WTF is This!?!?!?!

LOL! Actually, it is a pretty strange picture...
You know, I am not a tin foil hat wearer, but I never bought into the gov't's decision that this:
was just a hairless coyote. I guess if there were one, that would be fine, but there were dozens of these things killed last year all over the east coast.

I wonder when we will see a truly unique animal appear and will it be embraced or will people and agencies just declare it's a mutation and we will just blindly nod our heads and agree like the little drones most of us are.

What ever it is I would almost like to see one alive to see what it’s natural habits where. It is indeed a strange looking creature and one I am sure will be studied long and hard by scientists.
Maybe its some screwed up taxidermist playing a practical joke, seeing as it got most of its attention from being on the internet its most likely to be a hoax.

I saw a similar picture a while ago (also on t'internet) that turned out to be a baboon taxidermied to a fish.
Why is the World Taekwondo Federation in the title of this?
I think in this case WTF stands for something else...