What is your favorite martial art weapon?


2nd Black Belt
Dec 8, 2008
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My favorite is not one really built to be a weapon per se and likely more in the self defense category (I thought of putting this in the self defense link, but since I'm broadening the question to any martial arts weapon, including ones that are illegal to carry on the streets, I put it in General Martial Arts discussion) the Blackthorne walking stick. This was suggested to me by my self defense guru, who teaches the use of it and even has a video on the use of it as a self defense weapon. It is long, easy to use, and has knots on the wood which will break the skin of somebody hit with it, the loss of blood serving to weaken the attacker, and it is legal. I haven't walked around with it for a long time, but it comes in handy in certain situations, I keep mine near the door in my home just in case the person knocking on the door decides to attack for some reason.

What is your favorite martial arts weapon?
My favorite is not one really built to be a weapon per se and likely more in the self defense category (I thought of putting this in the self defense link, but since I'm broadening the question to any martial arts weapon, including ones that are illegal to carry on the streets, I put it in General Martial Arts discussion) the Blackthorne walking stick. This was suggested to me by my self defense guru, who teaches the use of it and even has a video on the use of it as a self defense weapon. It is long, easy to use, and has knots on the wood which will break the skin of somebody hit with it, the loss of blood serving to weaken the attacker, and it is legal. I haven't walked around with it for a long time, but it comes in handy in certain situations, I keep mine near the door in my home just in case the person knocking on the door decides to attack for some reason.

What is your favorite martial arts weapon?

I like the idea of a cane or walking stick. These are things that are legal, can be carried anywhere and if you know how to use it, it can be a devastating weapon.

My preferance would be a stick and blade. I suppose I'm bias to those because I enjoy the FMAs. :) Both of those weapons can easily be transitioned to other things. Ex: While it won't have the slashing ability as a blade would, a pen or pencil can still stab and be effective.
Right now? Does my carry gun count? If not, then I am going with my Benchmade knife. Followed closely by any stick I can pick up.
I like the idea of a cane or walking stick. These are things that are legal, can be carried anywhere and if you know how to use it, it can be a devastating weapon.

My preferance would be a stick and blade. I suppose I'm bias to those because I enjoy the FMAs. :) Both of those weapons can easily be transitioned to other things. Ex: While it won't have the slashing ability as a blade would, a pen or pencil can still stab and be effective.

A pen can be a very effective weapon, as can a screwdriver.
Right now? Does my carry gun count? If not, then I am going with my Benchmade knife. Followed closely by any stick I can pick up.

I consider a gun a martial arts weapon. They certainly have been used in war a lot with great effectiveness. A knife and stick are also very effective.
I love my cane, Dan Bong and ProTek Key...
A cane is an orthopedic device. A walking stick is something different. In earlier days men of a certain class carried it as a sign of their station and a weapon. In Asbury's The French Quarter the walking stick is described as a substitute for the colichemarde.

A pistol? If shovels and sickles are considered weapons in the same breath as spears and swords there's no reason that guns can be excluded.
I walk with a cane or walking stick most of the time. I carry a knife on me almost all the time.
However in my car I have my tire iron, a hammer and a small sledge hammer. All but the sledge hammer are within close where I can get my hands on them.
Now in truth my favorite MA weapon is my mind. With the ability to observe and think I have avoided some things that could have become violent so my mind has got me out of trouble. Now my mouth when not working with my mind has got me into trouble so I must always think before speaking or acting.
Now my mouth when not working with my mind has got me into trouble so I must always think before speaking or acting.

I thought I was the only one that suffered that affliction..
For training - my sai

For the street - any simple stick will do, though I often carry a shortblade folding knife when I go out at night.

For fun - Anything I can get my hands on... My snowboard, a mountain bike rim, those large spatulas that are used for pulling pizza's out of ovens, a coffee mug... whatever...
For training - my sai

For the street - any simple stick will do, though I often carry a shortblade folding knife when I go out at night.

For fun - Anything I can get my hands on... My snowboard, a mountain bike rim, those large spatulas that are used for pulling pizza's out of ovens, a coffee mug... whatever...

Same here. When working on kata I always enjoy training with Sai, but for "street" defence then a stick or short knife. A pool cue is pretty useful if you're in a pub/bar. You can also play a popular game with it too... ;) :D

I quite often have a small, folding pocket knife on me. A bunch of keys is also a good weapon and if I'm walking alone at night I usually keep them in my hand ready "just in case".

I also just like taking things and having a mess around with them, see if I can think of any ways they could be used or applications for them. Before a serious accident stopped me, I used to train in a Shotokan/Goju hybrid and was required to create my own short weapon (traditional or non traditional weapon) kata (about half of the moves of a 'regular' kata) and demonstrate application. I used a hammer... Seemed to go down pretty well with the grading panel!!
I used a hammer...

Ouch! I'd hate to be that guy on the battlefield defending against the hammer...

That's pretty much the style of old Scottish weaponry though. The Scotts would carry swords and axes, but they also carried short hammers and hatchets. I'm pretty sure several other armies in history have carried the hammer (or an equivalent)...
Anything stick-like. With the proper mindset, you can use a pen, flashlight, screwdriver, broom handle, tire iron, pool cue, etc. Hell, once when I was helping a friend add on to his house, we did some impromptu bo training with 2x8s.
Wow, I have to pick one?
Let's say, whatever object is close at hand. I love to improvise!
Nuclear Missile.

Or one of those sonic devices that turns enemies into goo.

Actually, do sharks with lasers attached to their heads count as martial arts weapons, or are they at that point combatants, since they're alive?

Failing those, whatever's in arms reach when I need it.
well i love the staff/bo/kun.. and the kama and the tekko.. but in my car I carry a cold steel special forces shovel.. ( yep their version of the spetsnez shovel..) its a fixed bladed entrenching tool that is ballanced for throwing as well as as a battle axe effectivly. sharp on all sides of the blade except the back. and .. well its a shovel not a weapon if a cop looks in the car. other wise i have a black thorn walking stick that i love for some situations, and well a folder that is tool and in a tight spot could be a weapon.
A pen can be a very effective weapon, as can a screwdriver.

Yup, and they're both perfectly legal to carry. I can take a pen anywhere...in a store, a bank, a mall, on a plane, and with the exception of having to remove it to pass thru security at the airport, I get it right back. The screwdriver...well, I don't carry one on my person, but its perfectly legal to carry a tool kit, in the event your car breaks down.

Like I said, they may not have the ability that other weapons would, but thats ok. If jabbing that pen into someone buys me some time to get away or to execute another move, it served its purpose. :)
I have a kubotan on my key chain that I like. It seems less brutal than using my knife, so that's what I'd probably use if some punk just jumped me. Though the knife is always there on my belt.

I really like staff weapons at the moment and would be very interested in spear training. Don't really know why I like spears so much, I guess because you could use it like a bo and sword combined.