Why do you like Wing Chun?


White Belt
Jul 17, 2010
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I love Wing Chun because of its precise movements and techniques which are formed using Human Anatomy and Physics.

Its the Science of Fighting!
The first time I met my sifu I was hooked. He's half the size and weight of me but controlled me easily. It felt really uncomfortable when he was inside my guard and seemed I couldn't really do anything to react in time, i was always one step behind. It was then I thought " bloody hell, this stuff is actually quite useful. I could do with learning this".

To answer the original question, I like the directness and speed of wing chun and the "smothering" affect this has on opponents.
I really dont know. Its hoenstly a mystery to me. When I was a kid I watched Dragon a Bruce Lee story and went out and bought his book the Tao of Jeek Kun Do and started looking a bit harder and found out about WC. I went out and started doing it. It didnt last long at all as I was too young and wanted childish things.

Until just over a year ago it just clicked back in my mind and being spontaneous I just went straight to a class with a new Sifu. Over a year later and I love it.

I guess I could say a lot of things contribute to it though. The friends I have made from going to class, being able to talk to you guys on here due to sharing a hobby and mainly it fulfils me. See before I did this I didnt have anything that defined me. I would go to work, go home and go on a computer and see friends at the weekend. Now I have something fulfilling that if people ask what I do with my life I can happily say I dedicate a part of my life to training.

My girlfriend said the other day, "I wish I had something that I could do".

I guess that sums it up. I have something that I can do while before that something was missing.
A friend mentioned about training so I decided to join him, within a couple of weeks I was hooked. I love the ease of use and how the forms translate into applications if that makes sense.
I like how from just the three basic hand structures of Tan , Fook , and Bong Sau you can mount a defence that covers so many different self defence scenarios.

I am also very intrigued about the internal side of Wing Chun , how immense power can be generated with seemingly very little effort or muscular force used.
Studying WC is like being on an archiological dig. There's always something more to find if you keep digging.
But the amazing thing to me is, it doesn't get more complicated the further you go. It somehow becomes simpler ( I didn't say easier)
I like wing chun because you can fight people a lot bigger then you and can come out of the fight with a scratch on you
In 1976, I was searching for a martaial art for my sons when I lived in Tucson. I visited every martial art teacher and school that I could find. I narrowed the choices down to master Augustine Fong in Tucson. While still thinking, I ran onto Danny Chan- Master Fong's best student in Bear Down Gym on the University of arizona campus where I used to spar with a friend who was a top flight Wado Ryu Karate black belt and had learned from the founder in Japan and I also was the sponsor of the Campus boxing club.Danny is a superb wing chun person and athlete.When Danny told me that he could not get through the defenses of Master Fong I decided to try wing chun.. and have stayed with it and never looked back.. and kept on learning and internalizing the art and make it work naturally for me and later my best students.
Master Fong had learned the art in depth from Ho Kam Ming who in turn learned in depth from Ip Man- each strengthening the art along the way.
I am not arrogant about other people's wing chun but am grateful for what I stumbled upon in my own careful and thorough search.
The art represents unified martial motion, thought and energy and is not just a collection of techniques and is not dependent on fixed defenses against fixed attacks.The art develops spontaneity and like wing chun- it's always spring.

joy chaudhuri
I like wing chun because you can fight people a lot bigger then you and can come out of the fight with a scratch on you

The best style for comming away without a scratch is the secret art of running :p

I do agree that I like the ability to borrow people force or divert it so to have an advantage over the agressor.
I love WC becuase I love Chi Sau. What an amazing thing that is!!!

Its the Science of Fighting!

No...No it isnt!! This is one of those things poeple in WC circles bandy about like its true. It isnt!!

Show me the scientific studies that proove WC to be <insert assertion>.

I know there are people here who dont like me bringing this up but I'm sorry I just cant let this kind of misconception pass.
I want to add that Wing Chun is not only an art of self defense to me, but also a way of expressing myself. Before I was just a normal person, but after learning Wing Chun I can now be a part of something and be in a community of Martial Arts where I can talk with like minded people. I was looking for a good Martial Art forums where everyone can discuss of who they are and what they do. So I have found MartialTalk.com, Wing Chun defines me.
It uses science like the shortest distance between point A to point B is a straight line for our punches.

Only one object can occupy a space in one instance. For the reason we guard the centre line so they have to use the out side.

A motion can not restart until it has ended. This is why we deflect an attack rather than stop it. If it stops they are ready to go again. If you deflect you get a few extra seconds to act before there motion of attack ends.

So yes it uses science (physics)... But Wing Chun isnt the only art that does. Every art does.
I love WC because I love Chi Sau. What an amazing thing that is!!!

Me too. I find it an endlessly fascinating and infinitely creative artform.

"...it's the science of fighting..." --No...No it isnt!! This is one of those things poeple in WC circles bandy about like its true. It isnt!! ...I know there are people here who dont like me bringing this up but I'm sorry I just cant let this kind of misconception pass.

I think a lot of people use the word "science" a bit loosely to mean anything that is logical and uses scientific principles. Unfortunately this can also imply that whatever is termed "a science" is somehow better than other things which are "not a science". While WC is definitely a logical system based on scientific principles, in practice it is an art. As I've posted before, science depends on replicable, quantifiable results. In science, if a hundred different lab technicians each repeat the same procedure under the same conditions, they should all have the same outcome. But in WC, if a hundred practitioners repeat the same sequence in sparring or combat, the results, though possibly similar, will vary infinitely, since each individual is unique. That, folks, is the definition of an ART! And it is the art of WC -- minimal as a Mondrian, spontaneous as a Picasso, and as unscripted and improvisational as Jazz --that I love.
For me it is a science , and in a similar vein to a scientist or explorer there are those Eureka moments that happen occasionally when teaching or training when I discover something new and the wheel of a cog turns and I unlock the key to a technique or see one in a new light.
I like it simply because Wing Chun fights smarter and not harder and Wing Chun also makes me better at other arts I have trained or things I have learned sparring or in past fights.
I love learning new things but I'm quite fickle. I get to the first "Eureka" moment and get the sort of adrenaline rush and enjoyment for that but then obviously as you get deeper into a subject those moments become further and further apart so I usually drift into learning something else *looks over forlornly at the dusty banjo in the corner*
Wing Chun was something I choose to do to break that cycle. I've always loved studying and WC has so much to offer both physically and mentally. I was in a pretty bad place when I decided to start as well so I have Wing Chun to thank for giving me a sense of direction and purpose. Even if I do get that nagging sense to look for something else (which is inevitable at some point) I'm going to battle through until the next eureka.
It's time I got really good at something and I love WC enough to want to be great at it.
Because it`s simple and when i think i have learned the reason behind something it turns out i can use it for something else. And i walk with alot more confidence now but am trying not to let it grow into cockness.
this is a great question...for me, it's because all the concepts that make wing chun work can be and should be applied to life. i try to live my life exactly the same way i train, because ultimately life is the biggest arena and you will be your ultimate opponent; wing chun helps me to not only "conquer others" but more importantly how to "conquer myself".
When I first started I didn't even know anything about it. Just came along with a friend who didn't want to go alone. They stopped a few weeks later. Now 7 or so years on. lol

I like it as it is no frills. Nothing showy. Concepts are simple to understand.
And I love the look in the face of a sparring opponent from a diff style who doesn't like WC's preference to distancing or chain punching.

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