What should I ask, not familiar with CMA


White Belt
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
I am looking at a school right around the corner from my house. I have no experience with CMA. I have done some research myself but most of the info I found about the owner/Sifu was confirmed through Wikipedia which has been known to be inaccurate. Just wanting the opinion of people familiar with CMA.

Here is their website http://www.mengsmartialarts.com/

Thanks in advance



Master Black Belt
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
Lol, It takes me back. A little nostalgic, actually in the past I trained with Sifu Meng for probably around 12 years. With all politics aside, I would say check it out. He has a decent amount of knowledge derived towards Wing Chun, in the past not everyone agreed with all of his methods. (but thats a long story, i'm not going into)

The only thing at the moment most of his curriculum syllabus is derived from his "3 halls of Shaolin" approach which literally is

1st Hall: Gei Bun Gong (Ji ben gong), and Gei Bun Dong Jok
(Basic exercise, Basic movments)
2nd Hall: Heaven(Tien), Human(Yan), Earth(Dei)- T/S/E- Time, space & energy concept.
3rd Hall: Weng Kiu or literally the Wing Chun part of the equation.

So his first hall would resemble what you would see at a Modern Wushu school as for warmups,

His second hall would ecompass the Ti Fa, Da Fa, Suai Fa, Na Fa or literally Kicking methods, striking methods, throwing methods and locking methods.

His third hall is mainly comprised of the Wing Chun body mechanics or what they call "body karma"

I know he states that he now teaches the best of Yip Man Wing Chun, Hokkien Eng Chun, Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun and Chi Sim Weng Chun.

He also spends a lot of focus on MMA now adays as well, so my advice when you go in there is make your intent and focus clear. And he's always a personable instructor and will make you feel at home, but stick to your goal and use your own mind. Make sure not to take everything as being 100% accurate.

But he's a great person and has a decent skill level, he would have a lot to show you.

So to summarize, its worth checking out. :ultracool


Black Belt
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
Moore, SC
I don't know Meng Sifu personally, but I have a gung fu brother that knows him very well. He has done chi sau with Benny Sifu on many an occasion. He says Meng Sifu has very, VERY good chi sau skills. It wouldn't hurt to visit Meng Sifu and see him in action.


Master Black Belt
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
I don't know Meng Sifu personally, but I have a gung fu brother that knows him very well. He has done chi sau with Benny Sifu on many an occasion. He says Meng Sifu has very, VERY good chi sau skills. It wouldn't hurt to visit Meng Sifu and see him in action.

Agreed, his Chi Sau skills are awesome! :ultracool


MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I don't know Meng Sifu personally, but I have a gung fu brother that knows him very well. He has done chi sau with Benny Sifu on many an occasion. He says Meng Sifu has very, VERY good chi sau skills. It wouldn't hurt to visit Meng Sifu and see him in action.

Nonsense. Sifu Meng is the spawn of Satan and if you enter that school you will burn in the fires of eternal damnation. There. You've been warned. Now keep us posted on your progress, and good luck.

PS where's Kamon Guy when you need somebody to mount a polemic? I really can't do it with a straight face any more.


White Belt
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
Translation: "We do things a bit differently at my school". LOL

Different how? Do you think I should train else where? I live in the Dayton area and there is a decent amount of schools and different styles. But what I am primarily looking for is something that translates well into Law Enforcement. I thought the hand drills and the ability to defend against multiple attackers in Wing Chun looked ideal.



MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Different how? Do you think I should train else where? I live in the Dayton area and there is a decent amount of schools and different styles. But what I am primarily looking for is something that translates well into Law Enforcement. I thought the hand drills and the ability to defend against multiple attackers in Wing Chun looked ideal.


You've asked two separate questions, Jim:

First: about "doing things differently"... There are different substyles or lineages in Wing Chun. This is sometimes reflected it the spelling of the name, as in Ving Tsun, Wing Chun, Wing Tsun, Wing Tzun, Weng Chun, and so forth, and there are differences between each group. There is a lot of pride and jealousies between some of the groups concerning whose stuff is the best. The politics and bickering can get pretty ridiculous... and I just couldn't resist making fun of all that.

Seriously though, on this forum, we try to have some mutual respect and not engage in that kind of bickering. My opinion is that the difference between different groups is something that you will have to research on your own, but the most important thing is to find a school and a Sifu, or instructor who's a good fit for you.

Regarding your second question about how Wing Chun (or as my lineage spells it, Wing Tsun) translates into law enforcement, first let me point out that I am not a LEO. But I have trained with some officers and will pass on what they told me. WC/WT is a very practical self defense art that is primarily focused an striking. It really works and may even save your life, but it is designed to destroy your attacker. And that could be a problem in policework. One WT instructor who had many years as a LEO, also trained to a high level in Hakkoryu (similar to Daitoryu) Aikijujutsu... a fiercely effective grappling and joint locking art. This, combined with Wing Tsun gave him the range of empty hand skills he needed. With the aikijujutsu, he could subdue and control a suspect without inflicting undue harm. But if things got out of hand, he had Wing Tsun, as well as his considerable combat pistol skills to save his life. I hope this helps.


Black Belt
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
Moore, SC
Different how? Do you think I should train else where? I live in the Dayton area and there is a decent amount of schools and different styles. But what I am primarily looking for is something that translates well into Law Enforcement. I thought the hand drills and the ability to defend against multiple attackers in Wing Chun looked ideal.


My sifu is from Hong Kong and he has stated on several occasions 'Two types of groups take Wing Chun in Hong Kong . . . the criminals or bad guys because they need it and want it to survive, and law enforcement so they can catch the bad guys.'. Sounds like a great testimonial for the art to me.

Wing Chun, Wing Tsun, Weng Chun, Yong Chun, whatever you call it, they all have the same basic principles, theories, and concepts that govern the system. The only real difference is in the instructors or instruction. So it doesn't matter which family line or who is teaching you, after time you will pick and chose what works best for you (hhhmmmm, sound like JKD doesn't it. Bruce was borrowing from WC, again).


Master Black Belt
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
My sifu is from Hong Kong and he has stated on several occasions 'Two types of groups take Wing Chun in Hong Kong . . . the criminals or bad guys because they need it and want it to survive, and law enforcement so they can catch the bad guys.'. Sounds like a great testimonial for the art to me.

Wing Chun, Wing Tsun, Weng Chun, Yong Chun, whatever you call it, they all have the same basic principles, theories, and concepts that govern the system. The only real difference is in the instructors or instruction. So it doesn't matter which family line or who is teaching you, after time you will pick and chose what works best for you (hhhmmmm, sound like JKD doesn't it. Bruce was borrowing from WC, again).

For the most part I agree with your post, kudo's for a great post.
However I would like to add, at some point in time all the Wing Chun pract's will borrow from Wing Chun and create there personal expression, for instance look at Ip Man and Ip Man's Taan Sau (at one point in time everyone argued Yip Man's Tan Sau is facing up with a bend in the palm, so since the Grandmaster does it this way it must be correct) But Ip Man understood the principles and never strayed from them. (that example is based on what my Sifu does, so it must be correct but that's not always true) We are all unique with different shapes and sizes and attributes. So we have to form the Wing Chun to suit our abilities, but only after the principles are understood and integrated. The goal of Wing Chun training is to integrate the system into your core, not to exemplify Wing Chun or what we think Wing Chun should look like. As long as it follow the principles of Wing Chun.

Just my take, but I understand where your coming from.


Master of Arts
Mar 5, 2009
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
My sifu is from Hong Kong and he has stated on several occasions 'Two types of groups take Wing Chun in Hong Kong . . . the criminals or bad guys because they need it and want it to survive, and law enforcement so they can catch the bad guys.'. Sounds like a great testimonial for the art to me.
I've heard similar claims from a Choi Lay Fut guy.


Black Belt
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
Moore, SC
Translation: "We do things a bit differently at my school". LOL

As I stated, I don't know Benny Meng Sifu personally, never met him. But all I've ever heard about him has been positive. From your post, I take it you're not too fond of him. Do you know something about him that we don't? I understand some sifus can be difficult if you don't see things their way, pretty common attitude in the martial arts world.


MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
As I stated, I don't know Benny Meng Sifu personally, never met him. But all I've ever heard about him has been positive. From your post, I take it you're not too fond of him. Do you know something about him that we don't? I understand some sifus can be difficult if you don't see things their way, pretty common attitude in the martial arts world.

No, I don't know Sifu Meng either, although there is a school affiliated with him in my city. I visited it once, and the instructor I spoke with seemed friendly and experienced, but they weren't conducting class then so I didn't observe their technique. I did meet a student from the school later, and his approach was indeed "a bit different" than WT (I hope to practice with him again somentime). By the same token, the WT I practice is "a bit different" then the WC I first trained in. Some lineages are more than a bit different... the "Chi-Shin" stuff is more like a different system altogether.

Don't get me wrong. "Different" isn't necessarily bad, ...or good. It is, however interesting, and worth noting. Unfortunately, too many people can't except that. If you don't do it their way, it must be wrong! I personally know instructors that will kick out students if they visit other schools. And not just WC instructors... I've seen the same thing in Karate and Kenpo. It's a pretty sad state of mind, in my opinion.

So, to answer your question... I was just teasing a little, and making fun of the attitude that, "if you don't do it exactly my way, you are worse than bad... you are evil!" Sorry if it didn't come across as funny. Humor is a difficult thing, you know.


White Belt
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
Thank you for all your input. I am going to check out the school this coming week. I will let you guys know how it goes.

Geezer I apologize for misinterpreting your humor. For me it is hard to pick up someones personality/intentions without being able to read body language.

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