worlds greatest quotes


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
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So, what are they then? Martial arts related or not. What are they?
See my sig


oops forgot I had stripped most of my quotes from my sig

How about:

"I don't have a six pack but at least it's no longer a keg" - Me
"Goings places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting" - Me

Somethings to keep in mind
"No battle plan every survives first contact with the enemy"
"Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the mouth"
my cat's breath smells like cat food. - Ralph Wiggum
In God we trust, everyone else is NCIC check...
My favorite way to use a knife it to give it to my opponent. -Soke Bruce Calkins

ok, seriously I think this one is my favourite quote:

The only difference between the possible and the impossible is one's will. -Hironori Ohtsuka
Hello, If one can can acheive...anything!

"Do it Now" (keys to getting things done)..

Eat to live...NOT live to eat! ..(learning to eat the right lose weight).

Holy cow? ...India's cattle'

Stay on the right side of the road....(never cross to the wrong side of life..cheating,lying,stealing) takes alot of effort to be on the right side!

TEAM = Tegether Everyone Accomplish More (T E A M).

"Blockhead" who knows how to protect the neck up.

Winning : is skills the MIND believes...and the body nows how!

What goes up must come down...Newton?

There is only one way we can change the world? ..if each of us can raise one good child and they in turn can raise a good child...we can change the world. (Note: the bad guys are raising more?) learn from parents and role model.)

Be a excellant role model....someone may be watching. (your children)
What kids grow to learn are from seeing and believing.....

Watch where you are going (crossing the roads).

It is OK to laugh at yourself (just don't do it often).....

"ALOHA" ...can mean: Good-bye, Hello, Good luck,Welcome......Aloha

PS: If you cannot say somethng to say NOTHING!
Keeping mouth close,people thing you are smart...opening it may remove all doubts...
Mine has a story behind it. I must tell it, or no one will get it.
Back when my Sensei started training in Aikido (pre-Cuong Nhu) there was this knuckle head who was training with them. He is one of those jokers who already has every thing figured out. Their Sensei was this short little Japanese guy, A-typical Mr. Myagi. Well the knuckle head asked their sensei "whats the best block in the world?". The sensei's response? (in brocken english) "Ohh, so you want to know best block in world? That real simple. When opponent attack you here (gesturing to his chest), you no be there!"
Same guy was also modifying Aikido techniques to make them "altra-realistic". And doing them to my future sensei. So, their sensei came over and said "That real good throw. You do to me" WHA POW! the guy flips on his face. "That not work so well. You try again. Come on". WHA POW! Flips on his face again. "Mmm. Maybe you need work on Aikido, make own later." And he walked away and winked at my sensei in the mirror. Well, o.k. thats a diadactic story, not so much a quote though.
You don't need a parachute to skydive. You need a parachute to skydive twice.- Unknown

Every success is built on the ability to do better than good enough.- Unknown

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas A. Edison

The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they foul up there's no law against wacking them around a little.
Joe Martin
"There's such a fine line between stupid and clever" - Spinal Tap
Advice given to me by my old Shihan after taking a good shot ot the head.

"Mr Marc, it works much better if you no block with face".
Mrs. Kaur, who is spinal tap? I know they give those to diagnose certian deseases, but a person? I'm confused

As to shotochem, I heard that before too. and (my sensei mocking me after getting swept): side drop works much if you do it. landing on butt doesn't help much
"This is Spinal Tap" is a movie that satirizes very popular bands and the band members.

"There is no 'he walked into it' in sparring - you threw it, you own it" - several of my seniors, after various disputed calls for excessive contact.
"There is a time and a place for everything. My time is now, my place is here, everything else had better just fall into place." -- Me.

"Do left side of road. Do not right side of road... Try in center of road get hit by truck and squish just like grape." Mr. Mugai

"When mouth exceeds the brain's capacity for thought we are all dumber for the experience." -- Unknown

"Tastes like burning." Ralph Wiggum

"I saw this top of the pole through the trees... and I thought I could dive under it." -- Old friend explaining how he hit is head on the pole

Spinal Tap is Christopher Guest and his usual cohorts satirizing hard core metal. However they do tour on occaision and have a large following. Not your typical metal fans tho.

To paraphrase a favorite Spinal Tap moment, "It goes to eleven, it's one higher."
I have many skills - X.W.P.

I've always been a sucker for a 6' tall beautiful amazon w/ lethal martial abilities.