What's Your Favorite Movie?

Originally posted by Technopunk
Star Wars Trillogy.

I also dig Star Wars... But, I could never pick a single movie. However, David Lynch rhocks.
Behind the Green Door

Man ... I just thought that movie was weird. Very Weird.

My favorite movie has to be Irving Berlin's Holiday Inn. I try and find it on Thanksgiving. It's getting harder and harder to find on tv. Maybe I'll break down and buy the DVD one of these days.

If you ask me about a film that actually uses color ... I have to look at the Star Trek films.

Best Movie to sleep through . . .
Star Trek The Motion Picture .... well OK, maybe we don't need to look at this one.

Best Trilogy
Star Trek II - The Wrath of Kahn
Star Trek III - The Search for Spock - The Wrath of Kahn part II
Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home - The Wrath of Kahn part III

Best Comedy
Star Trek V - The Final Frontier - This movie is as funny as the episode 'The Trouble with Tribbles'.

Best Drama
Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country - Shakespear in Outer Space ... Too Cool !

Best Romantic Movie
Star Trek VII - Generations - You know you were waiting for Shatner and Stewart to kiss before the end of this one.

Best Action Movie
Star Trek VIII - First Contact

Best Animated Movie
Star Trek IX - Insurrection - OK ... probably not completely animated, but it does have that cute little animated hamster.

Best Recent Movie
Star Trek X - Nemesis - Yeah, I know ... it really wasn't very good ... but I'm on a roll.

Good Night all .... Mike
tough to pick one but the star wars trilogy is up there and perhaps lord of the rings (mostly because i am a huge fan of the books)
Jaws is a good one too.
Enter the Dragon, of course!

I can't really name just one--maybe a top five, but not just one.
I finally saw Hulk and T3.. won't say they are up there with favorites.. but I was impressed after expecting them to be both Campy and I was wrong.. actually had some drama in Hulk.. figured it would be 99% SciFi effects.. also watched 'The Core' I thought it was done pretty well too.
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I finally saw Hulk and T3.. won't say they are up there with favorites.. but I was impressed after expecting them to be both Campy and I was wrong.. actually had some drama in Hulk.. figured it would be 99% SciFi effects.. also watched 'The Core' I thought it was done pretty well too.

I watched the Hulk and thought it was crap. It should have been much better:( . Although the other day I heard on the radio someone will be making Captain America. Hopefully this will be true 'cause it's one of my favorite heros.
well I was not going to sit and watch it.. but I did, and from what I expected it was alot better than the campy thoughts going through my head.. *G*

Now Jason sweetie.. tell me how you really feel *giggles*
I thought that Spiderman was a much better made movie than the Hulk. My family loves spiderman and we watch it on a consistent basis. The Hulk being computer animated was OK but he just didn't look quite right. It wasn't made with enough action and so forth. If someone decides to do a sequel hopefully it will be better.

A very disappointed Jason;)


Posted by KenpoTess

Now Jason sweetie.. tell me how you really feel *giggles*

Won't your husband get jealous of that? :eek: I don't want him mad at me.;) :rofl:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I thought that Spiderman was a much better made movie than the Hulk. My family loves spiderman and we watch it on a consistent basis. The Hulk being computer animated was OK but he just didn't look quite right. It wasn't made with enough action and so forth. If someone decides to do a sequel hopefully it will be better.

A very disappointed Jason;)

yeah they stuck Drama in it.. Go figure~!! *G*
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Why am I not surprised...............

I bet "The Hitman" watches her also!:eek:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I watched the Hulk and thought it was crap. It should have been much better:( . Although the other day I heard on the radio someone will be making Captain America. Hopefully this will be true 'cause it's one of my favorite heros.

Capt America? That's lame. Stick with Spider Man.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by RCastillo
I bet "The Hitman" watches her also!:eek:

and you would lose the bet Ricky .. he thinks she's way over rated and quite not his type so take that *G*

'Sides.. he's got me why would he need some bleached blonde bimboette.. *whistling off key*
Originally posted by KenpoTess
and you would lose the bet Ricky .. he thinks she's way over rated and quite not his type so take that *G*

'Sides.. he's got me why would he need some bleached blonde bimboette.. *whistling off key*

Well, because she's Plan "B!":D
Originally posted by RCastillo
Capt America? That's lame. Stick with Spider Man.:rolleyes:

Captain America is cool and so is Spiderman. That's why we own the Spiderman movie.;)

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