hit on my opponent who had stumbled back, but I didn't notice that I had hit him. As soon as he stumbled back, without thinking I rushed in to press my advantage. For that moment, my "lizard" brain had taken over and all I thought was "kill target now". I was proud that I had ingrained that agression enough that it became reflex even under adrenaline dump. However, I was also proud that when my opponent raised his hand to signify he had been hit, I stopped dead in my tracks (like hitting a plexiglass wall, really), since under no circumstance can I threaten the safety of my training partners. Good times. :)

Best regards,

Last summer I had just gotten my 1st Degree Black, and I went to Las Vegas national convention to help a friend of mine demonstrate one-step techniques as part of his 5th Degree (Master's rank) promotion ceremony.

I had just gotten my new uniform, and hadn't worn it yet, other than to try for size. During the ceremony I was up on stage about 6 feet from the Governing board for my system, all 8th degrees and above, Including GM Chuck Norris, Aaron Norris, and my instructor, Chip Wright. It was quite an experience for a newly minted Black Belt.

There were also about 200 Black belts of various ranks in the audience. I was just the attacker, and didn't do anything but fire the first punch, and then respond to the counterattacks and throws/take-downs. But still, we had been practicing for months.
My proudest moment was when I got to hand my two oldest sons their first belt promotions.
It's already been said in this thread, but I'm proud of myself for just starting. I had an immense fear of confrontation and had no idea what to expect, but I dived in anyway.
My proudest moment as a martial artist.

It happened to me 2 weeks ago when I finally got as fit as I used to be....

Quite a few months ago I posted a topic about me having meningitus(SP?) and since then I lost alot of confidence and will power, I even lost the will power to train.....

But since I got confronted by a knife a couple of months ago, I remembered why I used to take my training so seriously and I slowly started to build my will power back up and started to train again.

I think this is probably the proudest moment I have ever had in my life, I know this sounds a bit gay but I honestly dont care lol.
Tonight's session- I turned into Superman, crossed with Wolverine, and with a little bit of the Hulk thrown in there. Absolutely amazing.


I love every day- no ultra proud moments. I guess when I passed my gradings and received my belts back in my Kung Fu days- I was pretty proud back then.

I was pretty proud also when I first started Muay Thai- I took about 5-6 weeks to really get a hang for the kicking aspect to it. One night I had this bonza breakthrough- I still remember it to this day. Since then- my kicks have just got better and harder and faster!!!

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