"We know how to treat a lady."


Senior Master
Aug 30, 2006
Reaction score
Olathe, KS

18-year-old college student pulls a train for a number of young men. For fear of telling her boyfriend, she claims she was raped. The men are arrested, but all charges are dropped after she recants her story when cell phone video of the encounter shows it to be consensual. CNN runs a story about the ordeal of the men as they stand charged of a crime they didn't commit. One makes this comment:

"We respect women," he said. "We know how to treat a lady. The thing they said with the rope, come on. That's disgusting. That's what we were looked at as: disgusting men."

Come on now, we would never use ropes while we take turns having sex with a woman in a bathroom. What do you think we are, degenerates or something?
Yeah, I like how these guys are being portrayed as the "poor innocents". DUDE! you had group sex and video taped it. Yeah it was consensual but come on you are still scumbags.
Yeah, I like how these guys are being portrayed as the "poor innocents". DUDE! you had group sex and video taped it. Yeah it was consensual but come on you are still scumbags.

I'll play the Devil's advocate...


Why are these guys scumbags for participating in a consensual sex act?

Why isn't she the scumbag for alomost ruining their lives because she didn't want her boyfriend to think she was a perv?
I'll play the Devil's advocate...


Why are these guys scumbags for participating in a consensual sex act?

Why isn't she the scumbag for alomost ruining their lives because she didn't want her boyfriend to think she was a perv?

You’re correct in my opinion.

She consented, and then lied about it to the police. She came very close to ruining the lives of these men because she was too embarrassed to admit the truth.

Sadly I’ve seen this before, someone lies to protect themselves over something stupid, and the lie snowballs, and the innocent people who are in the way get run over by the system.

She should be prosecuted.
Authorities have not released the accuser's name.
The men were locked up, their names published, their reputations forever damaged, and yet, the woman, who actually committed a crime, her name hasn't been released. That's nice.
The men were locked up, their names published, their reputations forever damaged, and yet, the woman, who actually committed a crime, her name hasn't been released. That's nice.

Here ya go.

For the record, I wasn't suggesting that the woman was faultless, and I hope she is prosecuted for what she did. But the quote I posted stuck out to me because of the indignance that someone might think poorly of him. CC, you go ahead and play devil's advocate but, consensual or not, I think that participating in a gangbang is low-rent. YMMV.
go ahead and play devil's advocate but, consensual or not, I think that participating in a gangbang is low-rent. YMMV.

Thats all I was saying too.

My wife and I were just discussing this case. Some talking head was saying "how come the police didnt do a better investigation? Why did they arrest them right away?

Well...to be 100% That is the way it works sometimes. A victim comes forward and claims "those guys raped me". We send her to the hospital for a rape kit that shows there was intercourse. She names names, she signs depositions/statements and we make an arrest. There was sex involved and it's "he says she says".

Minus an outright brutal attack, rape cases are tough. Either he is getting a raw deal or we dont do justice for her.

If it wasnt for the video coming out...
I think that the female involved needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This type of accusations is an insult to every female that has been sexually assaulted and has had to prove that she did not ask for it. This does not even take into account what the men have had to endure because of this. Don't take me wrong group sex in the bathroom is distasteful and none involved are innocent as the pure driven snow.
It's one of the things I hate about how this society views sexual encounters and how out of proportion something can get when a lie is told. The men were lucky that they were video taped and it was deemed consensual sex and not rape by the authorities.
Reputations were damaged true but it's IMO a helluva lot better being in prison... reputations can be rebuilt. They're young and have time to do so.

As far as the ropes go... look in your bedroom closet and chest of drawers under all the stuff on top of it and then judge... one person's kink is another's perversion. There are women who have rape/gangbang fantasies, as long as rules are set and safewords used lots of folks find it fun. I don't but I do know of some who do. :rolleyes:
The men freely jumped at the chance and took the risk. They got lucky. They almost paid a very high price to indulge in a fantasy.

If I have any contempt for anyone in this, it's for the female and that's only because she lied and almost ruined the lives of those men.

What people do is their own business. As long as they aren't harming anyone against their will...whatever... I may find it distasteful but it ain't my place to tell others how to live when it doesn't affect me or an "innocent"... so to speak.

If I expect the same respect in turn, then I must give it.

Had she been raped it would be different. She volunteered and I find it hard to believe that anyone is really surprised that these guys took advantage of the situation. :rolleyes:

Now, if you want to discuss/debate the ethics of group sex... that's another topic. :)

BTW, I do want to clarify that I do see the irony in the statement "We know how to treat a lady." lol
Just dont confuse"it isnt my place to tell other people how to live" with "you shouldnt say that you dislike what someone does".

Confusing imposing your way on others with simply saying you dont like what others do is at the root of all PC ******** IMO.

I have "contempt" for her and "distaste" for them all.
Whats that old saying...one that I usually say on here...think before you speak...well, in this case, the young lady should have thought before she acted. A 'heat of the moment' thing, she realizes that she pretty much ****ed up, and then lies about it.

I can't get the link to open from work, but I'll say this...if the males involved didn't do anything to her other than sex, ie: hit her, force her to do something against her will, etc., then I don't see how they're scumbags. They're scum because they engaged in group sex? Well, so did she. I'm not seeing how we can say the males are scumbags but the girl is innocent.

Now, as its already been said...had this been a forced rape, then yes, my tune would change, but in this case, I'm sticking with what I said.
I dont think anybody said the girl is innocent. She should be prosecuted for falsely reporting. Im just saying it's kind of funny how these guys are on the news in their suits doing interviews as if they are these upright, "god fearing" kids talking about their "gang bang".

Like I said.."contempt" for her "distaste" for them all IMO.
And I do see the humor in these guys saying "we know how to treat a lady" on the news.

It's not they way I would want any guy trying to date my daughter to define "how to treat a lady".

Funny how we each look at the "declining of our society" in different ways.
I dont think anybody said the girl is innocent. She should be prosecuted for falsely reporting. Im just saying it's kind of funny how these guys are on the news in their suits doing interviews as if they are these upright, "god fearing" kids talking about their "gang bang".

Like I said.."contempt" for her "distaste" for them all IMO.

So "god fearing" kids would never take part in a gang bang? Is that your point?

Or is it that anyone that would participate in a gang bang loses the right to defend their character when falsely accused? Or perhaps you feel that these fellows have no character at all so what's the point in defending their reputation? Is rape and consensual group sex the same in your book?
Man, all I can think about in this story is how the boyfriend felt.

That poor guy needs some prayer:

FIRST he is tormented by the thought of his girlfriend being gang-raped;


THEN he is confronted with his girlfriend being a complete SLUT and the mental images of a half-dozen other guys taking turns in sequence with his willing girlfriend.

The boyfriend is the real victim in this story, twice over.

For HIS sake I hope they throw the slut in jail.

Maybe there is nothing wrong with being a slut, but hurting someone (her boyfriend) like that should be felonious.

I'd rather be beaten to a pulp physically that endure what the boyfriend must have gone through.
Man, all I can think about in this story is how the boyfriend felt.

That poor guy needs some prayer:

FIRST he is tormented by the thought of his girlfriend being gang-raped;


THEN he is confronted with his girlfriend being a complete SLUT and the mental images of a half-dozen other guys taking turns in sequence with his willing girlfriend.

The boyfriend is the real victim in this story, twice over.

For HIS sake I hope they throw the slut in jail.

Maybe there is nothing wrong with being a slut, but hurting someone (her boyfriend) like that should be felonious.

I'd rather be beaten to a pulp physically that endure what the boyfriend must have gone through.

Great point!

...but then you're assuming he minds one or the other. Granted, I think it very likely the boyfriend would be bothered by his girlfriend being raped but people get off on some pretty sick things.

That being said, you're assuming the gang bang would bother him as well.

I admit that I wouldn't be too keen on either one! But we don't know the boyfriend and know nothing of his character or what gets him off. We're assuming.

Now, if it was me ...I know for sure 110% she wouldn't be my girlfriend any more.
So "god fearing" kids would never take part in a gang bang? Is that your point?

Or is it that anyone that would participate in a gang bang loses the right to defend their character when falsely accused? Or perhaps you feel that these fellows have no character at all so what's the point in defending their reputation? Is rape and consensual group sex the same in your book?

I think their "character" is plain for all to see. Its an issue of if you think their behavior is distasteful of not.

Lets not confuse being "innocent" in the eyes of the law and "equal justice" with being a person of character.

I believe I have probably done more to uphold justice for ALL regardless of my opinion of their beliefs or behavior than you probably have. I obey, uphold and enforce the law impartially for everybody. So DONT go assuming I dont know the difference between rape and consensual sex.

Yes I do think that their choice of sexual behavior is "low rent".."distasteful"..." and a sign of a decline in values. So what? Where have I said she is "innocent" or shouldnt be prosecuted? Or that these guys (regardless of my opinion of their behavior) were not wronged?

They should sue her and she should be arrested. I have said that numerous times but you seem to be focused on my distaste for ALL of their behavior.

At what point in our society did stating a dislike for a persons behavior AUTOMATICALLY imply some sort of bias when it comes to doing what is right? Just because some people decide to let their opinions of someones lifestyle influence their decisions when dealing with them doesnt mean that EVERYBODY does.

If you want to participate in this stuff FINE. I will still treat you like everybody else but I will still dislike what you do.
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Great point!

...but then you're assuming he minds one or the other. Granted, I think it very likely the boyfriend would be bothered by his girlfriend being raped but people get off on some pretty sick things.

That being said, you're assuming the gang bang would bother him as well.

I admit that I wouldn't be too keen on either one! But we don't know the boyfriend and know nothing of his character or what gets him off. We're assuming.

Now, if it was me ...I know for sure 110% she wouldn't be my girlfriend any more.

A fair assumption, given that she accused 4 men of rape to keep him from finding out the truth.