What style is Pat Morita : karate kid

Miyagi Do!
(That was said in the movie)

Seruiously, The story was written by, I Believe, Robert Kamen (I think)(Mark kamen?) (Not the kick boxer but TMA guy). SO it's based on his style. (Try Google?)
i believe it was okinawan goju vs shotokan, but i could be mistaken.

I don't think Pat Morita did a lot of karate. Most of what we see was performed by his stunt double Fumio Demura

To my knowledge, Morita had no karate background at the time of the movie. Same with Machio.

They did what they needed to do: they played their parts well and helped to tell a wonderful story.

To my knowledge, Morita had no karate background at the time of the movie. Same with Machio.

They did what they needed to do: they played their parts well and helped to tell a wonderful story.


Yes according to many interviews Pat Morita had no martial arts exprience nor did Ralph Machio..It was a Hollywood martial arts trainer named Pat Johnson that helped them with their roles...
Pat Johnson Movie Do...
Fumio Demura stand in work...

And in No.2, they had a man named Yoshimasa Matsuda that helped them out. Matsuda is a Shorin-ryu 9th Dan.

In No. 3, the kata they are working on throughout the movie is Seiunchin kata. Which is from the Goju-ryu lineage.
considering the blocks they used, I am pretty sure Pat Johnson was trying to make it look like Goju Ryu

interesting because Pat Johnson was a high ranking Tang Soo Do BB.

even more interesting KK trivia:

the shot where Daniel is in the breakers trying to learn to kick, and he sees Miyagi on the stump doing the crane kick? that wasnt Demura, that was Vidal, the guy from the tourny scene with all the flashy kicks(he is the one that does the spnning drop kick on the Kobra Kai guy, and the one Johnny beats in the finals.

whats wierd about that, is that while Vidal is remembered for his flashy kicks, he was actually a Kenpo stylist, not a style known for flashy kicking.....
I have an interview (somewhere) with Pat E. Johnson where he talks about the making of the Karate Kid..Martin Klove that played Kreese was not getting the character until they cut the sleeves off a gi and made him where a black belt in the training studio..
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Pat Morita never studied any martial art. Everything was choreographed fot him.
Regards, Don
To my knowledge, Morita had no karate background at the time of the movie. Same with Machio.

They did what they needed to do: they played their parts well and helped to tell a wonderful story.

It's only just a story?

You mean I've been training all this time for the All Valley Karate Championship for nothing? LOL... j/k.
i dont no but alot things said in the movie made alot of sense no matter if they were just acting :angel: