What about Mara Liasson?

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
What about Mara Liasson?

Media Matters EXCERPT:

October 21, 2010 10:31 am ET - by Eric Boehlert

News that Juan Williams' contract with NPR was terminated over comments he made about Muslims while appearing on Fox News shines a spotlight on the radio network's evergreen controversy: Its continued affiliation with Fox News. Specifically, NPR's Mara Liasson and her long-running association with Fox News has often raised questions. This might be the proper time for NPR to finally address that thorny issue.
I'm not suggesting Liasson has said anything as offensive as Williams, or that she has that kind of track record while appearing on Fox. I'm just saying that if you look at NPR's code of ethics, there's simply no way Liasson should be making appearances on Fox.
Here's why [emphasis added]:
9. NPR journalists must get permission from the Vice President for their Division or their designee to appear on TV or other media. It is not necessary to get permission in each instance when the employee is a regular participant on an approved show. Permission for such appearances may be revoked if NPR determines such appearances are harmful to the reputation of NPR or the NPR participant.
10. In appearing on TV or other media including electronic Web-based forums, NPR journalists should not express views they would not air in their role as an NPR journalist. They should not participate in shows electronic forums, or blogs that encourage punditry and speculation rather than rather than fact-based analysis.
Also, the NPR ethics code, written "to protect the credibility of NPR's programming by ensuring high standards of honesty, integrity, impartiality and staff conduct," forbids NPR journalists from participating in appearances that "may appear to endorse the agenda of a group or organization."
Is there any independent viewer still watching Fox News today who thinks it does not endorse a political agenda? I mean, c'mon.
A couple of things come to mind:

  1. Suppose Fox News DID actively and overtly endorsed a political agenda. Isn't the purpose of the First Amendment to ensure the Press is free to express any viewpoint?
  2. Anyone think MSNBC or NPR don't endorse a political agenda?