What Ashida Kim thinks about the Bujinkan


Mon Mon

All of you **** sucking bujinkan assholes...

Don't you EVER come here and pitch your fucked up Home Study Course or anything else that even smells like a Bujinkan ******* has been near it. **** ALL YOU COCKSUCKERS! YOU COME HERE AND **** ON ME FOR YEARS AND THEN EXPECT ME TO LET YOU ADVERTISE YOUR GODDAMN ********?! **** YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON!

I defy every ******g one of you! Come on down. Bring all your boys, bring all your toys, I'll bury you where you stand.

Ashida Kim

I wonder why he is so negitive:shrug:
Probably because he has a very negative reputation, based on the opinion that his books are useless drivel.

About the only point I would agree with is that solo home study is no way to properly learn any art.

Some other points I agree with that indicates the true character behind mr Kim:

"We should never lower our dignity by lowering our language."
"The superior man is modest in his speech, but excels in his actions."
“What we say and how we present ourselves not only betray our inner person but also mold that person, those around us, and finally our whole society.”
"Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly."

and finally :
"Speech is a mirror of the soul; As a man speaks, so he is."

--Publilius Syrus--
very good indeed your right speech is also a stratagey :asian:
Ashida kim is a punk i have talked to a student of his and he thinks he is a super ninja blah blah blah, I dont know about his real fighting skills but hes a basterdd. also heard he sucks at fighting just throws sand at peoples eyes.
Originally posted by Judo-kid
he sucks at fighting just throws sand at peoples eyes.

What's wrong with throwing sand instead of the opponent if it gets you out of harms way? :shrug:

Nothing against you at all....but I for one as a member of the Buj community could give a **** less what that idiot thinks about us.
i know i just posted it for a laugh.
LOL i dunno how good or bad Ashida kim is ...
but around couple of months back i got threatening mail from his so called student saying that he'll kill all of us without anyone knowing about this...
i m still waiting...
yea it happened on one of the forums...
the only thing i like on his site is Zen Koans it provide good reading :D
Ashida Kim One of the jokes of martial arts HAHAHAHAHA. I am laughing already him and his brain washed students.
I think the guy has a thing anime and cosplay and is too lazy too study real ninjutsu.