What Would You Wish To Happen Today


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
I was going to post this last night then realized it would be better to do it this morning.
This is a nice video of a simple question asked to everyday folks on the street. Caught them off guard on some of them but... "What would you wish to happen today? "http://useloos.com/mediaplayer/?itemid=2636 Their answers are funny, surprising and well done.

Now pose the same question to MT-ers here. What would you wish to happen today? Just today not tomorrow not next week.. :D Today...
Keep it brief, I think we can get away with posting once a day our "wish" but replies are definitely welcomed.
Give it a moment's thought then fire away.

Me? Wish I would get an e-mail from an old g/f I've been thinking about lately. :inlove:
To add value to people I come in contact today, and that I am blessed as well
For the government to fine all the CEO's that drove their companies into the ground for the exact amounts of their 100's-of-millions-of-dollars-severence packages....and use that money to bail out those same companies instead of taking my money to do it with. :soapbox:
If I had one wish it would be that every single person found inner peace.
For the wheels to keep turning as they are meant to. Nothing different. Anything that I wish for will affect others. Kinda selfish of me to wish for something that may affect others in a way that they didn't wish for.
Hit the Lottery so I could quit my insane full time job and open a school..
I would wish that my son coming in december would be happy and VERY healthy!

ps. and for him to be a pretty good martial artist if possible. ;)
I would wish that my son coming in december would be happy and VERY healthy!

ps. and for him to be a pretty good martial artist if possible. ;)

Amen Brother..
What I would wish would happen today... there isn't one thing there's a few things. But it's all selfish so I'll keep it to me'self. But my unselfish wish is that this ridiculous bailout nonsense would go away and our economy would get back on track and unemployment drops to zero.