What exactly is ninjutsu


Yellow Belt
Nov 9, 2007
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What are the type of martial art it teaches ?
(eh idk how to word this question) like what does it do ?
is it what the ninjas used

so they teach you to sneak up behind someone and stealth kill them...
cuz thats the only thing i know ninjas did
Good luck with the question. I am way to new to the art to dare try and answer it other than to say that that question is what the art is about the journey of learning an art , the training , the sweat, the study its is all to try and figure 'What is ..... exactly" There are alot of higher rank BBT and such in the forums that might be able to shed some light. There are alot of clips on You tube and such just seach through the forums Brian is great at posting links to them. Hope It helps and you find the 'Art' you are seeking.
What are the type of martial art it teaches ?
(eh idk how to word this question) like what does it do ?
is it what the ninjas used

so they teach you to sneak up behind someone and stealth kill them...
cuz thats the only thing i know ninjas did

That's the only thing you think you know ninja did.

We practice Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. Ninjutsu in and of itself is mainly a method for the gathering and usage of information.
Let me float this to see if you folks think I've got a good outsider's handle on Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu:

BBT is a combat oriented martial integrating weapons and empty hand, with a focus on using the inter-relationships of timing, distance, and control of space to dominate and subdue an enemy.

I'm just trying to see if I've managed to get a decent handle on your style for myself...
Let me float this to see if you folks think I've got a good outsider's handle on Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu:

BBT is a combat oriented martial integrating weapons and empty hand, with a focus on using the inter-relationships of timing, distance, and control of space to dominate and subdue an enemy.

I'm just trying to see if I've managed to get a decent handle on your style for myself...

Basically, I would agree. In my words of opinion, it is a weapons based combat martial art that lends itself quite well to empty hand. The essence of the art as I understand it at this point in my training is understanding the subtle nuances and manipulating the relationships of timing, distance, and balance within space (space being hard to define as it is malleable and is ever changing) to survive.
Let me float this to see if you folks think I've got a good outsider's handle on Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu:

BBT is a combat oriented martial integrating weapons and empty hand, with a focus on using the inter-relationships of timing, distance, and control of space to dominate and subdue an enemy.

I'm just trying to see if I've managed to get a decent handle on your style for myself...
Yeah, that's a decent basic description. Of course, BBT != ninjutsu. :p
Yeah, that's a decent basic description. Of course, BBT != ninjutsu. :p

Like Kreth and Dave said you seem to have a good handle on it!
I asked roughly the same question here a few months ago, and my favorite answer was:


That seemed to sum up the essence of it for me, as another outsider.

(don't feel bad for not searching for it, it was buried in another thread.)
I asked roughly the same question here a few months ago, and my favorite answer was:


That seemed to sum up the essence of it for me, as another outsider.

(don't feel bad for not searching for it, it was buried in another thread.)

Now that one I like!!!!!1
It's perhaps worth mentioning that it is ideally employed so that an observer has no idea what happened.
As a newcomer to martial arts this is a question I've wondered about.

Most martial arts lend themselves to some sort of "generalization" or "labeling" that can concisely convey the main strategic/tactical emphasis. For example the generic "karate" is a striking art; aikido strives to blend with the attacker; BJJ, Sambo, wrestling etc are grappling arts; Wing Chun uses center line theory and on and on.

The descriptions I've read about Ninpo/Ninjutsu/BBT seem much more esoteric or even ......... evasive.

Hmmmmmm....... maybe thats the best summary of the art ........ evasion.:whip:

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