What's your deal?



What are some of the more common reasons people study in the martial arts?

I asked myself this question, and came up with, 1. self defense
2. competition 3. Spiritual/internal reasons 4. Bettering character 5. doing something artsy 6. health reasons.

Im sure there are more. For a long time i was only concerned with the self-defense part even though i enjoyed other aspects as well. However i never let myself focus too much on the other stuff because i wanted to make sure if the time ever came, id be ready.

Anyway during my never ending quest for knowledge, I discovered that my chances of actually ever having to defend myself are small. Small enough to wonder if im justified to spend all the time and money learning to defend myself. anyone could buy a gun, learn how to use it, get a permit, and that would take care of all the life threatening possible encounters. Besides if my life is in danger there are probably weapons or multiple attackers involved that would justify the use of a fire arm. I dont think the local school yard bully is going to beat anyone to death with his bare hands.

I still have selfdefense at the top of my priorities, but I have really allowed myself to enjoy the other aspects of the martial arts. I have learned that it is not enough for me to only focus on self defense. I have too much of a passion for it. I think this is kinda tricky though because what looks good is not ussualy what works for real. This could cause problems for some who dont know the difference.

My qeustion to you all is this. Why do you study the martial arts? Is there one reason or more than one?

Also does anyone think that thier system or style does a good job covering the main reasons people train. Does your style teach EFFECTIVE self defense and alot of artsy stuff too. Do you see a balance? What about physical and mental conditioning? If yes or no than why?

Reason # 1 - Go home safe at night.

Reason # 2 - Teach others the same.

Reason # 3 - Conditioning & enjoyment.

I have been studying for a bit over two years ... and one of the most amazing things to me ... still ...I leave after each workout feeling better than when I arrived. Who needs more incentive than that.
For me, it's primarily for the following reasons:

1. Health and conditioning. Helps me stay in shape.
2. Competition. I really enjoy sparring both in tourneys and at the dojang.
3. Stress relief. I look forward to MA training after a long, hard day at work. :)
1. self defense
2. spiritual harmony
3. self control
4. enjoyment!!
For me,it was initially to learn how to defend myself,I grew up in Inglewood Ca. Not the best of neighborhoods! Where I grew up if you didn't know how to fight,you got your a$$ kicked,plain and simple.After a few years in the martial arts I started to focus on the spiritual sides and mental aspects of the arts.When I train I allow all the things in the week or day to leave my mind and spirit.It is sort of a cleansing period,for the body.Physical health is also a very good aspect of the martial arts,conditioning your body,to maximize your efficiency.I don't particularly care for the competition aspects as much anymore,although I did enjoy it when I was younger,the thrill of the fight and all.For my students it is a true test of their abilities.On to the character issue,I can tell you that before I was introduced to the martial arts world I was not much of a moral man.I was the type of kid that would have been labeled a "thug" or hoodlum.Martial arts instilled good morals in me like self-esteem,loyalty,discipline,respect,etc.etc. You stated that your chances of ever having to use your art were small,turn on the news,all they show is murders,rapes,armed robberies,so on and so on. I work hand and hand with the L.A.P.D,the criminal satistics are outrageous,I have some statistics for you,1 in 3 people is a victim of a violent crime. By violent they mean (Assault W/ Deadly Weapon,Murder,Rape). 1.3 women in the United States is raped every 60 seconds. When a child is kidnapped they are usually killed within 3-4 hours of the abduction.Scary isn't it. I have had to use my "arts" to defend myself and others several times. In close I would just like to say that it is better to have something and not need it,than to need it and not have it.

With honor and respect,
The KenpoDragon:asian:

P.S if your curious what styles that I have learned look at my profile.I think these styles are excellent for all of the above reasons to learn martial arts.
1 in 3 wow man. I think our statistics are in direct conflict. Mine came from the us dept of justice. Any way i was refering more to my enviornment. I live in nowhere town USA where 1 in 3 people are not victims of violent crime. more like 1 in 3000. But thanx for the reply. even in the nearest city of about 75,000 people i dont think its all that high. www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance.htm

its amazing how people can grow and change during thier training. :asian:
Chicks dig it.


Well, and because it feels "Good" to do it. I feel better after a class physicaly and emotionaly than I do even afetr just going and working out. Plus I feel like I am part of a greater whole.
I like the good work outs, how I feel after class, I Just love to sweat, it's challenging, and fun, oh and I love the contact.:D
hmm.. seems like I'm the only person who practices martial arts because he/she thinks it's fun (and for little other reason).
Originally posted by KenpoDragon
For me,it was initially to learn how to defend myself,I grew up in Inglewood Ca. Not the best of neighborhoods! Where I grew up if you didn't know how to fight,you got your a$$ kicked,plain and simple.

I don't know how old your are, or when you grew up in Inglewood, but. nowdays you're more than likely to get your *** shot there rather than getting your *** kicked. :(

BTW, I grew up and still live in the South Bay, not far from Inglewood (Redondo). The sad thing is that as far as I know, the MAs can't stop a bullet hitting you unless you're in the Matrix.