Who is Who in Kenpo?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
A thread on another board got me thinking.

Who are the top guys n gals? Seriously. Put the politics away for this one please.

If you could bring in 5 people or have an hour one-on-one with someone, who would they be?

The 1 rule is, they -must- be a kenpoist. Parker or Tracy, but in the end, a kenpoist.

I'll toss out my short list:

Huk Planas
Frank Trejo
Sean Kelly
Zach Whitson
Ingmar Johansson

I've heard good things about a number of other folks, however I haven't seen em move, so can't say, ya know?

So...whats your list?

Random order:

Mike Pick
Paul Mills
Frank Trejo
Skip Hancock
Steve Muhammad
Mr. Denis Conatser.....The Maestro
Mr. Greg Hilderbrand.....1st kenpo instructor
Mr. Larry Vaught.....Mentor
Mr. Paul Mills.....Innovator
Mr. Tom Saviano.....Interesting

Gary Catherman
My very short list

1) Michael Robert Pick
2) Tom Garriga
3) ------

No disrespect to the other Kenpoists but these guys have the info that I want to learn.
Since I'm in the sticks, and have only worked with Master Al as a whole , I'll post myself!
Boy, I should read more huh? :D

Heh... Thanks for the pointer!

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Boy, I should read more huh? :D

Heh... Thanks for the pointer!


I imagine you do quite a bit of reading as it is. You ARE only human...mistakes ARE allowed. :D
Ron Chape'l
Dennis Conatser
Ted Sumner
Larry Tatum
Al Tracy

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
John Sepulveda -- international ambassador
Stephen LaBounty -- humble sigung with street experience
Al Tracy -- larger than life old-time innovator
Ralph Castro -- closest to Chow's style on the mainland?
Rod Martin -- lost legend and first of the independents
-Paul Mills
-Paul Mills
-Paul Mills
-Paul Mills
-Paul Mills

in alphabetical order.
1. Ted Sumner

2. Ray Arquilla

3. John Sepulveda

4. Steve LaBounty

5. Dennis Conatsner (for fun!)

These folks represent a wealth of knowledge including the "healing arts"


Dave Simmons
Living List: (who could help further me w/in the branch of Kenpo that I love and DO...the AKKI)
1. Paul Mills (my first Kenpo instructor's instructor, Grandmaster of the AKKI.)
2. Bruce Tomson (my first Kenpo instructor's first instructor)
3. Mark Keller (made a big impression on me, in more ways than one)
4. Frank Elsasser (depth of knowledge/insight...history)
5. Dan Selleroli (would wana talk weapons mostly...)

Deceased List:
1. Prof. Chow
2. Emprado
3. SGM Parker (duhhh)
4. Elvis (might even discuss Kenpo w/him)
5. ...I dunno, don't know that many interesting dead Kenpoists.

People outside my association that I'd like to chat with: (in absolutely no particular order whatsoever...)
Frank Trejo
Skip Hancock
Stephen LeBounty
Ron Chapel
Al Tracy

(5 very different and wide ranging views/vantages on Kenpo)
Your Brother (I'd like to chat w/you all....)

1. Al Tracy
2. Larry Tatum
3. Tom Kelly
4. Ron Chapel
5. Frank Trejo

I could list about a dozen more that I'd like to include but the names above are sufficient.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu
Can it be a Kempoist or just a Kenpoist?

For the sake of this survey, I have to limit it to kenpo.

I'll be doing another one later for the non-kenpoists...or... feel free to start that ball rolling.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
For the sake of this survey, I have to limit it to kenpo.

I'll be doing another one later for the non-kenpoists...or... feel free to start that ball rolling.


Uh oh, Kenpo profiling! I knew it was gonna happen!:eek: