You Know You're Getting Older When...

You would rather die than appear in public in a pair of baggy pants showed your underwear..
When remote meant far away and had nothing to do with the TV

And Dial was what you did to make a phone call… And that phone had a cord attached to it
No one had cell phones or calculators... and no one thought they needed them, either.
Only the rich could afford AC in their cars and homes...
Anyone remember the controversy when GI Joe was introduced??Little boys were not supposed to play with dolls...
I still love vinyl records, record players, and old juke boxes.
I remember cars that didn't have seat belts, and the seats in the front weren't bucket seats.
I remember cars that didn't have seat belts, and the seats in the front weren't bucket seats.

Ahh yes, the good old bench seat..So many memories, none of them postable for fear of incuring the wrath of the Mods..
You use to be able to ride in the back of a pick up truck and no one was worried about your safety.
Drive in movie theaters. (also could be in conjunction with the old bench seat cars... ahem)
Nickle for a large Hershey Bar..

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