Women Self Defence!

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Master of Arts
Apr 29, 2021
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Too late for me to edit the last post.

Speaking of exercise, I do NOT like doing exercise, I drag everyday I have to do exercise. I am not one of those that is so into exercise. Why do I spend so much time every week doing it? It's because I don't want to be old and helpless. I go to Gold's Gym, quite a hard core gym. I see people that are 80 years old and still walk with a bounce. We do take a lot of cruises, you'd be amazed seeing people that are not older than me walk with a walker, some even have to be confined to a wheel chair. I remember one time, during the pre-sailing meeting, right in the middle of it, a person just passed out and had to have crew members to help him out!!!

I don't want to be helpless, so I spend at least 4 to 5 hours a week in weight lifting and kick boxing to stay fit.............That is before I have to add the stick fight that increase to 7 to 8 hours a week of work out. Believe me, I don't enjoy it at all. BUT I refuse to be the victim and I want to be in charge of my destiny. This exercise is the better of the two evil. I am no expert in MA like some of you guys. I put in close to 3 years learning Tae Kwon Do long time ago. Since I stopped, I never quit working out, still have heavy bags and continue working with it every week. I never even acquire the interest, but I know it's good for me. My wife still go to the gym 3 times a week. We can be old, but we don't have to be helpless and I refuse to be a victim.

Anyone that don't want to be a victim, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Sometimes have to do something that you don't really like.


Master of Arts
Apr 29, 2021
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Ok, where to start.

Females are abused in many ways, they are fondled on public transport, wolf shifted at in the street, men pinch and slap their backsides, girls in school have their bra straps pulled, there's upskirting, lewd comments made to female runners, and much much more. This is excused as 'boys being boys' by many people. This needs to stop. It won't as long as it's enabled y politicians, so called celebrities and public figures. It's insidious, women have put up with it silently for centuries, they have been blamed for centuries, it's not boys fault girls cause them to lose all sense of decency. 😕 'males have needs, girls shouldn't tempt them' 'women shouldn't wear shorts skirts if they don't want men to touch them'. 'women say no it mean yes'. That unbelievably is still doing the rounds..
Rape by a stranger is relatively rare, 90% of sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim. Rape is rarely about sex, it's about humiliating the victim and having power over them, random tapes are also rare, victims are picked out and attacked in such a way fighting them off is difficult. Date rape as it's called, often the victim is drugged so no chance to fight at all. Girls are warned about this but like when we teach 'stranger danger' to children, this focuses them on strangers not people they know.
Are you a female or is it politically incorrect now to put gender? So you just blame on the evil men and just say " pretty please, do assault me!!"

You sure sounds like you want to be the victim, it's the men's fault and there's nothing the women can do. If you are female, I am surprise you even learn MA.


Everything I said here is to empowering women to be strong. Your life might depend on it. When you get assaulted, there's only YOU that can save you out of the jam, you cannot call the police, they won't come in time to save you.
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Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Ok, where to start.

Females are abused in many ways, they are fondled on public transport, wolf shifted at in the street, men pinch and slap their backsides, girls in school have their bra straps pulled, there's upskirting, lewd comments made to female runners, and much much more. This is excused as 'boys being boys' by many people. This needs to stop. It won't as long as it's enabled y politicians, so called celebrities and public figures. It's insidious, women have put up with it silently for centuries, they have been blamed for centuries, it's not boys fault girls cause them to lose all sense of decency. 😕 'males have needs, girls shouldn't tempt them' 'women shouldn't wear shorts skirts if they don't want men to touch them'. 'women say no it mean yes'. That unbelievably is still doing the rounds..
Rape by a stranger is relatively rare, 90% of sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim. Rape is rarely about sex, it's about humiliating the victim and having power over them, random tapes are also rare, victims are picked out and attacked in such a way fighting them off is difficult. Date rape as it's called, often the victim is drugged so no chance to fight at all. Girls are warned about this but like when we teach 'stranger danger' to children, this focuses them on strangers not people they know.
I stopped writing to watch the news.

In the UK a review has just taken place into rape and how it's dealt with by the law, the short answer is that it's not dealt with. Rape cases have gone down by over 60% over the past five years and convictions have gone down by over 40%. This is because the victims are being investigated before the alleged rspist, the victim 's phone is taken and everything downloaded, her ( yes there are male rape victims but they are taken more seriously) medical history is acquired as well as work and even school records, this is to check the victims credibilty, if it checks out then the investigation goes ahead. Government ministers ha e said they are ashamed but it's the age old attitudes about women 'asking for it' that prevail.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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But still the woman got abused. Why are you so against convincing woman to learn self defense?

Nobody said it's the woman's fault, BUT it sure is her responsibility for her to put in the effort to get stronger.

Hell, I am putting in a lot of effort learning stick fight even I am 68. BLM is singling out Chinese to attack particularly the old ones. I can go cry foul, demonstrate and all that. BUT instead, I am DOING MY PART to get better odds to protect myself and my family by putting a lot of hours in stick fight the last 3 months and still going strong. It is WEAK to be a victim and say "pretty please, respect me and don't hurt me". I'd ask them to leave me alone when they are lying flat on the ground.

This is call DOING my part for my own safety. It is ABSOLUTELY IRRELEVANT who's fault is it. You think I like to spend all the extra hours practicing a new skill on top of my regular exercise? I sure don't like it. I just have to over come my feeling and just do it. Is it so hard to understand? That each one of us ARE RESPONSIBLE for our own well being and SACRIFICE to learn something?
Get it out of your head that women are weak and begging not to be hurt, we said f*** that a long time ago. You seem very angry with women, you also don't understand the issues here either.

You say you're learning stick fighting well good for you, that has nothing to do with women's self defence. How would you feel if I have you the advice women are given? 'don't go out on your own, don't give people any reason to think you want to be attacked, don't flaunt yourself, wear concealing clothes, perhaps a scarf over your face'. Funny yeah.

Physical strength is not the answer, the American gymnastic team are physically strong but were still sexually assaulted... repeatedly.

Rant all you like, if you don't understand the problem you are part of the problem, your views of women are archaic and patronising, you really have no idea.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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How would you feel if I have you the advice women are given? 'don't go out on your own, don't give people any reason to think you want to be attacked, don't flaunt yourself, wear concealing clothes, perhaps a scarf over your face'. Funny yeah.

This is real advice for guys who don't want to be attacked.


Master of Arts
Apr 29, 2021
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Get it out of your head that women are weak and begging not to be hurt, we said f*** that a long time ago. You seem very angry with women, you also don't understand the issues here either.

You say you're learning stick fighting well good for you, that has nothing to do with women's self defence. How would you feel if I have you the advice women are given? 'don't go out on your own, don't give people any reason to think you want to be attacked, don't flaunt yourself, wear concealing clothes, perhaps a scarf over your face'. Funny yeah.

Physical strength is not the answer, the American gymnastic team are physically strong but were still sexually assaulted... repeatedly.

Rant all you like, if you don't understand the problem you are part of the problem, your views of women are archaic and patronising, you really have no idea.
So what is your solution? Just cry? Nothing you can do? It's just is? just don't wear sexy cloths, don't go out?

Are you a female?


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Are you a female or is it politically incorrect now to put gender? So you just blame on the evil men and just say " pretty please, do assault me!!"

You sure sounds like you want to be the victim, it's the men's fault and there's nothing the women can do. If you are female, I am surprise you even learn MA.


Everything I said here is to empowering women to be strong. Your life might depend on it. When you get assaulted, there's only YOU that can save you out of the jam, you cannot call the police, they won't come in time to save you.
Really? I mean really, are you completely insane or trolling?

Why are you calling men stupid?

You don't understand anything I've written have you? You have no idea what sexual assault is, all you can think of is stranger rape which is thankfully quite rare. You want women to turn into some sort of movie superheroes and go round bear in up men. Ridiculous, you don't gain respect by beating people up you earn a prison sentence. Most men do respect women, those that don't are the politicians and so called religious leaders who want to curtail all rights for women one place in the US will now prosecute a woman for having a miscarriage!! You had a president who advocated grabbing women by their genitals.

You can try to insult me all you like it won't get you anywhere.

On one hand you are decrying the violence you think you face, on the other you are advocating violence on men. 😕


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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So what is your solution? Just cry? Nothing you can do? It's just is? just don't wear sexy cloths, don't go out?

Are you a female?
Please learn reading comprehension.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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Ok, where to start.

Females are abused in many ways, they are fondled on public transport, wolf shifted at in the street, men pinch and slap their backsides, girls in school have their bra straps pulled, there's upskirting, lewd comments made to female runners, and much much more. This is excused as 'boys being boys' by many people. This needs to stop. It won't as long as it's enabled y politicians, so called celebrities and public figures. It's insidious, women have put up with it silently for centuries, they have been blamed for centuries, it's not boys fault girls cause them to lose all sense of decency. 😕 'males have needs, girls shouldn't tempt them' 'women shouldn't wear shorts skirts if they don't want men to touch them'. 'women say no it mean yes'. That unbelievably is still doing the rounds..
Rape by a stranger is relatively rare, 90% of sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim. Rape is rarely about sex, it's about humiliating the victim and having power over them, random tapes are also rare, victims are picked out and attacked in such a way fighting them off is difficult. Date rape as it's called, often the victim is drugged so no chance to fight at all. Girls are warned about this but like when we teach 'stranger danger' to children, this focuses them on strangers not people they know.

Ok. And the people who do all those things and support all those dumb ideas are screaming duchebags.

Which is the premis behind all self defence. Bad people are bad. And you need the tools to stop them being bad to you.

I am not sure where you are getting a disconect which these two ideas.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Ok. And the people who do all those things and support all those dumb ideas are screaming duchebags.

Which is the premis behind all self defence. Bad people are bad. And you need the tools to stop them being bad to you.

I am not sure where you are getting a disconect which these two ideas.
Oh you again, nope no disconnect.

There's bad people yes and then there's people whose bad behaviour is enabled by others excusing it. If a president of the US says it's good to grab women's genitals there's a lot of people who think it's fine doing it too.

The tools to deal with this aren't beating men up until they 'respect women's 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
We were discussing BJJ/groundwork until someone decided women needed to beat men up.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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Oh you again, nope no disconnect.

There's bad people yes and then there's people whose bad behaviour is enabled by others excusing it. If a president of the US says it's good to grab women's genitals there's a lot of people who think it's fine doing it too.

The tools to deal with this aren't beating men up until they 'respect women's 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
We were discussing BJJ/groundwork until someone decided women needed to beat men up.

Ok. The US president is also a screaming duche bag. That doesn't really change the nature of self defence.

Mabye in this harsh world women do need to know how to beat people up.


Master of Arts
Apr 29, 2021
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Ok. The US president is also a screaming duche bag. That doesn't really change the nature of self defence.

Mabye in this harsh world women do need to know how to beat people up.
She/he just want to ***** and moan. I think we are wasting time.

I have much more colorful words for our resident of the WH.
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Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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  1. She/he just want to ***** and moan. I think we are wasting time.
    So, you don't tolerate disagreement with your opinions, that much is obvious. You prefer to be insultin. You certainly are wasting people's time, with your 'beat up men' rhetoric as well as your racism against black people. Oh you thought we hadn't noticed you blaming black people for beating up Chinese people? The people blaming Chinese people are the conspiracy theorist lot who say China infected people with Covid deliberately. I can't help you with your reading comprehension but I will tell you Drop bear will disagree with you if he feels like an argument, it's his thing..... arguing for the sake of it.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Ok. The US president is also a screaming duche bag. That doesn't really change the nature of self defence.

Mabye in this harsh world women do need to know how to beat people up.
Yeah, good idea let's beat up all men.

My point as of course you know and are just trolling again is 'what self defence would benefit women the most'. We were talking about it until it got derailed by Mr. Beat all men up.


Master of Arts
Apr 29, 2021
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  1. So, you don't tolerate disagreement with your opinions, that much is obvious. You prefer to be insultin. You certainly are wasting people's time, with your 'beat up men' rhetoric as well as your racism against black people. Oh you thought we hadn't noticed you blaming black people for beating up Chinese people? The people blaming Chinese people are the conspiracy theorist lot who say China infected people with Covid deliberately. I can't help you with your reading comprehension but I will tell you Drop bear will disagree with you if he feels like an argument, it's his thing..... arguing for the sake of it.
You are doing a disservice for the women.

Ah, I wonder when is racism going to come up from you. You watch news? who beat up Chinese on the news everyday in US?


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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You are doing a disservice for the women.

Ah, I wonder when is racism going to come up from you. You watch news? who beat up Chinese on the news everyday in US?
Didn't take long for you to get personal did it, you say you want empowerment for women but hate it when you are challenged.

No I don't watch the US news, why would I. I did read you blame BLM for the attacks though. You should know politics aren't allowed on here.

Perhaps the rest of us could get back to discussing what style of techniques are useful for women to learn.

Gerry Seymour

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Mar 27, 2012
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Hendersonville, NC

The responsibility for self defense training. And everything that comes with that is on the person providing it and the person doing it.

This should not be confused with suggesting rapists should rape. Which weirdly becomes the case.

And while the rapist is definitely at fault. The spanner in the works of that idea is I don't think they care.

And this is the difference between something being not your fault and not your problem.
The issue here is someone choosing not to do it. That choice does not make them responsible for being a victim where that training might have given them another option.

I think it's a good idea, but I won't go so far as to get into "shoulds" on this. The crime is the criminal's responsibility.

Gerry Seymour

MT Moderator
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Mar 27, 2012
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Hendersonville, NC
Why are you so against convincing woman to learn self defense?
Once again, a strawman, because I've done nothing of the sort.

First you claim I said you tried to force them to train. Now you claim I'm trying to convince them not to learn self-defense. Maybe read for comprehension - even when folks disagree with you - rather than snapping off a foolish retort.

Nobody said it's the woman's fault, BUT it sure is her responsibility for her to put in the effort to get stronger.
I think it's a valid choice to do so. I also think it's valid for anyone to decide there are other areas of life they'd rather put that time into. Developing fighting skills takes time. Keeping them takes more time. Some folks simply don't prioritize that - they may choose something they feel is more important for their family or them.

It is WEAK to be a victim and say "pretty please, respect me and don't hurt me". I'd ask them to leave me alone when they are lying flat on the ground.
An approach suggested by absolutely nobody in this discussion (or anywhere ever that I've heard). So that's three strawmen. Your responses now sound angry, simply because someone has disagreed with you.

Gerry Seymour

MT Moderator
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Mar 27, 2012
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Hendersonville, NC
Ok, where to start.

Females are abused in many ways, they are fondled on public transport, wolf shifted at in the street, men pinch and slap their backsides, girls in school have their bra straps pulled, there's upskirting, lewd comments made to female runners, and much much more. This is excused as 'boys being boys' by many people. This needs to stop. It won't as long as it's enabled y politicians, so called celebrities and public figures. It's insidious, women have put up with it silently for centuries, they have been blamed for centuries, it's not boys fault girls cause them to lose all sense of decency. 😕 'males have needs, girls shouldn't tempt them' 'women shouldn't wear shorts skirts if they don't want men to touch them'. 'women say no it mean yes'. That unbelievably is still doing the rounds..
Rape by a stranger is relatively rare, 90% of sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim. Rape is rarely about sex, it's about humiliating the victim and having power over them, random tapes are also rare, victims are picked out and attacked in such a way fighting them off is difficult. Date rape as it's called, often the victim is drugged so no chance to fight at all. Girls are warned about this but like when we teach 'stranger danger' to children, this focuses them on strangers not people they know.
I'm quoting you on this Tez because you bring up some things I meant to mention in another post, so I'm borrowing your post.

A woman can choose to take some control over this without taking martial arts to learn to fight and escape - a point @Steve makes quite nicely. Just because a woman doesn't prioritize fighting skills, that doesn't mean she's not doing anything to protect herself (the main reason I differentiate between "self-defense" and "self-protection").

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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The issue here is someone choosing not to do it. That choice does not make them responsible for being a victim where that training might have given them another option.

I think it's a good idea, but I won't go so far as to get into "shoulds" on this. The crime is the criminal's responsibility.

I don't think the criminal cares if you hold him responsible though.

Sort of why he is a criminal.
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