What is your highest tested belt rank?

The Master

Bow Before Me.
Sep 26, 2006
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Time and Space
Long have I seen the arguments concerning rank on numerous discussion sites. Long have I seen the arguments concerning earned vs awarded vs cross ranking.

Well, my opinion is simple. If you didn't sweat for it, it's not real.
Someone saying 'You've been a 4th for 2 years, good job, here's your 5th' seems cheap to me. Sending in your video tape some good-ole-boys sokeboard, moreso. I mean, has anyone ever sent their tape and cash in and NOT! gotten their promotion? Is someone with who has only sweat and bleed and felt the pain to 3 1st degree belts really suddenly qualified to buy themselves a grandmastership by mail order?

So, I have to ask this highly charged question:
What is your current rank, and when was the last test you stepped on a floor and showed your metal to a senior or panel of peers?
Blue belt. Had the lumps and bruised to show for it.
So, I have to ask this highly charged question:
What is your current rank, and when was the last test you stepped on a floor and showed your metal to a senior or panel of peers?

IV Dan in TKD, tested in front of the president of my association (VI Dan), my instructor (VI Dan) and a Master Instructor (VII Dan) from an affiliated association in February 2005. All of my tests - gup and dan - have been in front of live boards. The only part of any of my tests that was taped was my hol-sin-sul (self-defense routine) for III Dan, due to the need for 3 attackers/partners, and the fact that my testing was in Reno, NV, and my partners were all from Denver, CO and not all able to travel to Reno - so that one portion of the testing was taped and submitted to the Master Instructor (VIII Dan) who was the head of the test board.
1st Dan, CMAA system Korean martial arts (non-WHRDA affiliated). Tested October 2004 in front of a panel of seven. Master Ken Corona, SBN C. Gallino, SBN M. Hills were the highest ranked there.
6th Dan, about 7 years ago. I was tested on refereeing, self defense, sparring (WTF TKD) so yes with all the gear and going full at it. Breaking boards and bricks (jump spin back kick on the brick). History, 1st aid/CPR, yada yada yada. Also was taken into consideration was the the fact of how long I had been an instructor, how well my students perform in competition and in the Dojang, what advanced classes and seminars that I had taken to further my own education and advancement in TKD and also the martial arts as a whole. Was I ready for it, you bet. Was it still long and hard, yes. Will I be testing again, well, according to the KKW I will be on the floor doing it all again if I ever want to advance. I agree, if it is worth having it is worth working for. When something is given to you with our earning it then that is what it is worth.
Long have I seen the arguments concerning rank on numerous discussion sites. Long have I seen the arguments concerning earned vs awarded vs cross ranking.

Well, my opinion is simple. If you didn't sweat for it, it's not real.
Someone saying 'You've been a 4th for 2 years, good job, here's your 5th' seems cheap to me. Sending in your video tape some good-ole-boys sokeboard, moreso. I mean, has anyone ever sent their tape and cash in and NOT! gotten their promotion? Is someone with who has only sweat and bleed and felt the pain to 3 1st degree belts really suddenly qualified to buy themselves a grandmastership by mail order?

So, I have to ask this highly charged question:
What is your current rank, and when was the last test you stepped on a floor and showed your metal to a senior or panel of peers?

I have tested for brown, but randoried at dan level for a few years for the Marine Corps. In October I received my dan from a sixth dan whom I haven't seen in 10yrs. I have 33 gold medals from dan level randori, so I do believe I deserve the rank. He never tested me because he got transferred a month before I was going to do the prac ap and written.

I have tested for and passed my green belt in hapkido - 5th gup and blue belt in tae kwon do - 4th gup.

I understand where you are going with your thought process, but there are exceptions to every rule. Not trying to start a fight, I have seen people go from white to blue belt in tae kwon do in 5 months so I know what you are talking about.
Tested for brown in Song Moo Kwan TKD about six months ago, before my instructor (5th Dan, KKW certified, SMK lineage). I'm going up for red belt next Tuesday.
Long have I seen the arguments concerning rank on numerous discussion sites. Long have I seen the arguments concerning earned vs awarded vs cross ranking.

Well, my opinion is simple. If you didn't sweat for it, it's not real.
Someone saying 'You've been a 4th for 2 years, good job, here's your 5th' seems cheap to me. Sending in your video tape some good-ole-boys sokeboard, moreso. I mean, has anyone ever sent their tape and cash in and NOT! gotten their promotion? Is someone with who has only sweat and bleed and felt the pain to 3 1st degree belts really suddenly qualified to buy themselves a grandmastership by mail order?

So, I have to ask this highly charged question:
What is your current rank, and when was the last test you stepped on a floor and showed your metal to a senior or panel of peers?

I joined a system that doesn't have rank a few months ago. It was quite eye-opening. Instead of bickering in politicizing we just......train. :D
I tested for first black over seven years ago.

Four years ago, at a tournament, he awarded me my second, and I have NEVER thought that it was a bogus rank because I didn't test. Our black belts don't test, they are just observed by our instructors, when they learn the material, and are ready they get their rank. I am observed teaching, self-defense, and sparring every week, and when I'm ready, I'll be awarded my 3rd. I think thats a bit more of a real test than some 5 hour cardio fest. I think your premise is bogus, but what the hell, it is your premise.

Hm, every degree I've gotten. Also instructor certification. Much like Wade above, although in mine the instructor certification is at a different time (your degree is how many years between recertification etc).

My first was my first degree in 86, 2nd degree in 91, 3rd in 2000, 4th at the start of 2006. The panel on the last one was 1 8th, 6-7ths, and 5 6th degrees. Board breaks, form and sparring was the material.

There is a minimum time before one's eligible to advance in dan ranks as well, your current rank. So I won't be eligible until 2010 for 5th, 2015 for 6th etc.

22 years at this though, I'm not in any hurry hehe.
Dave, I got my 1st in 1970 so as you can see I have just been shooting up through the ranks..................................:) . I figure at the rate I'm going I'll see my 7th about the time I turn 70.
Tested 1991 for Shodan (goju ryu). Board consisted of 2nd and 3rd dans from my dojo, my instructor/4th dan, his instructor/8th dan.

Trained untill 93 and was out for a short time (about 13 yrs) Back now for 10 months or so and I'm happy just seeking knowledge and don't care about testing.
Tested for my 3rd black in Kenpo, Oct. 1999

Tested for 3rd brown in Arnis July 2006

Personally, I don't want anything handed to me. If I don't bust my tail to earn it, I don't want it. I've busted my tail training for all of my rank.

Orange, I know its not as spectacular as everyone elses but its as far as i have gotten. I have a ways to go and as i go i dont want anything handed to me. I want to earn it, you are not only earning the rank but you are earning the respect and that is something that can not be given no matter what people say it must be earned.

Would it be considered disrespectful to refuse the promotion to a higher rank? Say because you would rather be tested on it. Can some fo the more experienced people answer this for me. Im interested. Thanks

Would it be considered disrespectful to refuse the promotion to a higher rank? Say because you would rather be tested on it. Can some fo the more experienced people answer this for me. Im interested. Thanks


I'll do my best to answer your question. If this was something honorary, personally, I wouldn't want it. Why would I want to accept a rank in something that I don't train in? Many arts, once you reach a certain rank, there is no physical test, per se, but instead its more of time in grade and what you've given back to the art. The person in this situation is actually doing something, giving something back, so in that case, I see nothing wrong with accepting the rank.

Well the last time I tested was December of 04 in front of Master Combe, Master Combe that is right they are brother and Master Kim and Grand Master Kim it was over two days and it was an actual test for my 4th Dan KKW.

I do not plan on testing again, until the last test it was almost twenty years between test the only rason for the test to be able to get 1st, 2nd and 3rd dans from the KKW.

I hope this answer your question.
I'll do my best to answer your question. If this was something honorary, personally, I wouldn't want it. Why would I want to accept a rank in something that I don't train in? Many arts, once you reach a certain rank, there is no physical test, per se, but instead its more of time in grade and what you've given back to the art. The person in this situation is actually doing something, giving something back, so in that case, I see nothing wrong with accepting the rank.


What about this?

I train in SKK and my school is connected to GM Brassards. He went to test for his 7th degree (i think) and was awarded his 10th degree because of his contributions. Would it have been disrespectful for him in this situation to refuse the higher rand and the title?

Long have I seen the arguments concerning rank on numerous discussion sites. Long have I seen the arguments concerning earned vs awarded vs cross ranking.

Well, my opinion is simple. If you didn't sweat for it, it's not real.
Someone saying 'You've been a 4th for 2 years, good job, here's your 5th' seems cheap to me. Sending in your video tape some good-ole-boys sokeboard, moreso. I mean, has anyone ever sent their tape and cash in and NOT! gotten their promotion? Is someone with who has only sweat and bleed and felt the pain to 3 1st degree belts really suddenly qualified to buy themselves a grandmastership by mail order?

So, I have to ask this highly charged question:
What is your current rank, and when was the last test you stepped on a floor and showed your metal to a senior or panel of peers?

I took my final exam for 4th Dan under Grandmaster Kim Soo in December 2004. I had 3 pre-exams over the course of about 1 year prior to the final exam.

R. McLain
Tested for 5th Dan last month. Panel consisted of two 7th Dans and a 9th Dan, authorized by the Kukkiwon. Did both forms and then a Q and A session with the judges.

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