Whats with the bash



i heard a lot of ***** talk bout TKD. nothing specifically, just it sucks and ineffective. ive been to some classes (as visitor), and ive seen nothing wrong. is it me or has others heard it too?
You can find a lengthy discussion of that very subject, right here.
Go take a look at the thread roughly titled "The state of TKD". I give a pretty good rundown. I own a TKD school. A person sees a McDoJang or two and then they presume TKD sucks because THOSE schools suck. My school is very far removed fom the nonsense, but I am sometimes lumped in with the nonsense until someone picks my brain or trains with me. All arts have McDoJangs. TKD is the worlds most popular MA. Odds are then you will see more TKD McDoJangs than others due to simple laws of averages.

Round and round we go,
white belt
The cry of the ignorant.

TKD is just kicking
Point fighters can't hit hard.
Grapplers don't know how to punch.
Mauy Thai boxers kick hard, but are too slow.(see thread in General Discussion)
The Martial Art that is practiced by who ever is speaking, will always be the best.

I hope me sarcasm is apparent!
Originally posted by fissure
The cry of the ignorant.

TKD is just kicking
Point fighters can't hit hard.
Grapplers don't know how to punch.
Mauy Thai boxers kick hard, but are too slow.(see thread in General Discussion)
The Martial Art that is practiced by who ever is speaking, will always be the best.

I hope me sarcasm is apparent!


Has that guy been calling your school too!? It's a small world after all!

white belt
White belt I believe your right. When people just drop by and visit various school they get to see a wide variety. Usually the bad schools out number the good ones. When the continual bad schools are visited this is what they are left with a bad taste in their mouth for TKD. If you never see a good one then you have missed out on a huge part of the beauty and skill of TKD. That's just my opinion. TKD schools are very common in my area it seems like one on every block. BUT There are only 2 that I would recommend people go to.
I am not making light of anyones bad experiences, but if a person's first experience with sex involved being raped, intimacy with a caring partner later is how difficult? Would they be able to believe there is such a thing? Again not meaning to trivialize the deplorable act, just trying to make a parallel/point with "point of reference".

white belt
A horrible first experience for any situation will make it hard for that person to objectively see the good of a similar situation in the future.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
There are about as much TKD schools in the US as there are Wal Marts...

I think it all depends on the Master Instructors beliefs and the way the school is runned.
Originally posted by Damian Mavis
A horrible first experience for any situation will make it hard for that person to objectively see the good of a similar situation in the future.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Sadly, that's far too true... And while I know you don't mean it this way at all, but that's still no excuse for bashing someone else's style on a site like this.
TKD is for fat kids that play MA video games and want to try it for themselves.
Thanks for linking Kirk.
That must have been,by far,the biggest thread I have ever created. :eek:

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