who?!? for president 2008


Blue Belt
Feb 10, 2007
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So, It's still early.. really early, but does anyone have any ideas of who they might vote for in 2008?
Just curious.
I havent made up my mind yet.
it seems like the democrats are going to give us hillary or barak obama. i'd vote for that ticket regardless of which is for prez and which is for vice.

but if guliani runs, i may actually vote for him instead. i have a lot of respect for some of the stuff he did in new york.
You could put Cthulhu up against Hillary, and I'd vote for his tentacled ***.
I haven't decided yet; I'm still doing research. I'll decide much closer to the election.
I think the democratic ticket will go to Edwards, and Giulliani has a good chance for the Republicans.

I d vote for Edwards, if Hillary gets the nomination, I may consider her, if anyone else like Christopher Dodd for example, I may vote Republican or not at all.
I'm still studying the issues, so I'm not leaning on anyone right now.
Andy's on the right track, but we'd be better off with Toad-like Tsathoggua.

I was always a little leery of Hastert. Sounds too much like You Know Who.
Give me a freakin' break. The Republican Lie Machine has been slandering Senator Clinton for sixteen years. And do you know what? It's turned out to be innuendo, lies, cheap-shot jokes and utter untreated effluent. If you're one of the mindless marching morons who goes into orgasmic trance at the voice of Rush Limbaugh, Michael Weiner or Faux News it might sound good. But when you actually start to go with facts it all blows away.

And it says a lot more about the speaker than the target of the smears. What have the lies been? She's a lesbian. She's too weak and feminine. She's to strong and mannish. She's dishonest in business. She's going to come and personally take away your guns. She ran her husband. She couldn't control her husband. She's a Commie. She's a "Mommy Statist" instead (one assumes) of a being an "Abusive Daddy".

In short, the RLM has tapped into fears about women and male castration anxiety and given it Hillary Clinton's face.

Judge her on her merits and her record. I certainly have and have found her wanting, largely because she's a Republican in Democrats' clothing. But go with truth, not lies and slander for crying out loud.
It's far too early to tell. I'll probably vote in the Democratic primary, but I can't even say that I'll vote for whoever gets that ticket.
Judge her on her merits and her record. I certainly have and have found her wanting, largely because she's a Republican in Democrats' clothing. But go with truth, not lies and slander for crying out loud.
How about the fact that she's done little for NY aside from renaming a few buildings? Her campaign was all about what she was going to do for upstate NY. We're still waiting.
I certainly have and have found her wanting, largely because she's a Republican in Democrats' clothing.

WHAT? Are you kidding? Shoot, even Republicans are not really Republicans anymore (well, Reagan Republicans).

As for who I'd vote for, I find almost everyone seriously lacking. The only one I -might- consider voting FOR would be McCain, but he is not really all of that conservative. I'm more likely going to be voting AGAINST again.
How about the fact that she's done little for NY aside from renaming a few buildings? Her campaign was all about what she was going to do for upstate NY. We're still waiting.

out of curiosity, does it bother people up there that she is not a native New Yorker and only went there to get elected?
Why, that would be one of the things that makes her a Republican :)

Seriously, she talked a good game before she was elected. When she finally got into office she became an obsessive "triangulator". Whenever there was a controversy she'd take the middle, then go two steps to the right to try and pick up a few conservative votes. She doesn't make legislation. She follows. Her economic policies seem to be in lockstep with, say, George H. W. Bush. So does her foreign policy. And the way she's sold out women's rights, civil liberties and those who are against the Imperial Adventure is a crime. She's DLC to the core which means she's an utter tool of the corporate owners of that wing of the Dems and does her best to shut down any Dem who tries to be a Democrat. Think Tony Blair with a skirt.

If she's the Democratic nominee I'll probably hold my nose and vote for her. But I'll work hard to for anyone who promises to actually run as a Democrat instead of a slightly dressed up Republican.
If Hillary is up to bat then I'm going to vote for her hands down. I don't really care what her political bent is, I just want to help make history by puting a woman in the oval office.

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