


Ok hows this for a thread. I'm always trying to come up with wonderful circuit training workouts that really burn. So could people post any that they find are really good and give that wonderful burning sensation that makes you feel "damn that was a good workout"

E.g sit ups followed by two punches as a very basic one.
One of my favorite exersizes for completely kicking your but are black belt push ups. There are probably 100 different names for them but this is how they work.
Start in an attention stance. Squat down until your hands are flat on the floor. Lean on your hands and shoot your legs back behind you into a push up position. Go down and up for a push up. Bring your legs back up into the squat position and stand up. That is one rep.
You can add punches or kicks onto them as well. They will wear you out quick.
The Royal Court i.e. Hindu squats, Hindu push ups and back bridging. Add in Handstand push ups and the staff/windlass and Dynamic tension and your all set :)
Originally posted by kenpo12
One of my favorite exersizes for completely kicking your but are black belt push ups. There are probably 100 different names for them but this is how they work.
Start in an attention stance. Squat down until your hands are flat on the floor. Lean on your hands and shoot your legs back behind you into a push up position. Go down and up for a push up. Bring your legs back up into the squat position and stand up. That is one rep.
You can add punches or kicks onto them as well. They will wear you out quick.

oooooooo they sound good :)
Originally posted by Mya Ryu Jitsu
The Royal Court i.e. Hindu squats, Hindu push ups and back bridging. Add in Handstand push ups and the staff/windlass and Dynamic tension and your all set :)

I've heard people talk of Hindu pushups but never seen them described.... care to enlighten me?

Originally posted by Jester
Ok hows this for a thread. I'm always trying to come up with wonderful circuit training workouts that really burn. So could people post any that they find are really good and give that wonderful burning sensation that makes you feel "damn that was a good workout"

E.g sit ups followed by two punches as a very basic one.
Have you ever tried the boxing style workout? Basically take an excercise and and time the participants in rounds. Such as we do in boxing. For example: Situps 4 rounds at 2 minutes per round. with a rest of one minute in between rounds. Then do the heavy bag or kicking shield. The rounds can increase as the student progresses to add intensityfor example: 6 rounds at 2 minutes each. Also the time per round can be adjusted for the level of student and the rest period can be lowered to 30 seconds. I have found this to be a great workout that never stops results heading your way. It also helps students not get hung up on the "numbers" involved in an excercise, meaning they sometimes get overwhelmed at "ok class lets do 100 punches!" A timer is used and I promise you its gets great results and builds massive stamina.