World Series right Now!


Patrick Skerry

I'm sitting here in Boston less than a half-mile away from Fenway Park, it is 8:30 pm and the Worlds Series is underway. There have been jets screaming across the sky for the past 45 minutes and it is distracting me from contributing to

I am staying away from Fenway Park because of all the violence with the rowdy crowds and trigger happy Boston police. When the Sox beat the Yankees the other day, riot police moved in on the trouble makers, yet other people minding their own business moved away to the other side of the street. The riot police shot either rubber or plastic bullets at the trouble makers, but one hit a 21 year old college student in the eye and killed her. It is generally acknowledged by both police and eyewitnesses that she was causing no trouble whatsover, but still got killed by the police. This was about two days ago.

So I'll just stay away from Fenway Park and the World Series.

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